Thursday, 12 September 2013



Is No-Mind state more desirable than With-Mind state ?

In fact both states (with mind or no mind) are special. In no-mind state, one remains at the core and enjoy the never ending ecstasy. With mind, one becomes an ordinary mortal and experience the world.

The only issue is: one has to know how to attach and detach the mind as per requirement and situations. Then one can enjoy both worlds

Sri Rama Krishna said. To enjoy Jack fruit, one needs to smear oil in the hands. Else the sap will stick. Similarly the world. Smear the oil of knowledge in mind before experiencing the world. Else the world will get stuck in mind and will not detach.

One becomes part of the world and end up defending, possessing and fighting to keep it. Then one is stuck in sap for life and beyond. May be for many lives. May be till the world exists. May be in smaller life forms without knowing it.

The fun part is :

Whether one manages to detach the mind and reach never ending ecstasy or get hopelessly stuck with life, the fun does not change. In attached mode, one can experience the world. Watch the sun rise, rain bow, wind, birds, music, beach, mountains , rivers , hug a beloved, play nonsensical games.

Or even write in FB. LOL ! It is all fun everywhere. Mind attached or detached to the fun source.

To be frank, detached mind mode is BORING !

The world is actually full of fun. LOL !

Do not divulge this secret.

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