The wise Brahmins have made messes all along. Himalayan Blunders.
Idol worship. Caste system, Untouchabilty, Widow BBQ etc, antagonising all others in the process.
Kashmir and Dalailama are the latest and the costliest. Antagonizing
Pakistan and China for eternity in the process. Indians are doomed to
pay through their brown noses for ever for these Himalayan Blunders.
Kashmir was retained with India and not Pakistan despite it being an
adjacent land of Pakistan and majority Muslim population. Pandit Nehru, a
Kashmiri Brahmin's soft corners and attachments led to that decision.
Else, all Muslims would have been shifted to Pakistan and no expenditure
in Military was required to fight them. Because with Kashmir, Pakistan
would have dropped further claims. India would have been free of
Muslims. Two birds with one shot.
But for the wise Brahmin guys.
Similarly Dalailama. Brahmin Nehru's adversary Ambedkar, a Dalit
converted the lower caste into Buddhism as he felt justice is a misnomer
with the self serving Brahmins. Nehru, a politician, lost the command
over Buddhist votes. Mean time Dalailama was ousted by China. Nehru
grabbed that chance to please the Buddhists.
China was as poor as India in those times. Indian wiseguys did not consider it even as a remote threat.
These are history now. Being wise after the incident is not considered quite wise.
To be honest, the Europeans were not as bad as the Mughal invaders to
the Indians. But see what the Brahmins did. They instigated the locals
to side with the Mughals to chase away the British !
And then what ? Live with the useless barbarian Mughals ?
The British was far better. They had technology, systems, civilisation.
The Europeans should have been welcomed to be a part of India and learn
from them. Respect them. Give the credit where it was due and move on.
Instead, the Brahmins decided to keep the Mughals and retire the British. LOL ! The real reason was fear and jealousy.
Now the Brahmins think the Mughals are a problem ! Because they don't
respect the Indian values. Multiply in number and try to take over the
country ! Brahmins try to neutralize the Mughal threat by pitting the
lower castes against them. Their usual trick. The only trick. Divide and
rule. That is what they know.
The British identified cool hill
stations as their homes. A similar climate to their own country. No
Indian used to go to these cool mountnains ever. They were used to live
miserable lives in heat and sweat serving the Kings and Brahmins. Thus
the cool Indian mountains were not even accessible to the locals. No
roads. The British made the roads and settled there.
Now the after thoughts.
Kashmir and Assam are cool areas. India could have handed these places
to the British for settling as a friendly gesture. After all the Bristih
developed the land. The British would have accepted Kashmir and Assam,
being cold places to settle or have holiday homes.
Then what ?
Pakistan would be dealt with by the British settlers in Kashmir.
China would be dealt with by the French settlers in Assam.
Indians would have lived a free safe life.
That is intelligence. What do you think ?
Wiseguys please comment.
Yes or No ?
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