Thursday, 22 November 2012



Look at this in another angle. The creator is eternal. The universe is a manifestation of this infinite eternity in time. Hence to the eternity, this universe and time are just another episode like in an unending Indian TV serial. Countless universes might have come and gone. May come again even after this  universe plays out its prescribed mission. Unless you realise the truth about your self, the life is as good as wasted, even as one tries to convince himself that he really lived his life… money…women….career….wealth…friends…. fame… fans ! Gone at a swing of the time. Where are you gone?

Need to understand the mind better and remove the spots and knots in mind intelligently. Spend some time to understand the mind than on making further money and indulging in newer pleasures. Introspect. Who or what are you ?

Once you ask this question, then the mind would slowly free itself from the bondages. A pure (thought free) mind is what the God has. Our minds are born from it. That is why a baby's mind is so clean. As we interact with the world, the mind is plastered with different shades (likes and dislikes). Because of this we cant see anything else than what is in our own mind or what we would like to see.

When we see a tree for the first time, it creates an impression in our mind. When we think of that tree, we don’t need go to the tree and look at it again next time. “You” “look” at the “image” in “your” “mind” on that “tree”. “You’ are not “really” ”seeing” the “tree” but only “knowing” the ‘impression” in ‘mind’ about that “tree” !

Do you understand?  

A trader may only see how much the tree would fetch if felled. A boat builder may see it as parts of a new boat he has in mind. A bird might see it as its restaurant, park and home ! A child may see it as a shade under which he can play. The owner might see it as a source of income by selling its fruits. A fruit merchant may see only the money he can make by buying the entire fruits by even swindling the lawful owner by reporting low demand.

The tree remains the same selfless entity proud and tall during all these impressions people make about it in their minds! To others it appears in different ways, depending on the way one looks at it or the way one’s mind forms impressions about it based on the instincts, likes and dislikes in the very mind of the onlooker. The poor tree is not responsible for what people think about it. It may not be even aware. It simply exists as the tree ! We think about it in different ways. the tree does not complain either. 

Can someone see a tree exactly as it is without creating an impression about the tree in his mind? One can. Only if the mind is clean and free from any preconditions. Then look into the tree and you 'know' everything about the tree. This is reportedly how Ayurveda developed in ancient India. Otherwise can anyone taste each and every leaf and root and fruits (some of which are poisonous too) and see the result  it can make to a particular ailment? What about the compounds (Kashayam / Lehyam) made from different parts of various plants? Mind boggling !

By the way can two people see the same tree exactly the same way? They can provided the minds are similar. But as this is impractical, there is only one way. By making both the minds clear. When the minds are clean, then there is no difference in what they see.

Then the final stage. All people seeing everything exactly as the others ! There is still some distance for that state. At that stage all would realise that the entity that enables them to see through different bodies is just the same one or the bodies are all linked by it.

A mind can become free and then dissolve into the consciousness (soul). A mind having no desires (like the divinely smiling kids or the animals) experiences the soul within. Because when the mind is free it sees nothing outward. The inner consciousness, which so far appeared to be a far off vague feeling, becomes louder and intense as the mind becomes more and more detached from the objects in this world. Once the attachments in the mind are completely removed (by practice or by events of life) the mind would start feeling the consciousness more real than the rock mountain in front of you ! Once fully free, the mind vibrates like a dew drop at the lotus leaf. Not connected to the leaf but touching the leaf all the same ! 

You can literally hear the pin drop at this state. It becomes a magnifying glass and shows objects and people intrinsically how they are rather than attaching a colour to the objects as your own. When there are desires and attachments, the world appears from obscurity and might look
attractive to the senses. This attraction is actually in the mind and is deceptive and even dangerous if you are not careful. The real pleasure is at the soul, which we cant find unless knowingly and vigorously sought after.

The mind after transcending from a muddy pond fully agitated (where one cant see the bottom) to a clear pond (where the bottom can be seen) and then to a single crystal clear drop, would dissolve into the consciousness if there is no further attraction which might pull it back to the world to have another life to fulfill the pending desire. The desires keep on forming, like bubbles from the bottom of a pond, and when it takes shape a body is required for the mind to enter. Thus rebirths take place. The cycle of births and rebirths happen until the intellect realises the folly of chasing pleasure externally whereas the real absolute pleasure and love is at the soul itself. 
This is a realisation. Self realisation. Once this realisation comes, your mind becomes blessed and free. You feel happy for ever for everything and not just for sometime for something. One actually has to transcend the time to reach the soul. Hence it is everlasting peace and happiness.

(Heard this somewhere ! However let me chase my dear desires for now ! See you later, dude, peace)

We do not know much about this so called soul as of now. Modern science rubbishes this concept. But the learned Rishis say repeatedly in one voice that the soul is very much there at the other end of the mind and it only is there, it is all consciousness, formless, self contained, all knowledge, beyond death and time and infinitely powerful. It is the creator of this universe. It has ‘Maya’ as its associated power with which the creation is made. For what ?

