Monday 18 March 2013


There is no need to be in some religion for living meaningfully. Most may be in some religion, because either they can't stand all alone or their interests are best followed by remaining in some religion. Humanity can live without any religion or rituals or prayers to the unknown by just being what they naturally are.

Be responsible citizens and pay back whatever conveniences they use during life. Be grateful to nature, particularly the sun and trees for enabling to live a healthy life. Treat others as the same as ourselves in another form and share the available resources among all, including animals and birds. Reduce population to a maintainable level so as to have a comfortable lifestyle for all. No need for military at all. Because boundaries do not really exist except in the minds of vested interests. Some policing may be required to contain the anti socials. What else? Live the existence like a dream.

Love everything as it is. Enjoy life. Enjoy the wonders and intelligence of the creation. Enjoy the beach and the full moon and the mountains and the togetherness all together, sparing none. Accommodating all. After all, all are are creations of the same source. Like the fingers in a palm. All fingers in a tight embrace forms the fist containing all powers. Pass on without holding on to something in time and space and claim it as our own.

Everything belongs to everyone. That is the divine truth. Anything else is less than divine. The maturity to realise this is what is required. The whole universe is one single unit. There are no individual owners. The only owner owns all. We only have to realise this truth and play along with like innocent children.

All egoists who think they own something of the whole are going to die hard.

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