Monday 18 March 2013



What does 10 headed Ravan mean?

Actually the Gods are far more interesting (to me, of late) than the mortal humans including Biju and Gorgeous ladies  !
I can’t some how help not explaining some of the gross misconceptions on Hinduism.
This is because I had the same misconceptions. When clarified by my Guru (Pranam to him. 10 years younger than me, What a shame ! I had been in a wonderfool's paradise that the knowledge that I had was comparable to the best of the rats in the race.) the misconceptions gave way, it was like a day break after a long stormy night. I hope by clarifying some of the information I (luckily) received, someone else also may get light. Thamasoma Jyothir Gamaya !
Today I would like to clarify the ten headed Ravan concept.
Bear with me !
Here we go...
Hope everyone has heard of the ten headed monster king called "Ravan" who kidnapped "Sita", wife of Hindu Lord "Rama".( Wonder why the term 'kid' and 'napping' is coined for such a criminal offence ! Won't 'womanlifting' would have conveyed the meaning clearer?! Am still in the dark on this. 'Abduction' is a better (stronger) word. Indicates the action. Ab-Duct !).
To explain the concept of Ravan as per 'Hindu Hieroglyphics', it is required to understand our body first.
According to Hinduism, Human body has five knowledge senses and five action senses.
(If you already know this, skip the definition of senses and fast forward to the next para).
The five knowledge senses are:
1) The Eyes - to see (You knew that, I know. But just be a little more patient)
2). The Ears - To hear (do)
3). The Nose - To smell
4). The Tongue - To taste and
5). The Skin - to touch.
Now the five action senses are:
6). Mouth - To eat and talk
7). hands - To work
8). Legs - To walk
9). Genitals - To procreate and
10). Anus - You know what it is for. Anyway to avoid confusion, the anus is for discharging waste food.
So altogether a human body has ten senses.
Hindu hieroglyphics portray each of these senses as a 'human head'
Thus the eyes represent one head, the ears another head and so on.
An ordinary man has 10 senses.
Or ten heads.
Is that understood?
I have 10 senses. So I have ten heads.
So do you.
Agreed? Can we proceed?
A small problem here !
Some appear uncomfortable imagining the Ninth and Tenth sense as heads?
Relax. This is just a picturisation. Not your real heads !
Dont imagine the 9th and 10th senses as your heads and have nightmares or feel sick.
Let the 9th and 10th senses be at the Comfort Stations.
Be comfortable !
Thus the ten senses are pictorially represented by 10 imaginary heads just to clarify a SMALL point !
What is THAT point ?

When a sense is aroused it turns outward to the world to enjoy (material objects), an imaginary head is said to have emanated in one's mind.
Conversely, a desire or head emerges in mind first and then activates the related sense to go out and search for a particular materialistic object to satisfy the desire.
Thus when there is a desire to have tasty food, the tongue is activated.
When there is a wish to see a beautiful place, the eyes are activated.
And so on.
Thus a human being can even have all the ten senses active at the same time.
No animal can do that.
This state is represented by the ten headed Ravan.
A fully aroused man raring to enjoy the sensory pleasures is named as Ravan .
One head sees all.
Another hears all.
Another smells all.
Etc. ten heads. All alive and nodding.
Now the Kidnapping of Sita by Ravan.
The other religions poke fun at Hindus by asking with pretended innocence.
"Was Sita raped by Ravan?
Or was it consensual sex?
If not how did she become pregnant?
That too with twins ! One for Rama one for Ravana ! Tee Hee !
At least Ravan might have had a hug and kiss?
Come on yar, we know Ravan will not spare any woman !
If not, why Rama sent her for test by fire to prove her chastity?" 
The usual reply of a normal Hindu is...
(Not printable)
Most curse the inquisitor and weep in private for the predicament he is subjected to by the religious book he is supposed to follow and defend! These are unbearable words on their holy deities !
Instead of answering, the Hindu would try to place counter allegations on the questioning religion so as to belittle it as a solace.
But most Hindus lose words here for sure. Because he has not understood it the right way.
Hence he does not know the answer.
What is the right way then? Fed up of dodging such abominable questions.
The right way of understanding is to know what is meant by the character 'Sita'
Sita is quite simply, "the mind" !
Yup ! The mind that you and I have ! That is characterised by "Sita"
She is wedded to "Rama". Rama is the name given for the 'soul'
So the mind is wedded (or attached) to the soul.
Ravan, the ten headed monster abducts Sita when she gets interested in a 'golden deer' and wishes to have it for herself.
Means the mind can get trapped by the material world.
It can have a liking to beautiful things, gold or wealth for example.
A fully aroused (ten headed) man’s mind can get lost in the sensory pleasures of the material world.
Or a desiring innocent mind can be corrupted by a ten headed man,
whose senses are all out to enjoy the world.

