Thursday, 12 September 2013



Githanjali is rated as a classic by Osho too.

Any one interested to know the other three books rated as classics by Osho ?

"The Prohet" by Kahlil Jibran.

"Mother" by Dostoevsky

"Brothers Karamasov"

Osho rated these four books as Classics. Even above Bible and Quran

?? Even above Quran ?

Quran is a mixture of Mohammed's insights, his sexual desires, hallucinations and imaginations. Believers are asked to swallow the entire thing as truth. Those who swallow get stuck for ever. Because the hook is inside the bait. Ordinary mortality is inside the divinity cover.

You know Osho said." Do not just call a spade a spade. Instead call a spade a 'bloody' spade ! Emphasize on the 'bloody'. Then you see it clearly, as it is".

Osho did not believe in anything. He just remained as he was. Then love happens all by itself. Because that is what one really is. A fountain of love.

Anything that Osho approved is to be authentic. Because he never tried to please anyone.

Trying to define Osho is difficult ...... his philosophy is simple : he said " Be Christ, don't be Christians, be Krishna don't be Hindu, be the Buddha don't be a Buddhist .... and more than anything else he believed in the 'present moment' ...... a contradictory yet highly revered personality

It will take a few thousand years for humanity to understand what Osho said and did. The commune he demonstrated in Oregon where about 5000 highly educated global citizens (mostly Caucasians) lived like a single family with no restrictions or personal property is simply futuristic.

In Osho commune, everyone donated their wealth to the commune. None had any personal belongings or relations. There were no restrictions. But only responsible behaviour expected from all. all were free responsible masters. No slaves. No God.

Sex was according to the choice of the females. Not thrust upon her by the males.

Even though sex was not restricted in the commune, but responsible sex was advised, child bearing was to be as per the collective decision of the commune. A DNA lab would decide the best partners who can make the best baby possible among the members. If they refuse to mate, test tube babies can be had.

The commune ... he said is an authentic place where he foresaw growth of individuals ... a model family ... Oshoism is as complicated as the theory of relativity to the common people. But a simple straight forward high level of free living to those who know.

No prayers. No faith. No religious rituals. The commune had a desert, thousands of acres where the members worked all day to plant trees and water them. They constructed a dam across a small river, an air port and buildings. They took turns to do the cooking, cleaning and other chores. The so called 'modern' American society (read Pope's ghosts) was stunned.

Yankees could not believe someone could live happily without praying to Jesus doing sins and paying penalty on a regular basis. LOL!

It was evident that if Osho commune continued, the Pope will have to drive taxi for an living. So two charges were dug out against Osho. Here they are. (Don't laugh) ! 1). Osho wrongly declared the approximate period of stay in States. 2). In the Commune he arranged sham marriages, not as per the rules of the country. For these two charges, they chained Osho from neck to legs and paraded him to jail. Pope and Company laughed behind him. Can you see how Jesus was crucified ?


Some Osho definitions about big guys :

Jesus: An overambitious young man who did not deserve to be crucified.

Jesus: If Jesus comes before me I will slap him ! (reason: Jesus called himself as the shepherd and people as sheep. To Osho, a true Master will not say that way. A true Jesus would have said that all are potential Jesuses. Hence the slap

Prohet Mohammed: "Treated women like cattle"

Buddha: "Scared of women".

Mahavira :(Osho was born in the Jain community which regards Mahavira as their Prophet or founder of religion) "A jealous mad ritualist"

Read one book by Osho. "From Unconsciousness to Consciousness" Or "the fish in the ocean is thirsty". Or any of the 600 plus books compiled from his extempore speeches. You will laugh all the way to enlightenment.

That is Osho for you.

The nearest phenomenon to an incarnation so far.

Born enlightened.


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