Thursday, 22 November 2012


The palm and five fingers concept – Solution to all problems !

None in this world is related to another in any special way than with the others. All are intrinsically related to each other in the same way. Because of the likes and dislikes developing in mind, we get into mutually convenient relationships. If one can remove the likes and dislikes from mind, then it would be possible to see  with an unbiased unpolluted mind. Thus relationships happen due to polluted minds ! Unpolluted minds do not require relationships. They find comfort in remaining unpolluted.

Isn’t this interesting?

Not even the relation between the mother and child is permanent ! The mother is a mother only as long as she thinks she is. Similarly the child. The social set ups urge one to limit the activities to the prescribed circle of friends and relatives, so that others can make a judgement on you and find out the qualities, strengths and weaknesses.

Very few is interested in your strengths any way ! Most want to actually know if your strengths can be detrimental to them. Their interest to your strength is limited to that extent. Most are more interested to know your weaknesses. Because you can be exploited there to their benefit.

If no relation is sacrosanct or for ever, then what is the basis or value of temporary relationship between people? We can understand professional relationships, blood relationships, friendships and relationships for mutual convenience. If the relationship between the mother and child is also only as long as the persons are alive, is there any who are eternally related for life ?

The relationship between people is of an understanding or trust that their existence are in some way complementary to one another. It is some sort of a trade for peaceful co-existence. You scratch my back. A good looking one may prefer company of admirers because they make him / her feel good as long as they admire. Any relationship based on body based attraction is superfluous and is only skin deep.

Deeper and more lasting relationships happen between understanding minds. That also breaks once they understand each other deeper and differences come to the surface. If one can bear with the differences of the other, or mutually, they continue the relationship of giving and taking.

There is no eternal relationship. At the deepest level, all relationships merge into a single entity. There would be no more giver or taker. The giver and taker merge like the mother and infant child. When the child grows up, the relationship may or may not break depending on the persons involved.

The relationship / bond between all people, for that matter between all living things are just the same. We get into temporary relationships according to the looks and age of the body and believe that those related to the body are their own and others are outsiders. These relationships can change over time. Outsiders can become insiders and vice versa. These are all designs and imaginations of the mind and are not REAL.

Breaking relationships by choice or be happenings in life can be quite painful. The pain, if you watch, has nothing to do with the body. It happens in the mind. Some object or person whom you thought was your ‘own’, if and when change the position as “someone else’s” can affect the mind.

How to get into a fair relationship with one and all ? Is there a way for this? What is called universal love?

If one can achieve this state of mind by consciously conditioning it, then he / she would be comfortable with everyone everywhere at all times. The mind develops eddies when we attach a selfish ‘myness’ to some one or something. Actually this ownership does not really exist between the object and the claimer. It exists only in your mind. That is the starting point of all your worries and happiness !

Instead of understanding the mind, if one simply goes by the instincts, likes and dislikes, the mind with its faculties create a world for you to enjoy, loading it with everything you like. It is the mind’s job and nature to do so. Without realising that your own likes and dislikes are designing the future, we succumb to the world created by the mind according to your own wishes and nobody else’s. So why do you complain? To whom?!

You wanted it, you asked for it, you worked for it, you deserve it. So what is there to complain? The trouble happens because you are not alone in the world. There are so many like you with similar interests and faculties. When your mind is dreaming (making workable designs) about external objects or persons, their minds are also active simultaneously with their own plans. These plans may overlap or superimpose or clash or merge with one another. Because everything is intrinsically related to one another the same way. Your mind wants some deviation to  this basic relationship and are prepared to give all you have to see that your plan materialises. From a thought in mind into concrete materials !

As long as your plans do not interfere with the others’, there is no big issue. Just some ripples and movements. The tussle occurs when two contenders vie for the same object. These are healthy tussles and are to be treated with sportsman spirit that is to accept and congratulate the winner.

At times it may not be as simple as that. The winner might have taken away the ambition of another leading to heart burn and even violent aftermaths. The loser may not be able to actually accept the winner at heart even though he grudgingly accepted the defeat to a stronger or better endowed one. The mind faces such situations by making designs to get over the situation. Hatred, fear, jealousy, anger, revenge, cunningness, embarrassment, inactivity, lack of enthusiasm etc might develop in mind. The mind is actually gearing up to destroy something to get over the pain. These feelings are the preparatory arrangements to eliminate the pain !

The ways of the mind if understood properly can be quite amusing ! However the discussion is on universal love and how it can be achieved. For example let us take the example of the loser above. How can he love the winner? Is it possible or even required ?!

Firstly we are not here to compete and belittle others. The other person is just another one just like you. If you can watch in a detached way, the same creator force has created both of you. To that creator,  both of you are siblings. In fact all living things are. But some just cant accept the others as having any relation with them what so ever ! If they do so, their world crumble. In fact the private worlds are all created like that with some love  and equal amount of hate !

Is it possible to have a world where everyone understands everyone else as their siblings? For argument sake lets say God can, because he only created all these. Can we see things from the God’s perspective?
What is required to reach that stage?

The mind is the only tool for this exercise. If we closely watch the mind, we can see that it has impressions or scars from the past experiences all over it. These are the reference points with which the mind would move or design or prepare for future events.

If one can carefully remove these spots / scars in the mind, then the mind becomes clean. Otherwise it keeps loitering about these spots as it has nothing else to do. It is the nature of the mind to keep a watch on the spots where some action took place earlier. As future actions are dependent on the past ones, the new events have some bearing on the old events.

Suppose we wilfully remove these spots in mind what will happen? Mind is like clay waiting to be moulded into any shape. It has no specific interests or knowledge about the future shape. It moves according to the directions of the soul. If no specific instructions pending it keeps moving like the wind. The soul is the master. The mind is its equipment.

The human mind is like the trapped air in one’s lungs. It has been sucked in from the atmosphere and would go back into the atmosphere. But as long as it is inside a particular lung, it changes according to the activity of the lung. Or lets take the example of colour balloons appearing differently according to the quantity of air inside. The air was taken from the atmosphere. When the balloon bursts, the air inside would go out and merge with the atmosphere. But as long as it remains inside the balloons, they appear different. Is there any valid reason for one balloon to claim superiority over another? Absolutely not !

Similarly the human mind is just a small part of the universal mind trapped by the body for using in its lifetime. When the body expires, the mind goes back and merges with the universal mind. The universal mind is pure and clean remaining incorrupt due to the absence of any selfish motives. The part of the mind within the human body however may get knotty and polluted due to likes and dislikes developed during its time within that body. There the mind may appear to be a separate entity having no connection or comparison with the universal mind. In fact, the very universal mind concept would appear to be a story and not reality. The universal mind is in control of the creator and being desire free or having no specific design for any particular object or person, it remains pure and unbiased. The human mind can be compared with this background of pure universal mind and the spots in the human mind which causes the wearer (body) to live a particular life can be visible.

In the normal family lives, the activities of normal minds are considered within limits and is not alarming. The universal mind is quite comfortable with such minds of loving parents and friends. Some special minds may try to break the family barrier assume itself to be supreme and try to control or harass others.  Such minds can create havoc among peace loving normal people and are to be dealt with either by the other people or by the universal mind directly taking over the situation.

All minds are parts of the universal mind and hence have the relationship of siblings among them. Individual interests only colour different minds and make them appear as different from others. Is there a way to eliminate the misunderstanding between separated minds / bodies / persons to feel that they are parts of the same parent after all the apparent differences ?

Yes ! That is the palm and five fingers concept.

The Fingers in the Palm is a good short cut to remember this universal truth. Imagine the palm as God and fingers as the living things. You appear to be an independent  person or entity because of your incomplete identity as just a finger with out any base or relationship with other fingers. Thus the fingers get into a game of comparison and one-upmanship. Without knowing the base from which they have emanated from. The palm even though very much there all through this drama, does not interfere with the small squabbling among the fingers. 

If you tend to dislike another, imagine yourself and the to be hated person as two fingers connected to the same palm. The palm will absorb the differences. If not you might even proceed to amputate the other finger so as to eliminate the enemy from the face of your world. To the palm, both the fingers are required to be there and do things in a mutually complementing and beneficial way. Hatred and elimination is not the way to a peaceful meaningful life. Peaceful co existence only would allow you to see the palm to which both the fingers are connected to ! Other wise the fingers would imagine that they are simply fingers without any relationship in between. In such a view the existence of other finger is not your concern.

That is until you see the palm ! Most never get to know that a palm exists at their base.

Now having hit upon the idea of the palm and fingers lets extrapolate it to include others also in the canvas ! Thus the Thumb can be, say, a tiger. The index finger a man, the middle finger a tree, the ring finger a woman and the small finger a fish. You can imagine any combination of the fingers as you like. The fingers themselves if not aware that they are joined at the same base, the palm, might see the others as different entities of different shapes and sizes ! They, if intelligent to see the roots can easily identify the others as siblings. Those who cant see this (or don’t want to see in some special case of fanatics, and adamant chauvinists) keep arguing with the other fingers and try to justify its own superiority by comparison.