So Sita is abducted by Ravan.
Hope it is understood.

(A short commercial break ! Dont change the channel. Will be right back)
That was a relieving loo break. Thanks for staying on. Feels lighter now. Lets proceed.

What will Rama, the soul, the estranged husband of mind sita do now?
He has to get his wife back UNHARMED.
Before Ravan rapes Sita !
Once again !
Rama is the soul.
Sita is the mind.
Ravan is the state of any one whose senses are all out to enjoy !
(If you cant visualise or guess what (the hell) is a (god-damn) soul, just take it as "intellect" and “consciousness” for now.)
As already stated, The mind which is normally attached to the soul got lost in the sensory pleasures of the material world when in company with the senses.
Now the soul (Rama) has to retrieve the mind (wife Sita).
For this Rama has to kill Ravan.
Means the ten senses are to be silenced.
Rama chops off each of the ten heads of Ravan and Lo ! Sita is back UNHARMED !
Means the soul (or intellect) has to control the ten senses to have the mind in tact !
When the ten senses are fully shut out from the world, Sita, the mind will merge with Rama,  the soul.
The mind is now under the wrong impression that it is the body and take pride of the body. The good looking persons are more confident than the rest because the mind believes that the body in which it is linked with is better. This is not per se incorrect. Just that this identification of mind with the body is limited and time bound. Tomorrow the body can transform and even cease to exist. Then what would the mind take pride on? 
Hinduism says that the identification with the body is temporary and not sustainable. The mind is like a long thread which connects the body at one end and the consciousness at the other. One has to trace the mind from the body to the consciousness. That is the purpose of life. Not in blindly indulging in sensory pleasures and waste the life and time.

Welcome to Hindu Hieroglyphics !
Saying it through Pictures.
For the common man to understand.
This is Ramayan.
(Journey to the soul)
This is pure science about the body.
There is absolutely no religion in this.
Anyone can try this at home.


Part of the story:
Rama (the ideal human being and king), Sita (his wife) and Ravan (the demon king with ten heads) are the main characters in the story of Ramayana (Rama’s way). In the story, Rama and Sita are in a forest. Sita gets interested in a beautiful golden deer (which actually is an apprentice of Ravan) and urges Rama to get it for her. Rama goes after the deer leaving Sita alone. Ravan kidnaps Sita and makes her a prisoner with the intention of marrying her. Rama battles Ravan, kills him and frees Sita.
The meanings:
Rama represents the soul. Sita is the mind. Sita is Rama’s wife meaning, the mind is the inseparable part of the soul. Sita gets interested in a beautiful object means the mind gets attracted to good looking things. Ravan is the embodiment of human desires to enjoy everything. His ten heads represents the ten senses. Five Gnan (knowledge) and five karma (action) indriyas (senses). The knowledge senses are 1). Touch (skin) 2). Smell (nose) 3). Hearing (ears) 4). Taste (tongue) and vision (eyes). The action senses are 6). The hands 7). the legs 8). the tongue as tool to talk 9). Procreation organ and 10). Anus as the discharging organ. OK. Now Ravan’s senses are outward into the world (10 faces) eager to enjoy earthly pleasures. Such a man can trap a mind (Sita) who has a tendency to possess beautiful things (the golden deer). So such a mind (Sita) can be trapped by a character like Ravan.
And what does Rama (the soul) do? He fights Ravan and chops off each of his heads and frees Sita. Meaning, each of the faces of Ravan, that is the urge to enjoy the pleasures of the world are to be destroyed to free the mind.
Plain and simple.
Now practice this at home !
For most, Ramayan would appear to be a cock and bull story. Only a few understand it. Be one of them.
All the best !!
Jai Shri Ram. !

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