Priests use the following
tools to trap gullible followers.
1). Belief
2). Commandments
3). Sin and Guilt
4). Promise and Hope
5). Boosting the Ego.
6). Rituals.
7). Miracle stories
8). Fear
9). Blessings
10). Miseries and Curses
All these may appear
innocuous and apparently aimed at making someone ‘god- fearing' and hence a
better individual. But these are actually psychological tools that make one
crippled for life. Priests use them carefully according to the situation like
politicians to keep the follower trapped by his own mind. In fact this is a pre-planned
assault on the unsuspecting confused individual by the priests. All religions
do this. None spared including Hinduism which is not a religion !
Lets analyse the tools
that priests use to tame people.
1). BELIEF:-
The priest (of any
religion) would mandatorily require the prospective follower (mostly children
who are innocent and straight forward before they attain the maturity to ask
questions) to believe in someone. Their parents fell pray to the priests by
believing in someone is the only fault the children committed. They are taught
to 'believe' that a particular person was born to save others and there
would be nobody else like him any more. One has to necessarily 'believe' this
first for getting inducted into the religion. Once inducted, the priests use
the other tools as required to cripple him completely.
What is required to grow is
to 'doubt' and not 'believe' like a stupid. The individual needs to ask
questions and is to be encouraged to do so in order to find the answers himself
than spoon-feeding him with what others or the priests think. Then he starts
thinking like others and not as himself. His intelligence gets blocked. He has
no questions. He fails to understand the meaning of existence as he is simply
not asking any questions. His growth is curtailed. He becomes a Bonsai
irrigated and controlled by the priests. He lives and dies like a dwarf with
fear and having no self acquired knowledge. The priests have killed a potential
Buddha even before he started asking questions like Siddhartha.
Get the point? Doubt. Do not
believe. If someone tells one to believe, simply ask why.
The priests would teach to
learn by heart a few dos and don'ts which they themselves may not follow in
private. These rules would be difficult to follow for normal people. Like no
food or water at night by Jains. Or do not swallow saliva ! This is like
telling dogs not to bark to become respectable. The natural tendency is
nature's gift. No priest has the right to deny it. If the natural course of a
river is blocked, the waters would take another course. This is nature's rule.
By trying to follow the commandments, people make mistakes as none can follow
all rules completely. Further, by trying to follow the commandments, the mind
gets confused and fearful when mistakes happen inadvertently. Those who follow
the commandments to the dot end up as psychic patients.
No commandments need to be
followed for happy living except what the nature gives us and what common sense
allows. Then we live naturally enjoying the natural resources and replenishing
them like responsible persons. Live naturally, responsibly and carefully
without hurting oneself or others.
3). SIN and GUILT:-
The priests would say
certain acts are sins. If you swallow his advice, then you would start feeling
guilty for having committed some sin, confess to the priest about it, who will
decide the penalty too! How interesting. First of all an elaborate list of
sins is made by the priests. These would be those that the priests may
not do in public so that he escapes questioning by doubting Thomases. But
natural tendencies of people would be included in that list so that some one
trips somewhere ! In many religions, Sex is considered as sin. Now all
humans need sex by their design. Denying the normal sex drive as a sin is more
than enough to complicate the person for life. Thus masturbation becomes a sin,
thinking of women is sin, watching pornography is sin. Homosexuality is
sin. Natural hetero sex itself is sin. Adultery is sin. People get scared at expressing
their natural love. The priests become happy. Now the person is under their
Understand that no act
whatsoever is sin in this world. There can be mistakes. Mistakes can be
corrected. But making a mistake is no ground for branding someone as a sinner
for life. That is simply not fair. Besides there are no sins at all. If so, the
animals would be getting burnt in hellfire everyday ! At worst certain
actions can be in the animal level, which is low for human beings. The way out
is to understand the mistake and correct them. There is no question of any sin,
whatsoever. But there can be mistakes, which can of course be corrected. Relax.
4). PROMISE and HOPE:-
The priests would
promise things and create hope among those in need / desire. To the poor,
he might say that if they do this and that they would be rich after death. Not
in this life, mind you ! So even those who advocate celibacy in this
life would be given hope that after they die, there would be virgins
awaiting them in paradise. Or to alcoholics, the advice would be that in
paradise the rivers are of alcohol ! This is plain cheating. Because there is
no paradise and no life after death as made out to be. But this strategy works
for the dumb ones who has something to look forward to, if not in this life
then after death !
Hope is a futuristic
concept. The future is actually a phantom, which does not exist. When future
arrives, it will be as today, now. So what cannot be satisfied or realised now
is not going to be realised tomorrow either if we postpone it. If something can
be done, it is now and here and not later. All such promises are just that.
