Sunday, 8 December 2013



It is quite plainly explained. Choose a clean place where one can sit for long undisturbed. Free flowing air to breathe. Sit on the skin of a leopard or deer Sorry we are not in those times.... Use a mat to spread on the floor to avoid direct contact with earth. Sit with the spine erect, if it is there. Relax. Start breathing deeply. Concentrate on the breathing. Bring the mind from where it is to yourself. Focus attention on the mind. Watch the thoughts. Do not fight the thoughts or be ashamed of them. Let the thoughts pass. A stage will be reached when the number of thoughts are reduced and occasional only.

If distractions come, imagine all are like fingers in the palm. There are no strangers or bad people. Just people doing things according to their Karma. Bring the mind back to oneself. Females are also males with a different body. So leave them alone. Mistakes can happen while living. That is not a crime or sin. If mistakes are made, rectification also can be made. So relax. Let the mind settle. No need to get stuck in the past or worry about the future. Because in both cases, the mind flies off from the present. And our purpose of meditation is to remain in the present. For this the mind is to be freed. Understand that anything that we do with the body has a beginning and end. Even the body will end. So there is no real use in holding on to the body-mind experiences. Because the experience that we dream of may not fulfill the way we imagine.

While meditating, initially we may slip into sleep. But keep the target clear. To reach the soul or pure consciousness from the present body consciousness. What is the use? That is our real identity. We falsely think we are the body or mind. We are neither. Body and mind are a projection in time and space. these may end tomorrow. Then where will you be? Dead? That is the ignorance. Because it is not clear to you. So meditation is the path to reach the eternal life. A deathless state of ever existence. This is to be taught to the mind. Otherwise the mind will jump out at the next attraction and call off the meditation as boring and waste of time ! Mind will play with the seeker. It is not easy. It is not difficult either. What is required is to be aware, alert, awake, unattached, not insensitive, I hope you get the point. No need to pretend what you are not. Just remain as you are. You are just fine as you are. So be confident and proud. Happy and peaceful. Gentle and sure. Not egoistic and arrogant. Kind and caring. Now you ar maturing.....

When relatively mature and sober unbiased, meditation will become deeper. Thoughts may be there still. But rare. Now start watching the gap between thoughts. One thought passes. Another is yet to come. Now you have a gap between thoughts. Right ? Look into this gap. Focus on this apparently innocuous empty space in mind between thoughts. Can you see anything there? It is here, in this apparently barren empty space that the God resides. What is that God? The Soul. Pure Consciousness. As Guru said, the sun of knowledge will rise with the brightness of countless suns in this empty space in mind when thoughts subside. So thoughts and attachments in mind are what prevents one from experiencing this true status of us. So analyse, detach and purify the mind in order to see God. It is that simple or difficult according to the individual

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