Sunday, 8 December 2013



Idols are not God. They are simply idols. Idols have some meaning.They are not the same as the blind idol worship prevailed in Arabia before Nabi.

Hindu idols are just a method to focus. Even the most stupid / ignorant Hindu does not think the idol is God. (I hope :P)

Muslims use Khabars, Dargh, Nascent moon, Quraan, Black stone in Mecca, Pictures of Buraq, mosques, Quraan verses etc as symbols. Don't they ? It is no better than the Hindu Idols.

These symbols are all reminders. of God, Not God itself. No Hindu ever thinks the idol is God. Don't worry or laugh at them. They simply use an object as idol, purify it and treat with reverence, That is only to purify their own minds, Treat something with pure body and mind with respect so that the daily life goes smoothly. That is all.

Muslims may ask Hindus "is your God a multi organ-ed human ? Or worse birds, animals , snake and rat ? "

Many hands indicate only abundant powers. Many heads may mean multi tasking or great intelligence. These are images created by artists to convey that God is more powerful than normal humans. It does not mean that God really is a monster with many heads and hands. That is a childish way of seeing things.

See the purpose and meaning of Hindu idols. It is just to catch the attention of the illiterate and focus the mind on higher things.

Animals and birds are not worshiped as Gods. It is a lesson or method to inculcate a culture treating all as God's own children and thus respecting them. Than killing them and eating them. This may have been required when the people were barbarian hunters. To make them soften, kind and become Humans from Apes and then proceed to divinity.

Islam developed recently 1400 years ago when language was well developed. Hinduism is at least 10000 years old. In those per-histnoric times, pictures and idols were used to convey the meaning intended by the learned ones.

For example Islam says "God is all powerful" . It is understood by all today. Because we all know language. Hinduism in ancient times, will paint a picture of a strong man with many hands to convey the same idea. Both means the same thing.

Similarly Islam would say God is neither male or female. Because the language allows to express that information. When there was no language, Hinduism would make a picture of Artha Nareeswara, half man half woman, to convey the very same idea in another way.

It does not mean God is a she male. Ha ha.

Sree Narayana Guru said : "Pala matha saaravum ekamaam" Means all religions speak the same truth. Or the underlying message of all religions are the same.

One only has to look for the meanings ignoring the variety and differences in rituals, dress and lifestyles. All religions try to make human minds become pure, have compassion and kindness to others and live in higher levels than animal level lives of instincts. Thus all religions are intended to lift humans to higher levels of existence.

That the stupid priests try to divide people according to their own faith is the reality on ground. Because priests are not Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha. But an ordinary jealous greedy neurotic ogling at women.

Take it this way. Jesus, Buddha or Mohammed are almost the same people. The minds are almost the same. All reached a state of kindness and compassion to all beings. If they ever meet, they will only hug one another.

Thus Jesus is not limited to Christians. Mohammed is not limited to Muslims or Buddha is not limited to Buddhists.

Follow Mohammed, Jesus or Buddha directly. There is no harm. None of them will lead any one to destruction. But do not become a Christian, a Mohammadeeyan or Buddhist.

Then one loses the messages from God through each of these great souls and become a blind believer or even a fanatic. Then there is no escape. others will appear stupid.

Peace. Wholesome peace that is. Not piecemeal peaces.

See the God smiling at you. Not some priests picking your pockets.


Good day

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