Promises which cannot be fulfilled.
wise people advised to drop the ego. The priests tell us otherwise ! Because it
is the priests' interest that people remain egoistic and strive to outdo
others. Then they can be controlled. If people are selfless, the priests lose
business. Imagine a world full of selfless people like Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus,
Buddha etc. There would be no competition. All Mahatmas would help the others !
Then the priests would have none to admonish ! Therefore the priests instigate
ego within people so that they remain without love to others. Then they can
preach love. If people start loving others especially of other religions, then
the priests are out of business.
Understand what ego is in
the first place. Ego is the identity that one assumes about oneself based on
the body, mind, the world and experiences. The ego appears to be the
experiencer. But it is not so. The soul is the experiencer. To realise this,
one has to drop ego and look within. Ego is like darkness or ignorance which
will disappear when the light / knowledge comes. Once we start searching for
the ego, it simply disappears ! when we ignore the ego, it appears like a
shadow! Ego is ignorance personified. Identify the ego and reach the pure
core of conscious-existence. then one feels reassured and blissful.
All religions have rituals
and codes of conduct either started by the founders or modified by the priests
following them. Thus prayers, visit to temples, churches, mosques or
synagogues, fasting at times, praying in particular postures, dress codes, how
to treat women (or how to avoid them in daylight !), baptism by Christians,
poonool by Hindus, match making procedures, auspicious timings, wedding
ceremonies, after death rituals etc. Rituals if unchecked can grow, engulf and
consume the whole life. So people being practical with common sense, keep
minimum rituals that cannot be avoided in any case. Rituals are aimed at
conditioning the mind and thus life. When people wear similar dresses, they can
be identified as a separate group. Same with rituals. All rituals lead the
devotee to the destination. The priests' feet. Not to the God's abode as
promised by the priests. Because the priests themselves do not know about the
God's abode. Even if they know, they may keep quiet so that devotees remain at
their feet.
The remedy is to understand
that with all these varied rituals of various religions, people remain as they
are with or without rituals ! If some particular way of praying can reach God
quicker, then surely that has to be tried out whole heartedly by all other
religions. But here is the catch. the rituals are purportedly to reach God. But
are by design end up at the priests. This is what the priests want. So the
devotees has to decide, if they are capable of deciding, what they do and what
is likely to result. Bending over several times is good for health. Knowing God
is not through the body but through the mind. Any activity by the body is
ultimately un- accruing as the body itself will perish after the prescribed
life span. It is the mind that is all important. Not the body.
This is a lethal hidden
weapon of the priests to make the suspecting devotee submit. Project a normal
incident as unusual and super natural to create awe in the illiterate
listeners. Like walking over water, Milk oozing from the snake bite wound of
the body of a Mahavira, Ganapati statue drinking milk (as invented by milk
merchants to sell buffer stock of milk !), Jesus statue bleeding from the eyes
or nail wounds, waters in salty ocean turning sweet near a holy place (during
rains !), filling a dry well with water in summer (Shirdi sai baba),
a beggar getting a lottery after praying to someone, a critically ill
patient suddenly recovering after praying, someone miraculously escaping from
an accident where all others die etc. The priests hide details and make
the incident appear as if it is not possible by normal people. Thus the belief in
someone that the priests want to project (for strengthening their own faith
business) will be hammered in to gullible followers. The followers get
attracted to miracle stories and hope to get out of their miseries through
similar miracles. The priests plan has worked. He knows no miracle is going to
happen. Because he himself had manipulated an ordinary incident into a miracle
to trap someone. He does not believe in it himself. But this is his business
Everything that happens all
around all the time is actually miraculous. We fail to notice the changes
because our minds get stuck at things that they are interested in. Far more
interesting things may be happening elsewhere but the mind is conditioned not
to look at them ! Thus we actually miss miracles showering all around but see
only what the mind is taught to see. Thus life gets monotonous and boring as
the mind repeatedly lands up in the same sight or scenes. The way out is to
free the mind from habits, likes and dislikes. then the mind becomes open
and receptive to more happenings around. Then the ordinary incident like the
sun rising or a wind blowing or a bird chirping or one taking breath or
moving the hands would appear to be quite interesting and miraculous.
Everything is actually miraculous. We fail to notice because the minds are
conditioned to note only what we like.
8). FEAR:-
Nothing to fear but fear
itself is what brave people have advised us. But the priests do just the
opposite. They inculcate fear in the followers' minds. This is with a definite
purpose. A fearful mind would need help. The priests get a space here. Fearless
minds find their own ways. The priests or any other is not required now. And
that is the reason why the priests inject fear. It can be like presenting
'wrath of God' if something not palatable to the priests is done or a
punishment awaiting after death. The aim of the priests is to make the follower
follow a path that the priests can oversee. If the priests do not interfere,
people would take normal paths as allowed by nature and accepted naturally by
the others. But then the priests lose space. None needs priests for living
naturally as designed by God. So what do the priests do for a living? They
scare people and then rule them !
Fear is the worst enemy of
human minds. A fearful mind gets shrunk and if sustained for long, may cripple
the person for ever. Further negative energies and thoughts emanate in
mind, which if not released or rectified would settle at the body as toxins which
can cause ulcers or cancer. Diseases happen in mind first and get transferred
to the body in due course, if the mind remains in that state for long. There is
nothing whatsoever in this world to be afraid of. When the mind gets fearful, instead
of praying to save, start introspecting why the mind is fearful at that
situation or location. Then address the fear directly and deal with it. If one
cannot deal with it all by himself seek help from professionals. And not from
priests in any case. They would simply glee and continue to inject the fear in
order to keep him under control !
The priests would say that
God will bless if one does this, this and that. He may cite examples and
present witnesses. This is a tactic to lure weak minds who have toiled hard,
prayed and donated as advised by the priests without any appreciable
improvement in their lives. Blessing is like a lottery to the poor. It is not
an object but a 'mysterious upliftment' in human status and fortunes. Like
someone getting cured or passing the exam or getting a job or whatever. The
priests may say that they prayed to the founder prophet and the prophet in turn
recommended our case to the God who is sitting on the left of the prophet in
heaven ! So the prophet after seeing the misery of those who believe in him
whispers case by case to the God "This
is our man. He believes in the prophet. Please help him my lord so that others
also would start believing in the prophet !". And God after listening the
recommendation of the prophet, grants a blessing ! Remember, only those
who believe in the prophet will get any blessing whatsoever, because the God
will listen only to that prophet sitting on his right ! What a pair !
Goosebumps !
Some followers really
believe the preacher and pray to the prophet as prompted by the preacher to
hear their problems (carefully) and recommend to God to grant a blessing ! As
if God is a stupid unable to understand the problems of people all by himself.
God listens to a particular prophet only and blesses only those who believe in
that prophet ! Wonderful ! What an idea priestji !
Blessings from the
existence happens all the time. Everything is actually blessings. Sunshine,
wind, food, clothes, house, jobs, entertainments, roads, trees, plays, sports,
songs, dances, jokes, laughter, love, You name it. We have all that. We have
the intelligence to decide. We have the mind to know. The senses to feel. The
body to experience pleasures. What else is required? God has given us everything.
We need more blessings? What for? This is pure greed. Or ignorance.
Learn how to enjoy the available blessings rather than envying others who
have different blessings.
The priests may hint at the
miseries of someone as the curse from God for not listening to the priests !
Hindu priests used to scare followers that the contagious diseases like small
pox was curse from the deity for not doing the poojas as prescribed by the
priests. That such diseases did not have medicines in those times was the real
issue. The priests would hide the fact and project what they wanted, the
offerings from devotees. They link it to curse from God and the illiterate are
taken for a ride. The real cause may be sanitation and hygiene or not burying
dead bodies.
Sometimes a misery may be
glorified if that serves the purpose of the priests ! And declare the suffering
person as a saint ! While he suffered no one cares for him. When he is dead, he
is declared as a saint with mystical powers sent by God to test the people !
The misery is not the issue. What the priests want make out of an incident is
the issue ! He can make a misery a curse from God or a blessing from God ! If
someone dies at a tender age, the priests may interpret the incident as a curse
because he or his parents did not listen to the priests ! Or as a blessing from
God as he loves that child more than anyone else and hence he was called back
sooner, if the priest cannot find any make believe reason to charge the
family !
God is the abundant live
existence consciousness that resides within all live beings. By its nature, it
is love and knowledge and the universe is its manifestation. If we look closely
at the universe, we can see the smile of the creator in the flowers and the mischief
in the insects. Without insects, there would be no trouble and people
might have become lazy ! So mosquitoes are there to sting a lazy bone sleeping
without any efforts or a bed bug to suck blood from the unhygienic or the cock
roaches to swarm unkempt kitchens ! When the premises are clean and routinely
attended to, the insects will be reduced. But God may not curse someone for not
listening to someone else especially the priests! Miseries need to be addressed
scientifically. There will be no miseries if one keeps healthy. This the human
beings can handle. God is not required to address miseries. God has already
given the remedies to possible miseries. We only have to make use of them.
Whew !
These funny priests ! Don't
they have any useful work to do, like addressing over population and providing
all people resources and facilities to live like kings ? There lies the
problem. If all are healthy and wealthy, what is left for the priests to
capitalise on for sweat free living ?
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