Monday 18 March 2013


When the universe ends (in big crunch) to nothingness, the consciousness remains as it is. It is unaffected by time and space. It is always there, whether the universe is there or not. From the pure consciousness, the whole universe happened. The universe is complete in itself. Self sustaining.Not dependent on anything external. After the complete universe happened from the complete (consciousness), the complete (consciousness) still remains. That is the meaning. (Hopefully)

Poornatha (Completeness) is poorna bodham (Pure Consciousness). Why called pure? Two reasons. One is that it is actually pure. No impurities. Secondly, we know what is consciousness. Each of us. Everyone of us. It is in the light of consciousness that we do things. This consciousness is like the sunlight. We see everything in sunlight. Similarly we see the mind clearly in presence of consciousness. Still we do not inquire, where the consciousness comes from. Those who searched reached a self illuminating sun of knowledge within which they called 'pure consciousness'. Jnana sooryan. The sun of knowledge. This simply is consciousness. All consciousnesses. All awareness. All knowledge. Lets say it is a smart dynamic light source. Never ending.Always present. The Maya is its power to create the universe which appears quite real, but is actually unreal !

That is the game that the soul plays. Those who are trapped in the body consciousness (thinking that we are the body) think the world is quit real after all. Only when the Maya (mind) gets cleared through knowledge, that we realise there is only the Chaitanya that exists. the world is just hallucination imposed on it due to Maya.

More confused? That is how it is. LOL ! But there is nothing to worry. Just play the game. Continue the life one is in. Do the duties. One day it will be clear to you. the only requirement s are. Drop the ego and remove the attachments and desires in mind. Difficult? You are under the influence of Maya. The punishment for being ignorant about our true self is separation and death. We think we die. But only the body changes after getting wasted. Why we think we die? Because we believe we are the body. We are actually not. That is the trick. The game of monumental proportions. Only possible by the supreme. One will be awe struck at the end of it. And see Krishna face to face. Do not be afraid. Relax. Krishna is none but your actual self. We do not see our real self because we are covered by Maya. More confusing ? LOL !

The whole world is actually energy (Maya) in various forms. Lets say matter is the condensed form of energy. The mind is the most subtle form of energy. Lighter than light. We can still argue that the matter in sand remains, even in the subatomic particle as quarks, the most fundamental constituent of all matter. What is quark? Here, we falter. Because to see quark, we need to se it. To see it, we need the eyes, intellect and mind. So what we are going to see in quark, the most fundamental building brick of matter is a part of our own mind. Without the quark reflecting in mind through the eyes, we cant even visualize it.

So the search to see matter in close up ends there. Because what we see ultimately will be our own mind in the end ! With out the mind, nothing can be seen. The quark, to be seen as it is, can only be understood. Cannot be see as it is, as the same will require the mind. To see the quark as it is, is simply not possible. Because to see it the mind is to be imposed on it. Then what we see is not the quark but the impression of the quark in our own mind.

Thus matter cannot be seen at all, if we try to see its most basic form ! Stare at that stone. You can't really see what it is !

That is Maya. We see the mountain. But when we try to see what makes the mountain, it simply cannot be seen. Only the mind which is trying to see the mountains' basic constituent can be seen. Not the mountain or its constituent. But our own mind. There is no further can we go. The search ends. We see our own mind and see no matter, or shape. Shapes just beyond impressions in mind. Only the searching mind and the consciousness that drives the mind to find out the truth remains.

That is Maya. Which appears to exist, but does not really exist.

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