Sunday, 8 December 2013



Vedas and Upanishads contain insights. Modern science has material knowledge.

The difference is like between Zero and the Integer numbers. Imagining numbers from 1 to 9 is material knowledge. No 'insight' required for the same. Any one can 'see' the numbers outside. But not zero. Knowing zero needs 'insight'. No wonder the Indians invented zero while others invented numbers from 1 to 9. The zero completes the numbers.

In Shwethasvatara Upanishad, a boy named Shwetaketu desires to know the secret behind death. Remember, there were millions of boys like him. None really wanted to know the secret. What was the need ?! Even without that knowledge, all could do everything normally. What is the need to learn the secret behind the sun's heat and light when anyone can have it even without knowing it ?

But Shwetaketus do occur once in a while. The inner urge to know the secrets or truth behind this apparently 'normal' universe and life. The find something abnormal in the labyrinth of normalcy. They are invariably targeted and laughed at by the 'normal' majority who have no such doubts. they call such truth seekers as 'abnormal' or even 'crazy'. And if by chance someone finds some information which is contrary to the u understanding of the world, they were persecuted and even eliminated. No one would defend them.

Examples ? Socrates, Jesus, Kopar Nicus, Galileo, Al Hillaj, Sarmad, Osho... The list is painfully long. They are the sorrow of the Almighty. If ever Almighty shed tears, it was on these great bold honest people. Their crime ? When most could 'easily' see that the sun is moving around Earth, they said the Earth is moving around the sun ! Hell broke loose many a time.

This is unbelievable stuff. The number of simple, honest lonely truth seekers run down by the ignorant majority of aggressive males trying to impress the females.

All this we all know very well now and try to forget.

Siddhartha did not read Shwethasvatara Upanishad. Shwetaketu and Siddharta had the same queries in mind. What is death and after ? Shwetaketu goes to the kingdom of Yaman, or Time, and seeks answers. As the answers are not for public consumption, Yaman refuses to divulge the secrets. Instead Shwetaketu is offered riches, beautiful women and good life. The boy persists on his demand. Finally Yaman discloses the secrets to him. Shwetaketu becomes enlightened. Becomes a Buddha. The awakened one.

But see how Siddharta reinvented this wheel.

Shwetaketu lived much before Siddhartha's time. It was written down too in Upanishads for any further truth seeker having such doubts to read. But this knowledge was hidden by some vested interests ! Can you believe it ? So by the time Siddhartha was born, he did not know about Shwetaketu had asked the same questions much before. And got answers too.

Either this knowledge was hidden or none knew how to explain it at that time. Hence Siddhartha had to find out himself the secret behind death.

The result, another Religion after Buddha. was it required ? Buiddhism developed into the 'limited' knowledge that Buddha had. Anti life, anti women. Boring and life less.

The moral. Do not hide knowledge. It belongs to the world and truth seekers. It is only for them that these are recorded. Not to be hidden by some egoistic antique collector.

Everyone has the birth right to know who or what he is. Don't deny knowledge to any who seeks the same. Another Buddha may may happen and the priests would confuse the people again explaining the new Buddha the way they like and understand.

Knowledge is a two edged sword. It cuts both ways. Be careful when you hide or wield it. You will be responsible till the world exists for what you do.

Namaste !

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  • UTto Pian Explosive knowledge should be hidden.. otherwise egotistic men will misuse it.. ACTUAL KNOWLEDGE is never hidden... anyone can access it... and i dont think buddhism is a limited knowledge.. i would view it as an epitome of sanathana dharma
  • Lalu Natarajan Hmm. Well. Buddhism is anti life, anti women. Sitting in boring isolation. No celebration. Osho lambasted Buddhist ways that deny women and sex but end up in homosex in monasteries. Buddhism was fashionable as the founder was a King who abandoned the riches and life for enlightenment. That is one way. Whether the right way is open to debate at best. @ UTto Pian

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