Monday 18 March 2013


The story of the maggots in a septic tank. If they could speak, they would talk as follows. "Hey humans ! Why look down upon us with aversion? We are better off than everyone else ! Living in food mountains. Only job is to eat. No need to work. eat and sleep. You may pray to God to get such a wonderful life that we have". Even the pig which eats waste and excreta may claim that they are living great as there is no restriction in what to eat.

It is the attitude that matters. Otherwise even the maggots and the pigs are experiencing the same existence. Only the humans think some are better and some are not according to what their own likes in mind decides. Being a human is better than a maggot or a pig? Humans will say a vociferous yes ! Reminds of Vivekananda who said he does not mind becoming a dog next in this holy land. Watch out of the ego. It can make one feel good even with the inherent negativities.

IN Mahabharata, some feel inclined to Karna and Ekalavya more than the intended heroes Arjun and Krishna. It is the same consciousness that is in everyone. This consciousness when coming out through the human minds having inherent biases and cultures, the individual absorbs only that part of the consciousness that his culture can accept logically. Thus people with different cultures or origin can grow only up to their own self decided limits. These limits are thrust on them by the society and himself.

Consciousness is shining freely at all times through everyone like the sun giving light to all living things. But the trees can absorb sunlight only what they can. The rest goes waste. In fact 99% of sun's light goes waste into empty space.

Karna cannot escape the truth about his origin. He was an abandoned illegitimate son whose parents were not known to him. That is his problem.

Ekalavya cannot escape the guilt feeling that he learned archery without Master Drona's knowledge or permission. So he confesses to Drona. And Drona seeks his left hand thumb to make Arjun the best archer. Why? Drona had to settle a score with Drupada. That is Drona's limitation.

Thus every character in Mahabharata gets limited except Krishna. Simply because Krishna knows he is not the mind or what the society thinks about him ! Simple psychology. The only way to grow without limit is to ignore the rest but stand firmly on knowledge and have confidence. Just like Krishna.

Everyone else fails in life. Naturally. Logically. Quite understandable human psychology.

One of the most emotional scene in Mahabharata is when Ekalavya hears the news that Arjun killed Drona ! Ekalavya remembers how Drona demanded Ekalavya's thumb to keep Arjun supreme. And what happened? The same Arjun killed Drona who made him the greatest archer. Now Ekalavya says with tears in his eyse "Had my thumb been there, I would have saved my beloved Guru !" Such is the innocence and devotion of the tribal youth. It makes one feel goosebumps reading Ekalavya.

Ultimately everyone reaches the same consciousness. After the twists and turns. Like a river reaches the ocean after overcoming the mountains and rocks and obstacles. The whole thing is a circambulation. Water rises from the ocean as vapour in the heat of the sun (Jeevatmas take birth when the inherent instincts in mind are awakened by the circumstances). The vapour gets condensed by cool mountains and becomes rain. Rain water gathers together and form streams and river. The river flows through the vast distance experiencing various things and finally reach the ocean.

The sun vapourises the water again ! The story continues. It is some sort of self cleaning process deployed by the consciousness.

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