Monday 18 March 2013



10^3 = 1 Thousand
10^6 = 1 Million
10^9 = 1 Billion
10^12 = 1 Trillion
10^15 = 1 Quadrillion
10^18 = 1 Quintillion
10^21 = 1 Sextillion
10^24 = 1 Septillion
10^30 = 1 Nonillion
10^33 =  1 Decillion
10^36 = 1 Undecillion
10^39 = 1 Duodecillion
10^42 = 1 Tredecillion
10^45 = 1 Quattuordecillion
10^48 = 1 Quindecillion
10^51 = 1 Sexdecillion
10^54 = 1 Septendecillion
10^57 = 1 Octodecillion
10^60 = 1 Novemdecillion
10^63 = 1 Vigintillion
10^66 = 1 Unvigintillion
10^69 = 1 Duovigintillion
10^72 = 1 Trevigintillion
10^75 = 1 Quattuorvigintillion
10^78 = 1 Quinvigintillion
10^81 = 1 Sexvigintillion
10^84 = 1 Septenvigintillion
10^87 = 1 Octovigintillion
10^90 = 1 Novemvigintillion
10^93 = 1 Trigintillion
10^96 = 1 Untrigintillion
10^99 = 1 Duotrigintillion
10^100 = 1 Googol
10^102 = 1 Tretrigintillion
10^201 = 1 Sexsexagintillion
10^300 = 1 Novemnonagintillion
10^303 = 1 Centillion
10^10^100 = 1 Googolplex (Considered as the biggest possible number)

There are about 10^19 insects on earth at any given moment. That is 1.5 billion bugs for every human being.

There are over 10^15 ants currently alive today, about 1 million ants to every human!

For every human being on Earth there are about 100 galaxies each having 10,000 crore stars.

Feel Rich !

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