Monday 18 March 2013



One thing I know for sure is that ‘fear the God theory’ taught by the religions is all rubbish. We can live far better without religions and a weird scary sadistic God waiting with glee for the males to err or the females to bare the body in public. Someone had invented this God who jumps up in Joy shouting "I have caught you" and sharpen his torture tools to teach the errant a lesson. That God lives only in the imagination of some. Such Gods die with the imaginator. Long live the real God !

We can live peacefully without any religion or even without the weird God concepts imagined by scheming propagandists. Only thing to remember is that others are also beings similar to us and they have a right to live the way they feel right without offending others. To wear decent comfortable clothes in public and no clothes during a bath is our choice and God has no reservations on this. If you choose to wear full suit at bath and none in public is by the way simply not just your own business.

A bikini is fine for the beach. In fact clothes are to be minimal there. Otherwise one can get even drowned. A bikini for wedding is clearly out of place. As the women very well know this, the men may spend time on something else than teaching her what to wear and when as if she is autistic.

Drifting from the subject.

Having somehow got the life, we need to live it happily together. To live healthy we need clean air, water and good hygienic food.  Religion and God are injurious to healthy living ! The human body is so versatile that normally it cannot catch any disease. Wise guys have invented various ways to spoil the health after tedious research. Tobacco, Alcohol, drugs, rich food overindulgence in sensory pleasures etc.

Among these many ways to spoil the health, the best highway is to worry about something. This is called as sin in Hindu scriptures. So never worry about anything that already happened if you want to live healthy. It so happened. May be your mistake, oversight or incompetence. May be by something else. But it happened. That is a fact. What now? Lets understand that it somehow happened. Leave it there and move on. Keep the lesson for future use. They say “failure is the stepping stone of success” because of this.

That is if you learn from the failure. If not an array of failures are lined up for you until you learn. There is no hurry. Learn slowly in peace.

All the people on earth (to be precise, all living things including the trees, fish, animals et al) are siblings. No sibling is better than another. Trying to belittle a sibling would lead to extended lives, by living which one would realise that the one he tried to belittle was actually his own sibling. So the easiest way to get reborn is to harass someone. You will get a chance to feel how the harassed felt last time. A surer way is to torture someone. Here you are likely to get multiple lives and get the opportunity to understand how tortures are fun for the tormentor. The surest way to get several lives after this is to kill someone. That way, you get to carry his burdens too while he sits and watches you in the lap of God. Until you complete the experiences according to the burden, you cannot die.

This is what the God as parent of all siblings has designed life with equal justice and fair play in mind. As all are its own children, there can’t be step motherly treatment from God. All are equal to God. So if one tries to pull a fast one on another, what God may do is to reverse the roles in the next birth so as to do justice to both. Plain and simple. The God is the coolest guy in the universe. This world is on auto pilot. God will not interfere under normal circumstances of life and death.

That is why with all those killings, rape and atrocities; the God does not become upset and make its presence on unusual happenings according to us. If some pilgrims die during the pilgrimage on a stampede, some wonder why the same God who they worshipped did not help them. What they forget is that people dying is not an issue for God. Human lives are designed that way. All born have to die. Stamped occurred due to negligence of the authorities who had the faculties to anticipate what can happen if a stampede occurs at the mountain slope. The pilgrims had donated enough and more money to build barricades and separating enclosures. People could have been controlled through trestles. They could have been separated by say 100 at a time. Several things could have been done. Did God tell us not to do any of these? The authorities shared the donated money and made bungalows for themselves. No barricades no caution no arrangements. All the faults of greedy people. Why should the God help them ?

Imagine another scenario. We have made all arrangements that we could make. Still a mishap occurs. It is beyond our capability. We are helpless. We pray to God. Will the God hear and interfere? I guess he certainly would. God helps who helps themselves.

 If X is killed by Y, then X would have to become Y in the next birth and settle the scores, if he wants to. If he forgives, the tormentor is actually finished ! Because he has to continue the life of guilt for longer.

To forgive is divine. We have heard it several times over. But do you know why? By forgiving, the victim feels divine love and peace at heart. The tormentor is relieved that no punishment is forthcoming but he may have to carry the guilt burden further. A clue here. If you want your tormentor to suffer, just forgive him ! He will spend the rest of his life cursing his fate. You can wash your hands off. Isn’t this amazing? This is called divine justice. By continuing the rivalry, both feel hatred and fear at heart. Hence both live together leading fearful miserable lives. Your enemy lives because you only feed him without knowing it.

This is an approximate idea of how the God manages this world. You throw a stone at a starving street dog for no reason, or may be to hear the fun of seeing it run wailing, rest assured that the Dog would be given a chance to get even with you. It may happen shortly. It may happen after a few years. It may happen after 1000 years. Wait. After 1000 years will the dog and the stone thrower remember all this? They must be long dead.

They may be. But God is not. He does not forget any incident either. If he does he is not all knowing and omnipotent. All the information is in his mind. So the stone might come back to the thrower after 1000 years. Because none really dies here. Just changing the bodies which are anyway perishable by design. The dog is not eternal. The stone thrower is not eternal. Meaning their bodies would die one day. But their minds are eternal. Hence each and every happening during the life is etched in the minds. If the mind feels that the stone really hurt, the roles get reversed by God. If the dog does not mind the stone, God has nothing to do. He continues the yoganidra.

