What ?
The great grandson of Kashmiri Brahmin Pandit Motilal Nehru is not a
Hindu ? Come on ! This is top secret stuff. Read and forget. Else you
can be eliminated too for spreading 'false' rumours and even as
conspiracy. Read unpalatable truths which are not intended for public
This story is revealed by Subramaniam Swamy. The veracity is to be verified. But is an interesting one nonetheless.
Here it is.
Motilal Nehru is not a Hindu by birth.
Then ?
He is a descendent of Bahadur Shah Safar, the last Mughal Sultan.
Converted to Hinduism to avert persecution by the British. Rajiv Gandhi
and Farook Abdulla look similar ? Because they are actually cousins !
Then ?
Firoz Gandhi is not a Parsi. But a Muslim ! Firoz Khan ! Indira
Priyadarshini fell in love with him while studying at Cambridge in
England and married him. Converted herself to Islam with the name
Mymoona Beegum !
Read on.
Jawaharlal Nehru was upset.
He was thinking about getting his daughter married to someone with a
Gandhi surname. So that the charisma of Nehru-Gandhi combination would
fetch the support of the slave minded people having bent spines for
generations of serving the rulers. Now She has upset his plans. Became
Mymoona Khan ! The silly girl ! Does she know what she lost with a
single stroke ? (No pun intended)
Nehru called Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi told him. "Forget your dreams about her being in throne after
you. Hindu majority is not going to accept a Muslim woman as their
leader even if it is from the Nehru Dynasty"
Now Nehru was
really worried ! Without the throne, he cannot think of India and
Indians. the throne is most important. Gandhi read his mind. He told
"Don't worry young man! I know you cant live without the
luxury and feeling of the King. Because you have the royal blood of
rulers which is a well kept secret. I can understand. What you want is a
Gandhi surname for your daughter. Isn't it ? I give it to her free !"
Nehru glared at him. How ?
Gandhi said "I adopt Firoz Khan as my child ! So he becomes Firoz
Gandhi ! Indira marries him. She becomes Indira Gandhi ! Problem solved "
Nehru hugged Gandhi ! "You are really a Mahatma for me. You saved our
dynasty even sacrificing your chance to become another dynasty. Amazing.
May be a little unwise ?"
Gandhi said. "Forget it . Your well being is mine too"
So Indira married Firoz 'Gandhi'. They had two sons Rajiv and Sanjiv .
Sanjay, not Sanjiv.
No Sanjiv ! Not Sanjay !
How ?
His original name was Sanjiv. Rhyming with Rajiv. He was caught in a
car theft case in England and his passport was impounded. Then his name
was changed to Sanjay and a new passport was issued to him to wriggle
him out from there.
These are true stories ? God only knows the truth.
Then ?
So Rajiv 'Gandhi' is the son of a 'purely' Muslim father and a Muslim
descendent mother whose great grand father had converted to Hinduism
from Islam !
Wonderful ! And Sonia 'Gandhi' is a Christian. Right ?
So Rahul Gandhi is the son of a Muslim descendent father and a Christian mother. And he says he is a Hindu Brahmin !
Muslim + Christian = Hindu ?
Now the last doubt.
Congress party is always in favor of Muslims. Have you noticed ? WE are
given to understand that it is the secularist outlook of the Nehru
dynasty. Right ? But is the Nehru family really Muslims and thus help
the fellow Muslims gain strength by keeping the Hindus in check ?
This would be the riddle Indians will have to crack.
Best wishes.
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Gopi Krishnan K, Aravind Vn, Sukumari Deviprabha and 5 others like this.
Prathibha Prasad
Prathibha Prasad's photo.
23 hours ago · Unlike · 4
NP Nair During the 2009 General elections these facts have come out
through Subramanyam Swamy.He got all credentials.Birth certificates of
Raul and Bianka from Italian Church,Indira's and Rajiv's conversion
certificates.Cases are filed to prevent Sonia to become an MP because
she is not an Indian citizen yet.Same with her children it seems.Also as
per constitution a foreigner can not become PM,CJ and President of
India unless a reciprocative system is available in their original
country even if they take Indian citizenship.That is the reason Sonia
could swear in as PM last time.Mr.Swamy lodged a complaint before the
then President Abdul Kalam and he advised Sonia to refrain.She
shamelessly told Indian public that she didn't want any power and she
decided to rule this country with a remote control called MMS.
16 hours ago · Unlike · 1
Lalu Natarajan https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/.../1458592...
12 hours ago · Like · Remove Preview
Tom Jose Why remain in doubt? If he is circumscribed , he is Muslim. Just check
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