The rishi's answer is simple and tonge in cheek. Just for fun !

The universe with its billions of stars and infinite space... the sun the moon the earth the stars....the oceans …the atmosphere….the thriving life on earth... the beautiful people and trees and animals.... the human mind body and intellect... the ultimate engineering mind boggling master piece....the universe.... is created just for fun !?

By our standards, either the creator has to be well and truly out of his mind for making such an expensive toy called the universe and break it up after some time. The God is reportedly of very short temper by some really wise bearded guys and is looking for women who expose their body in public ! As if the creator has no other business than admonishing the scantily dressed women whom he created without any dress. However, given a chance.

We could have used the resources far better than God and made just, for example, a single sun and one earth and may be a moon to add romance to it. May be a few stars to make the sky glitter at night for the children to chant twinkle twinkle ! That would have been far cheaper than this sheer mammoth scale of wasteful creation !  We would further surely not waste so much building materials to make all those billions of stars and so many lifeless planets, some thousands of times bigger than earth itself but without water and air ! What a thoughtless waste. The God may need some human intelligence to
use the resources in a more meaningful way, right?

We would have made the earth with out the oceans between the continents which now makes sea travel mandatory. Imagine
all continents land connected. We could technically walk all around the earth ! Let the oceans remain there but leave the continents as connected. Won't it have been better?! One problem of that idea could be that the mightiest race would have occupied the whole earth and eliminated every other race. One religion and its rituals would have evolved. For the better or worse. Who knows such an earth was not made earlier or does not exist in the universe now?

Also who says that the universe was created just for fun?
Is it not created to trumpet the glory of God and get applause from the created lives, like a monopolist businessman or a dictator who loves to listen to the chants "Long live God ! You are the greatest" and feel mighty pleased with the proceedings? 

But isn't that a cheap way to glorify oneself?
It is made to punish the human beings who do not believe in God. Such a fabulous creator can be so mean ? Do you brow beat your child to keep praising the parents for giving birth or expect a kiss? Or beat the child black and blue for not praising you enough as its creator so that your ego is satisfied?

My God ! Some people claiming ownership / guardianship / custodianship on you as if you are a weak child who needs protection ! God save the custodians of God
trying to save the God ! The custodians are actually using the faith in God as a facade or cover up for chasing their own desires and making other subordinates to exploit.

Dear custodians of God ! Do you really think God is as stupid as you think?

Even the God cant save these wise guys. What do these people think of God? Their idea about God lies in their own minds. God lies underneath the very minds. How can we measure an ocean with a bucket? Logically the God, being so powerful
and knowledgeable, should be capable of taking care of itself. The custodians may please lay off so that the God can breathe from their clutches and smile !

The smile of God is called the flowers. This universe is his laughter.

So dont be afraid of the creator in any way. There is no reason to be afraid of God. He is your closest friend. Even if your mother leaves you, God will not ! God is not simply to be afraid of or even believed in !

On the contrary the God concept is to be properly understood.
God will not disclose itself if you keep loitering in the temples and offering poojas and money to happen things to your liking. It is to be sought within and realised within. It is the ultimate solace of mind. The mind is the divine tool with which the God is to be realised. One end of the mind is at our physical bodies linking the senses to a consciousness within at the other end. THAT consciousness simply is the God.

We know about consciousness. To most it is a distant feeling or awareness like a far off galaxy. We can travel to this consciousness through the mind. That journey is called Ramayan. Rama = soul (consciousness). Ayan = the journey.
Killing an animal for food is acceptable to that God but it cant stand a woman bathing naked ! Some God concept the male chauvinists imagine for fulfilling their own weird desires ! God loves only the intelligent ones, even the one asks who the hell
God is ! But not the one who pray for mercy, chant "God, God " round the clock and hurt others
to realise his demonic desires. They simply forget that the same God only created
other people (even if you do not like their looks and attitude) and shown the way to him
through a few intermediaries like Prophets, saints and selfless people.

God simply keeps away from those who treat it as a Master and separate from the
seeker. God cannot hate or punish the "Save me...punish my enemy" chanting slave
devotee as God is pure love. Its maximum punishment is staying unknown to
the selfish worshipper and making him feel separate from God itself ! One would
know how much miserable the separated life from God is only when you, by chance
or by wilful deeds come to know about it. Fear and hate is the distance that the
worshipper, knowingly or not, creates between himself and God ! Such worshippers
go through lives of pleasure and pain and think God is responsible for the roller coaster life.
No. He himself is. In fact his mind is. He has not understood what God is, where it is and how to
reach it !

Instead he claims custodianship of a God he created in his mind !

Case closed !

Can you believe this?!

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