Sunday, 7 July 2013



What is Sanathana Dharma way of life that prevailed in Ancient India before the Aryans (Brahmins) came ?

In Sanathana Dharma way of life, the children are allowed to play until they reach puberty. No heavy jobs are assigned to them. The parents work to feed and protect them. Once they reach puberty, they are sent to the Gurukul (Where the Master resides, in forest) to learn language and attain knowledge. The children live with the Guru; learn, serve the Ashram, practice celibacy, yoga, pranayam and meditation.

The purpose of education was to make the individual strong and capable first and search for the unknown through detachment of mind, purification of mind and then meditating in solitude in a spine-erect posture.

By the time the children become adults, their orientations become clear. There are two options then. One is to pursue studies and meditation or to drop studies and get married. Most adults opt for marriage as the same appears more attractive to them. A few who might have understood the futility of pursuing the never lasting bodily pleasures and emptiness of relations, may stay with the Guru to pursue the search of truth. There was no compulsion. The adult had to make a decision all by himself depending on his state of mind and affiliations.

Lets leave those who pursue studies and meditation and stayed with Guru. It can be quite boring  Lets see what the majority who opted for family lives did. They marry, have children, take care for the children and the children are allowed to play until they reach puberty.

Then the same cycle repeats. The children proceed to the Gurukul for studies. When they reach adulthood, thy decide what to do best according to their minds.Most decide to get married (What else?). A few stay with the Guru continuing meditation and experimenting with their own minds, like detachment, purification and meditating in solitude.

Now Lets see what happened to the parents. Remember they were the drop outs from the Gurukul. Those who could not bring minds to a state of detachments and meditation. Those who liked to get attached to the world than detached. Wanted to enjoy the pleasures and hence got married being practically wise. Now their children have married and have children. The parents, who were children themselves once are in a different frame of mind now.

They realize how silly or repetitive the children are and become mature themselves. The hard realities of life make them practical and informed about the impending death waiting for them where they will feel separation and total loss. Living with the spouses make them realize the emptiness of relations in the face of other likings or separation or death. Thus the old-children-turned-now-parents are now in a state where they can try detaching the minds. Because they have realised the folly of trying to attach to something that is perishable. Relations become just water marks. