There is an underlying consciousness beneath the visible universe.
A part of the same is in every being. Like the air in the lungs and the atmosphere. The whole is knowledge, awareness, formless, light, bliss. It was always there. It would be there always too. Simply because Time and Space are dependent on it. We exist in time and space. We are in time and space because we cannot go back to the pure consciousness. The reason is that we have an Ego, a body related identity, desires and attachments. The body, mind and the universe is superimposed on the core consciousness which is our real self called soul. It is not correct to say that each being (living thing) has a separate soul. There is only one supreme soul.
Like the palm. The beings are like the fingers. The fingers compare their physical shape with other fingers and feel better or worse. What the fingers do not understand is that the fingers actually do not have a separate independent existence from the palm. The fingers are actually parts of the same palm. Egos are parts of the same soul. All egos are superimposed on it. Like the sun reflects in the various water pools in a paddy field. These are shadows of the sun. Not the sun itself.
Because of the ego, body consciousness, desires and attachments, beings think they are the body and compare each other and one another to know where they stand in the world with respect to the rest. This is due to Maya. Maya is the building material of the Universe. The knowledge impregnates Maya and the Universe is formed. The Space, Stars, Planets, satellites, Air, Water, Energy (Agni) and Matter.These are the various manifestations of Maya. The hardest manifestation is the Matter. One can touch it and grab it. The subtler form of Maya is Water. One can touch but can not catch water. Further subtler is the Air. One can neither touch nor grab Air. Energy is subtler than air, because there is no mass for energy. Space is even more subtler, the subtlest of the five elements, the Pancha bhootas.
What is to be understood is that the Maya can manifest in various forms from gross matter to the subtlest space. And remember each of these manifestations of Maya from Matter to Space is interchangeable. Matter can be transformed into energy and vice-versa. The total entropy of the system is the same any time. Matter or energy or any in between forms can never be destroyed. But can only be interchanged form one to the other.
Mystics say this unanimously. That is the world is not REAL, but Maya. And only the underlying consciousness-knowledge is REAL. This does not mean that the stone that is lying on the road is not real. Bite the stone to see if it is Real or not What is meant by 'Unreal' is that these forms are not everlasting as they are. they can change forms. the stone can melt into liquid and vapourise into gas or even transform into energy and light under various circumstances. Also the whole Universe with Billions of stars can shrink into a black hole having all the mass of the Universe concentrated into practically no space. This is the situation at the end of the Universe which would take Trillions of years. Once the black holes would coagulate into a single unified mass, the shrinking continues to a limit beyond which matter cannot shrink at all. This is called the Big Crunch. At that time, the whole coagulated shrunk mass explodes again called the Big Bang. Another Universe is formed. The whole process repeats all by itself.
There is no record how many such Big Bangs and Big Crunches have happened so far. It is a cycle that keeps repeating. Auto pilot. Once designed and launched the Universe takes its course like a live robot. Thus stars and planets happen all over the Universe. When living things happen in planets in the form of a stem cell Amoeba first in Water, the real action on ground begins. Evolution happens all by itself and reaches the human shape ! Now the drama is launched into a higher level. Egos start playing. One would lampoon others to impress the females around him. Another would think he is smarter than the rest. Other egos take sides and encourage their favorites. No one remembers that they are actually the same life split into billions of forms. That knowledge is hidden within. Unless one searches for it, it is not revealed.
The only way to know the truth is to search for it. That would require detachment from the rest. The rest would not allow it because they are dependent on the potential seeker. Buddha, Jesus and Sree Narayana Guru are respectable. But females may prefer to have a Nabi Or Osho rather than the celibate Gurus who lack life ! Then there is a tussle between life and life less truth seeking. Very few can go past life and go inwards all alone for years (time is no consideration there) to know the truth. One cannot travel by standing in two boats. Either the world or the truth. Not together. That is why mystics, true ones that is, are only a handful. Most listen to the females and enjoy the existence. It is not a crime either. That the majority refuses to go back to their core is the evidence of the success of the creation.
Krishna smiles.
By the way Krishna is not a Hindu God. It is a name given to the supreme soul. Call it Allah or Yahova as one likes. There is no difference.
What is there in a name ? If you call the sun something else, would the sun be angry ?
The literal meaning of Krishna is 'the one that attracts". The supreme soul attracts everything to itself. Including the gross universe, the matter to the subtlest space. Krishna consciousness is not an all powerful grumpy master life source. But a kind compassionate and fun loving existence. This can be seen in real life too. Those who love life get to live happily with wealth health and glamour. Others become jealous of such people and call them lucky ! Those who are jealous and hate others remain grumpy and complaining. Watch yourself.
Grass hoppers die out in winter. Ants survive winters. Learn from everything.
Everyone being from the some life source, it is rather curious that no two can really love one another completely or self lessly. This is because of the ego. The urge to keep own interests as supreme. Thus mutual respect and love remains at a distance all life. The more one becomes selfless, the more one can understand and love others. But then such self less souls are branded as stupid by the clever ones. The drama would thus continue in various forms. Dramas with various characters. Krishna would smile as long as the dramas happen peacefully without violence. If there is uncontrollable use of force by some egos, the all knowing Krishna consciousness may interfere through incarnations of Gurus who show the right way to fair play and peace.
Hope I have reasonably confused all. My mission is over.
