Sunday, 8 December 2013



Sublimate raw sex into higher levels. Like a lotus blossoms from stinking mud.

Christianity did maximum damage to natural sex drive by branding it as sin, a view that suited the 'pretending celibate' clergy. Osho over ruled the same saying this is like teaching a dog not to bark to become respectable !

And Pope banned Osho !


Osho said. "If one completes the sex act in 3 minutes, he would want to do it again the next day. Because it is incomplete and unsatisfactory".

"If he takes 8 minutes, then he would forget it for two weeks. Because it satisfies him far more"

"If he can remain in coitus for 3 hours, he would forget sex for life. Because he has learned it completely !"

3 hours ! Just once. Enough for a life time.

Osho also described four levels of sex.

The first is masturbatory, involving only oneself during childhood.

The second is homo sex, involving similar sex friends in puberty.

The third is hetero sex on becoming an adult, which is the most exciting and adventurous of the three.

BUT, Osho says, do not get stuck in any of these levels. But go past all three and reach a state of divinity beyond sex.

This 'Beyond sex' is actually Osho's advice. Most do not understand the same, because they are stuck in the first three stages and have not gone beyond sex. So they imagine Osho is only indicating what they do but just for a longer duration.

Absolutely not.

Sublimate raw sex into romance and Love. Reach divinity. That was what Osho said.
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  • Kalairajan SP I don't have that much knowledge to tell about Osho. But Beyond sex is not new. we had a patinathar who enjoyed lot of sex with prostitutes. once he couldn't stop the habit of sex but no body wanted to do with him as he got disease. He became unrest. He had a elder sister who advised him but he didn't listen. Suddenly She got angry with him and told him come and do with me as I am also a female. His mind changed. He conquered all his desire and went to die but he got bliss. He was a very big business man and very good poet. He started writing poet. All his poets are so interesting, humor and meaningful. It looks like he is against the statue worshipping but he is a siddar.
  • Tania Goldman The world is nothing but Sex and Ego. You cannot obtain Celibacy by limited effort. Observe the rules of right living... If the Seminal energy is transmuted into Spiritual energy by Pure thoughts, it is called 'Sex- sublimation'... That is what Sivananda said...
  • Tania Goldman Desire causes attachment and bondage...The happiest (wo)man is he/she who has control over thoughts, instincts, moods,etc... It is said that 1 drop of seminal fluid is equal to 40 drops of blood...

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