Monday 18 March 2013



Newton, Apple and Gravity

The story goes that Sir Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree and an apple fell on his head and he wondered why it fell ‘down’ and not go up ! If the story is true, then this is the Classic example of intelligent inquisitiveness. We need to ask such questions on daily happenings which we usually accept or understand or ‘ignore’ as ‘normal’ ! Nothing is normal in this world. Or in other words everything is normal. But we need to explain why some incident is considered normal or abnormal. Mere adjectives serves no purpose than continuing the ignorance.

Now we know an apple falls to the ground because of gravity. Why do a man feel attracted to a woman and vice versa? Woman is the ground. Man is the apple. A Man falls to a woman ! Sometimes it is the other way round. But why? Is this also some sort of gravity? Spiritual gravity ?

 Nothing of that sort. Don’t worry. It is sexual attraction in normal cases. Such attractions linger only as long as their sexual desires are satisfied by knowing and ‘consuming’ each other’s body by their senses. Thereafter the memories of their union would remain in mind and would be assessed by the intellect. If they like to continue the union, they do so. Sometimes it becomes a habit and not because of any particular liking. They do it because it is done several times over and has become a habit.

Habits are the quick sands of mind. The more you struggle to get out, the more you may sink in. To get out of habits, intelligence is to be used. Struggling does not help.

Consider those who reside near a railway track. Suppose a train goes at midnight everyday. The residents get used to this sudden noise in the middle of a peaceful sleep. Initially they wake up when the train passes and again drift into sleep. Over time, when the train passes, none really wakes up ! They recognize that the train is passing while in deep sleep and continue sleeping! So far so good. But assume that the regular train is late one day. What happens to the sleepers?

The sleepers’ subconscious mind would wake up or be active at the normal time of the train. The sleeper continues sleeping. But the subconscious mind is unhappy that it did not receive the daily signal today. It starts wandering into a dream. A train is created in the mind and the sleeper thinks that it is the real train. He is satisfied that the train has passed in time. Sleep continues.

But the story does not end there. The subconscious mind realizes sooner or later that the train passed in the dream and the actual train has not yet come ! Now you lose your sleep. Some grave irregularity has happened. The train has not passed ! What next? The sleeper may or may not sleep again. Because his mind is disturbed by a regular happening when it does not happen !

Here the train which initially interrupted the sleep at midnight became a requirement to sleep due to habituation. This is the danger of allowing the mind to follow its vagaries without applying intellect into what ever it does. You tend to believe that such a noisy train is actually required for a sound uninterrupted sleep !

This habituation is what is done by the religions and rituals. At first you do it with interest. Then it becomes unavoidable. You get habituated to it. Intellect is switched off. You tend to believe that a certain religious routine is actually required for peace of mind. Here you have taught your mind something in the beginning. And the mind follows it. Thereafter the mind reminds you of that activity in appropriate times in regular intervals. You become a follower of your mind. Tail wags the dog.

I have a personal experience. When young, I was scared of Injections (still am). Due to some reason, I had to take injections daily for 14 days. A nurse nearby took them. On the fifteenth day. I found myself  walking towartds her house at the time of injection. The course was actually over. But my mind became habituated to it. It badly wanted the injection, which I feared so much on the first day as if it was a requirement for uninterrupted happiness.

Similar habituation happens in dress codes also. Others may wonder a burqa clad woman would be unhappy to wear it. But ask the regular burqa wearers. They would say they feel so comfortable inside it !

Wearing airy dresses is good for the body and skin. No God would oppose that. After all, the God is the consciousness within you. You can ask the consciousness “Are you comfortable in this dress? If not I will wear something else which will not make you embarrassed !” 

Krishna asked the bathing females to come out naked with their hands raised well over the heads to collect their dresses stolen by him and kept at the tree top ! Why? The consciousness may not require to ogle at the bodies created by its own wish and its own material. It must have looked at the female body until it was satisfied at its shape and functionality. The prototype would have been tested several times over until it fitted the exact prescriptions. Then what does Krishna by seeing the shy females naked?

Krishna does not want to see their body or their shyness because of the body. But he wants the females to be not ashamed of the body in the first place. Females cant get out of the body consciousness as every other male she meets wants to see her body ! Most are not interested in their minds or them as a person. To most males, the female may just shut up and undress for him to feast his senses. So the females are conscious, very conscious about their body . If a part is uncovered by accident or by wind, the male eyes have already reached the exposed part in a flash. Before the glares deepen, she covers that part.

In short a woman cannot get rid of body consciousness among sexually active males even if she has no sex in her mind. This is torture for the females. When she is willing to accept a male, she is prepared to make herself available to the male eyes. When not, as is mostly the case, male eyes become a botheration to her. She wants to think of something else. The male wants to see the body again ! Now she cant think about the issue she wanted to !  “How stupid” she might think ! “He has seen it a thousand times. Why don’t you look at your own body for a change and leave my body alone? I want to think!”

But most females ignore these prying eyes and get on with her business. See the additional pressure on her for being a female. All the males want to see her body. Her custodian (husband or master) does not like her body to be seen by anyone else. So the inquisitive male tries other ways. Keep a camera in her bathroom, for example !

To a male, this problem of ‘total strangers eyeing their body round the clock’ is simply not there. So the males can think of something worthwhile than crosschecking if the body well covered and keeping it presentable now and then. Or sleep without bothering about the dress. A female is to be conscious of her body even when she is asleep !

