Sunday, 8 December 2013



Individuals having relationships cannot progress in spirituality beyond their relationship. There 'others', and 'my ness' happens which is the minus ! One may get more satisfying experiences than ordinary people. Still one cant escape death with such life styles.

Women by birth are blessed. Every attempt to exploit or scare her by the male chauvinists will be resisted by Almighty. Because the whole purpose of creation is to show off the creativity. Not how some male creations can harass females. Compassion and kindness is required to live at least like humans.

Women still have some complexes. Like being ashamed of her body. Not all women. But some. The neurotic males take advantage of this. Girls have committed suicide after rape or exposure of her body by hidden cameras. This is one area that she needs strengthening. Don't give in to the neurotic males. If someone says I have your nude picture, let the girl smile and reply coolly "Really ? Go and shag" and report the matter to the others.

Women are not sex slaves of men. It is actually the other way around. The attitude to keep women as her body to be used as and when required and then spat at is what reigns in some neurotic and egoistic males. Women should realize this and be firm. Make the males gentlemen respecting her as another being and life. Not wild beasts who threaten the rest to submission of their own libidos.

No one can communicate with 'others'. One has to be a part of the other to have any meaningful communication. Otherwise they remain as two individuals, however deep they explore one another. The differences will remain. That is the limitation of earthly life. It is painful too. Unlimited love is simply divine and it is possible too. But that requires some sacrifices. Ego plays the main spoil sport. Those who can go past the ego can love more deeply. If No ego at all, then both become one, technically.

Sex is low. In fact the base. No need to despise it either. Love is simply this raw sex refined. Clear of limitations, ego, fear and jealousy. Like the lotus emerges from the stinking mud. Most remain at the mud level. Never ever knowing the fragrance of love..

Hate the stinking Mud and try to grow the Lotus in jewels. It wont grow.

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