Wednesday, 26 February 2014



Mind has three clearly distinct areas.

Conscious part of mind, that we know when awake.

Subconscious which comes out as dream when we are asleep.

There is yet another part of mind which is neither experienced in awake or dream states. The instincts and karma related knowledge are stored there. Most never ever see this part of their own minds. It is this unconscious part of mind that makes the other parts of mind such as conscious and subconscious minds active.

While conscious mind is like the tip of an ice berg, the subconscious mind is the ice berg itself. Then unconscious mind is vast and 'apparently' unending and interlinked with the unconscious parts of all other beings like the ocean where the ice berg is floating.

Consciousness is none of these. It is the pure knowledge-awareness that gives the minds the feel of being alive. It is the very base where the ocean of unconscious mind floats.

More about the unconscious part of mind.

The unconscious part of mind is the universal mind itself. If a certain human mind is like the air inside his lungs, the universal mind is the atmospheric air ! Both are the same, but simply in two situations. The universal mind (atmospheric air) is vast and apparently unending. Only 'apparently', because it is not endless ! It also has a limit. A finite quantity. How ever even that finite quantity is so vast that humans intellect can comprehend it as only infinite. Visualise the air in the lungs trying to measure the total volume of the atmosphere compared to itself ! This would be like, say, some one trying to measure the ocean with a spoon ! The ocean is not infinite. It can be counted as how many spoonfuls. But that number itself is so huge that it is 'apparently' infinite.

This universal subconscious mind keeps the traces or records of all beings. Once dead, the mind of the beings merge with the universal mind. All resultant appendages attached to the individual minds, the engravings or records of actions, the feelings and their records sink into the universal mind. Much like the air in the lungs merge with the atmosphere when the person is dead.

Now this can explain how the rebirth happens from the universal unconscious mind. Remember 'unconscious' is a term used by us, the humans in awake consciousness. Actually 'subconscious' and 'unconscious' minds are actually well lit and clear to the consciousness, which is awake at all times.

Unconscious minds of all beings merge at the universal mind, even while alive and when dead. While alive, the being is able to retrieve its mind, like we take inhale air, back from the universal mind. But once dead, this cannot be done any more. Because the consciousness that was required to pull back the mind or inhale atmospheric air is now absent.

Now interesting things happen, leading to 'divine justice' and 'rebirth'. Because all deeds and records of all minds get accumulated at the universal mind which most intelligent humans call as the 'unconscious' part of their own mind ! This is a seed store ! A nursery. Depending on what the being did in its life time, the mind sinks to the universal pool. There, it cannot survive as such and has to undergo transformation. Into what ? Another form commensurate with the deeds of the past lives. What else ?

The effects of activities of each and every being gets connected to one another at the base. This explains how rebirth is possible. Further how the mind of a human being, due to his poor quality actions can sink to the bottom of the ocean of the universal pool of minds and gets resurfaced as another being in another form; fully commensurate with the life one deserves. Divine natural justice is served in the perfect way.

Conversely, lower level beings can rise to higher levels of life by being true to their instincts and living naturally. No acrobatics required.

An example is a cow at Ramana Maharshi's ashram. Whenever the saint was talking, the cow would rise from where it is and lie down near the saint with all attention ! The saint once said that it is one of the beings which got enlightenment while in animal form.

This is rather a curious issue too. Because we find nothing against animals living naturally within their instincts. Absolutely divine existences. Animals are actually divine beings. they experience the divinity within themselves at all times except when their instincts are turned on. Once the instincts are dealt with, they are again back to pure respectable beings !

But consider the humans. their natural state of comfort is when the mind is pure. But how many are able to keep the mind pure and unbiased ? Very few. Consequently, most humans experience ups and downs, fear of death, separation, ego, desires and jealousy. So compared to the animals who live naturally within their instincts, humans need to strive for a higher consciousness to feel comfortable. Because humans know death is real. Animals never think of death. So the equations are different according to the capabilities of beings. Isn't that amazing ? The touch of divinity in every minute details ! This is divine justice.

Unlike Semitic religions imagine, there is no after death benefit if one lives according to what the religions prescribe. The priests' knowledge is limited to that of their chosen founder or prophet. That is their limitation. Remember. The primary aim of any living being is to attract the opposite sex and have a good life. Being a priest or politician does not change the stripes. Internally all are beings driven by instincts, fear and greed. Naturally they react with the world and get stuck in relationships that they like and dislike. There is no escape.

For further information, pls read the book "From Unconsciousness to Consciousness" by Osho.

Know yourself ! Do someone else have to tell you this ?

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