Males laugh at her for taking time for dressing up and make up before presenting herself in public. But he does not realise the real issue that the female body is continuously scrutinized by most of the males around. Even if some males act as if they are not interested, they make mental assessment of each and every female around. So a woman has to be alert, how she looks, how she smells. Dresses, make ups and perfumes are to divert the male senses from reality. Because she knows that male eyes and noses are all around her during a normal outing.

In her position, a male would do simply the same things. In you ignorance only you try to make her submit and pay the price later by changing the roles in next life.

Life cycles would continue until you realise the truth about you, about your captive woman and the better male (or female) that makes you jealous. Until then keep switching the roles and see things from the other’s perspective. While arm twisting someone into the weird chauvinistic schemes of your own mind, just remember. Whatever you make the other one to feel / experience, you are bound to feel or experience next. This is the spiritual equivalent of Newton’s third law of motion.

“Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”

The first law of Newton (Law of Inertia) “An object continues its state of rest or motion until disturbed by external force” can be seen as applicable for many internal issues happening in your own mind also as good as applicable to external hard objects ! Imagine a lazy bone who likes to send time without doing any useful work. A neighbor works hard while this guy daydreams. The neighbour improves his life. This sight is the external force. It makes the lazy bone awaken and start doing things to reach a similar status as his neighbour !

Or the hard working neighbour is living a comfortable life. He sees someone living better. This acts as the external force which will goad his to move faster and become more active.

The second law of Newton


The more the mass of the object, the more force is required to move it. If the force applied is more, then the acceleration also will be commensurate. I guess you can see examples yourself.

A woman’s wish
A woman can be satisfied only by a character like Krishna, the complete incarnation of the creator of universe and not even by a Buddha, a Rama or Jesus or Prophet Mohammed or Mike Tyson or Sylvester Stallone or whichever male that you can imagine. This is because women simply want to forget all her concerns in presence of that ideal man. So her ideal man would be rich, athletic, young, loving, cool etc whatever qualities the best males have together (‘to get her’ if you split).

Look at it from another angle. The God Krishna has exploded himself into all the males in the world ! Each male thus has a certain quality of Krishna. The woman is thrown into this sea of Krishna particles! One particle will not repeat will not satisfy ALL her needs. She has physical, mental and spiritual needs. Some men can satisfy some of her needs. When that is done, her other desires become stronger and she needs either the existing male partner to grow into a hero of her wishes having the remaining qualities (which is not practical) or she may try to see if anyone else is available. This is natural.

If you can understand this then there is nothing to worry. This is a game played by Krishna consciousness which knows there is none other than it in the whole universe. Particles of the Krishna Consciousness ! an ocean is Krishna and each male is just a drop. How can a drop accommodate a woman who wants to swim? Either the drops have to stand together and allow her as a team. Individual drops of males cannot let the woman swim inside even if the drop is purified or coloured or fast moving or a far bigger drop than any other drop. The drop has limited capabilities. The ocean has unlimited.

At first Krishna splits himself into several males and hide in them. Then the males compete for females. The females settle for a compromise as no one can have all qualities of Krishna together. So she accepts the part of Krishna which is of most urgent need or which is available or which is acceptable to her relatives. Thus to a poor woman, a rich man may appear attractive even if he is old and pot bellied. Once the union with that rich male satisfies her need for financial security, she does not simply die out ! She is not made to die like that. Her next desire surfaces even without her knowledge or consent. What can she do? She is a puppet to the mind !

This time she may fancy a poor but young man. She does not mind poverty as she has crossed it. But a young lover is something that she has not. This is when she has most respects to the pot bellied old rich husband ! Males don’t accept this freedom of women obviously because then he would have to compete with the better males which he would certainly lose.

So males invent rules under the guise of religions (as if the founder had stated so or as later additions by wise guys) and scare the woman that adultery is a sin before God and she would be severely punished. At the same time he does adultery without any feeling of guilt. If the woman questions this inequality then the males dodge by saying that it is applicable to women only ! Their male chauvinist God concept agrees to this or the males would make the god agree !

I hope you get the picture. It is not the woman's fault. She has a desiring fickle mind. Most women try to adjust to the available male. Society and religions make her scared or restrict her to that male. But actually she needs a Krishna and none less for company. Krishna does not dwell all into one male. So that is the problem. The male feels heated.  Actually the woman also feels cheated. The male she chose do not have certain qualities that she needs to fill up the blanks. When that does not happen, she gets frustrated.

To the male it is the other way round. I suggest you detach yourself from self imposed values. Try to understand men and women as they are and not as the imaginations that you make in your mind. In the end, you would realise that it was all a game by the most mischievous naughty fun loving devil in the world named Krishna ! Relax. Krishna is smiling at you and is asking you to leave the past learn from it and go ahead. If you don’t trust me just close your eyes and look inside !

What ever happens don’t hate women ! She is created like that to complement the males and not as a subordinate slave to use and exploit. Just KNOW that females are made like that. If her actions hurt then it may actually mean the husband is a chauvinist and she does not like that. Understand her needs and try to fulfil. If one can’t fulfil but still wants to keep her, her freedom is denied.

The extreme case of chauvinism is treating her as a slave and making her wear burqa. Just leave her alone and be yourself. We are not the owners of women. They agreed to live with us thinking that they would be safe and the desires can be fulfilled by this guy. If not, she may fancy other ways to satisfaction. Relationships are not for ever. It is for mutual convenience. Relationships shall not degrade into bondages. If a woman after being deeply in love with a male and still leaves him for a better male, she is not exactly ridiculing the previous male as the males would conclude immediately but she is only expressing her preferences in mind. Take it that way and don’t feel offended. If one can see this without feeling too personal, then one can get over this miserable experience.

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