There is an underlying consciousness beneath the visible universe.
A part of the same is in every being. Like the air in the lungs and the atmosphere. The whole is knowledge, awareness, formless, light, bliss. It was always there. It would be there always too. Simply because Time and Space are dependent on it. We exist in time and space. We are in time and space because we cannot go back to the pure consciousness. The reason is that we have an Ego, a body related identity, desires and attachments. The body, mind and the universe is superimposed on the core consciousness which is our real self called soul. It is not correct to say that each being (living thing) has a separate soul. There is only one supreme soul.
Like the palm. The beings are like the fingers. The fingers compare their physical shape with other fingers and feel better or worse. What the fingers do not understand is that the fingers actually do not have a separate independent existence from the palm. The fingers are actually parts of the same palm. Egos are parts of the same soul. All egos are superimposed on it. Like the sun reflects in the various water pools in a paddy field. These are shadows of the sun. Not the sun itself.
Because of the ego, body consciousness, desires and attachments, beings think they are the body and compare each other and one another to know where they stand in the world with respect to the rest. This is due to Maya. Maya is the building material of the Universe. The knowledge impregnates Maya and the Universe is formed. The Space, Stars, Planets, satellites, Air, Water, Energy (Agni) and Matter.These are the various manifestations of Maya. The hardest manifestation is the Matter. One can touch it and grab it. The subtler form of Maya is Water. One can touch but can not catch water. Further subtler is the Air. One can neither touch nor grab Air. Energy is subtler than air, because there is no mass for energy. Space is even more subtler, the subtlest of the five elements, the Pancha bhootas.
What is to be understood is that the Maya can manifest in various forms from gross matter to the subtlest space. And remember each of these manifestations of Maya from Matter to Space is interchangeable. Matter can be transformed into energy and vice-versa. The total entropy of the system is the same any time. Matter or energy or any in between forms can never be destroyed. But can only be interchanged form one to the other.
Mystics say this unanimously. That is the world is not REAL, but Maya. And only the underlying consciousness-knowledge is REAL. This does not mean that the stone that is lying on the road is not real. Bite the stone to see if it is Real or not What is meant by 'Unreal' is that these forms are not everlasting as they are. they can change forms. the stone can melt into liquid and vapourise into gas or even transform into energy and light under various circumstances. Also the whole Universe with Billions of stars can shrink into a black hole having all the mass of the Universe concentrated into practically no space. This is the situation at the end of the Universe which would take Trillions of years. Once the black holes would coagulate into a single unified mass, the shrinking continues to a limit beyond which matter cannot shrink at all. This is called the Big Crunch. At that time, the whole coagulated shrunk mass explodes again called the Big Bang. Another Universe is formed. The whole process repeats all by itself.
There is no record how many such Big Bangs and Big Crunches have happened so far. It is a cycle that keeps repeating. Auto pilot. Once designed and launched the Universe takes its course like a live robot. Thus stars and planets happen all over the Universe. When living things happen in planets in the form of a stem cell Amoeba first in Water, the real action on ground begins. Evolution happens all by itself and reaches the human shape ! Now the drama is launched into a higher level. Egos start playing. One would lampoon others to impress the females around him. Another would think he is smarter than the rest. Other egos take sides and encourage their favorites. No one remembers that they are actually the same life split into billions of forms. That knowledge is hidden within. Unless one searches for it, it is not revealed.
The only way to know the truth is to search for it. That would require detachment from the rest. The rest would not allow it because they are dependent on the potential seeker. Buddha, Jesus and Sree Narayana Guru are respectable. But females may prefer to have a Nabi Or Osho rather than the celibate Gurus who lack life ! Then there is a tussle between life and life less truth seeking. Very few can go past life and go inwards all alone for years (time is no consideration there) to know the truth. One cannot travel by standing in two boats. Either the world or the truth. Not together. That is why mystics, true ones that is, are only a handful. Most listen to the females and enjoy the existence. It is not a crime either. That the majority refuses to go back to their core is the evidence of the success of the creation.
Krishna smiles.
By the way Krishna is not a Hindu God. It is a name given to the supreme soul. Call it Allah or Yahova as one likes. There is no difference.
What is there in a name ? If you call the sun something else, would the sun be angry ?
The literal meaning of Krishna is 'the one that attracts". The supreme soul attracts everything to itself. Including the gross universe, the matter to the subtlest space. Krishna consciousness is not an all powerful grumpy master life source. But a kind compassionate and fun loving existence. This can be seen in real life too. Those who love life get to live happily with wealth health and glamour. Others become jealous of such people and call them lucky ! Those who are jealous and hate others remain grumpy and complaining. Watch yourself.
Grass hoppers die out in winter. Ants survive winters. Learn from everything.
Everyone being from the some life source, it is rather curious that no two can really love one another completely or self lessly. This is because of the ego. The urge to keep own interests as supreme. Thus mutual respect and love remains at a distance all life. The more one becomes selfless, the more one can understand and love others. But then such self less souls are branded as stupid by the clever ones. The drama would thus continue in various forms. Dramas with various characters. Krishna would smile as long as the dramas happen peacefully without violence. If there is uncontrollable use of force by some egos, the all knowing Krishna consciousness may interfere through incarnations of Gurus who show the right way to fair play and peace.
Hope I have reasonably confused all. My mission is over.