In the earlier example, the thumb (tiger) may look at the small finger (fish) with amusement and wonder how it survives in water. The fish on the other hand might wonder how big the tiger is, how it survives without water and may even laugh at the tail which is not in a shape to swim !

The index finger (man) and ring finger (woman) understand far better than the tiger and the fish ! They would keep off the tiger, shout slogans in unison for saving the endangered animal and take rest under the tree eating its fruits. While doing so they may develop a liking for one another and might even marry and have children !

To the middle finger (tree) only the man and woman would be of any significance. They may chop the tree down to make firewood. Or water it to grow further depending on the designs in their minds, which can be destructive or constructive ! May be felling the tree (destructive) to make a house (constructive) is simultaneously both ! Tiger and Fish are harmless fingers to the tree. However having no senses and no particular interest or desire on other fingers, the tree remains tall and majestic. It outlives all others too but never makes a claim of superiority because of that.

The man might further think that he having more strength, is better than the female or that the female is made just for his fun and hence need to be enslaved. He might try to keep her in an isolated place and cover her up fearing that the other fingers might like to see her nude like he does !

What would the palm be thinking all this while?

The palm would be silently watching with amusement the itching of the finger tips ! The different looking tiger, fish, tree, man and woman are just different parts of the palm. The fingers may not know this. The palm has to. Because the fingers are connected to the palm. Without the palm the  fingers don’t exist. The fingers may think differently about the other fingers. The palm cannot.

The example of palm and fingers can be further extended to different countries, races, religions etc.

Thus the USA, China, India, Japan and Pakistan can be
the five fingers. Or they can be Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and Libya. Take America as the thumb. China as the middle finger, Israel as the little finger. Add Pakistan and India  or whatever you like to permute and combine.
Make any combination of the countries of interest as fingers of the palm, the mother earth!

Or take the fingers as differently coloured people. White, Black, Brown, Yellow and what …Green ! (just to fill the gap only I am yet to see one of that colour !). At the palm, the fingers are joined together. At the tip, the whites know they are better looking than the rest. The Blacks know they are stronger than the rest. The Yellows know they outnumber all. The browns having nothing to project above the visible claims of other fingers might start thinking that they are no good compared with the rest and sulk !

At the core, the palm, all are joined together or people of all colours are parts of the same palm. Some big some small. Some strong some weak. But parts of the palm all the same !

This vision can solve any problem in this world. Conversely absence of this vision is the cause of all problems in this world.

How simple. I am a finger of the hand. The middle finger is a billionaire. The thumb is the Prime Minister. The thug is the index finger. The beggar (whom I just shoved off lying that I have no money, having kept it for a sumptuous meal later !) is the little finger. Who is my enemy? Who is my brother? Who is not my brother?

I respect the prime minister finger as he is the leader of the country. I admire the billionaire finger and wonder how a rich man’s world would be. I hate the thug finger and recommend for amputating it ! I don’t want to even look at the beggar finger !

Let there be more than five fingers ! Absolutely no harm. In fact more fingers are more desirable to the magic palm ! Now imagine a palm large enough to hold all those fingers. Let the countries look at their land and see if all lands have come from the earth. What is the need of one-upmanship and war?

Or take the religions as fingers. Islam, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist and Jews are the fingers. God or Love is the palm from which all religions have come up. Is one religion better than the rest? It is like asking which is a better language, English, Chinese, Hindi, French or Spanish? As long as a language is capable of its intended purpose of communication, there is no requirement to compare. The purpose of religions is to invoke love in human hearts and make them live better lives. This all religions are capable of doing. Likewise all religions are connected / created by God.

If some finger (religion) wants to be treated as the (strong) thumb or the  (tall) middle finger and not the (feeble) little finger, the palm (God) may not be able to justify that finger which would keep demanding amputating all other fingers !

Or take the shipping Industry as the palm. The fingers can be Owners, Crew, Officials, suppliers and repairers. The owner might privately like to think he is the brightest even though in public he might behave diplomatically noble ! The Officials might think without their kind clearance the owner is at his mercy. The crew might think they make easy money nearly at par with the owner. Etc. Who is better ? Without all in place the industry does not move.

Case closed !

The hand and fingers ! The simple code for solution to all problems ! When you have a problem spread your palm and look at the fingers ! If the problem persists, let us know ! No problem can sustain at this core vision.

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