This is equivalent to Newton's third law that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Man can become woman and get raped next time if he has done that this time. I have no doubt that the women who are forced to wear burqas now were the Taliban terrorists last time. Or the bullocks that bear the load of others and get whipped all the way tied to a cart might have been blood sucking shylocks last time who harassed others for their own pleasures.

The Spanish matadors who hurt and torture the bulls by thrusting spears on its back for fun get reborn as the very same bulls and experience the fun of someone thrusting needles and spears on his back. Today’s  matador was yesterday’s bull and vice versa. Roles simply reversed. God has no time for caning up the matador and advising him that his fun hurts the bull. Because the matador is capable of knowing it all by himself. God has already given him such faculties. If he ignores them and continue his blood bath, God has no other option than reversing the role and let the cycle to continue until the matador realises the pain of the bull and hugs it asking for forgiveness.

This is how God acts in his own majestic ways. Tit for tat. That is to reverse the roles and let the victim himself pay back the tormentor with simple or compound interest.

The circus continues until justice is done and the victim and the perpetrator shake hands and bow to the common parent. If not, the roles would get automatically reversed further and further until the differences are evened out and there is no more victim or tormentor. They realise that both are siblings. End of story. The goats we killed and ate in last birth are the people who kill goats this time. The goats which are killed now were the people who killed the goats last time. Neither the goats nor the killers know this. But that is approximately the truth. This is a cycle. Eat and get eaten. Consume and get consumed.

Can we get out of this cycle? Do we have to, rather because mutton tastes really good ! May be when the consumer and the consumed look into each others eyes and wonder "why are we consuming each other over the generations?"

One will tremble and start feeling the presence of God the moment this question is asked at heart. Simply put, it requires a certain level of maturity to understand God. Until then consumption goes on unabated.  Infants and animals, for example, cannot be expected to recite a poem or make a speech. A certain level of preparation is required to qualify for the Olympics. A tip at this point can be "consume if you should but without hurting others".

In short we need to live responsibly. If we have taken food grown by the trees we are duty bound to take care of the trees and thank them. The attitude that 'it is my right to have food' or 'I purchased food with my own money' etc are immature. Plants do understand feelings of people. Trees become happy when someone takes care of it. Do pour a bucket of water to the nearest tree in the summer and see how it thanks you by waving the leaves. If you don’t, the trees do not weep and curse you as we probably imagine because our nature is that. Trees do the jobs in a self less way. God resides in plants and trees.

You breathe air consume oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. You are responsible for this. How would you replenish the oxygen? Do you think you can get away with this scot-free? Don’t be too sure ! You have to take responsibility of what you do. For water, the same principle applies. The same is for earth that we trample upon. Interestingly a tree purifies air, water and earth together. So now we get the idea. Just plant a tree and take care of it. By doing so, you are cleaning the air, water and the earth which you had polluted during life. Simple, isn’t it?

It may be a good idea that in places of famine just plant jackfruit plants. Jackfruits may be the remedy to remove famine for ever! The cattle can also be fed with jack fruits and its leaves.

An Upanishad mantra goes like this. 'Forgive me mother (earth) for putting my feet on your bosom as I have no other way to reach the destination’! What a noble prayer. This prayer can move mountains. This attitude would leave none as your enemy. The mother earth would smile at that prayer. That is how we should live. With as much love at heart as possible.

For those who can’t help hating a few, here is the remedy. “There is nothing / none in this world that requires to be hated”. In short everything in this world can be loved or accepted or at least understood. Not blindly but with intelligence.

How can we love a child rapist who smothered her to death after the gruesome act? Or the thief who threw the old woman out of the window after stealing her hard earned belongings? The husband who poured kerosene at his wife and set her ablaze for not bringing dowry? The spurned lover who threw acid at the girl’s face so that none else would love her?

This has to be carefully analysed and understood.

We are looking at the incidents. By doing so, we get angry. If we can see what led to the incident, we may not feel the same way. That way we ‘understand’ the incident and not merely ‘see’ it. These incidents are quite unfortunate. There is no doubt about it. But it happened. It should not happen again.

But just don’t hate that rapist or thief. Because that is not the solution. There are better things to do than hating and forgetting him. If you do hate, you are polluting your own mind. Why should you allow a thief or rapist to pollute your mind? He was blinded by lust / greed. Normal people practice to discipline themselves to avert such instances of going overboard. This rapist and robber obviously could not control themselves. He was a slave to the mind. Why hate him? What do we gain by hating him? It is more required to teach him how to control his mind like you do rather than abusing him spitting in his face and leaving him where he was earlier. He might do the crime again if the circumstances are conducive. His remorse would be the required solution. That only would change him. After the change he would not do it. This is what is required. Nothing less.

If you feel love to someone or something try to prolong and extend that feeling. If you do not like someone or something try to minimise the interactions with it or do it with extreme care. Live like the birds free and chirpy. Without making a scar on the flying path in the sky like the jets do. We are dependent on nature who is our second mother. So treat nature as our God mother.

If you can’t love someone for whatever reason, do not develop that feeling into hatred and spoil everyone's life. The Taliban appears to have unfortunately fallen to this hatred pit. This is because their minds are closed. Violent feelings occur in that state of mind. Extreme passion and extreme hatred. Such minds get unsettled / agitated very fast. The trick is to provide a safety valve to the mind. Quite simple. Accept others as at least fools and leave them alone. Peace !

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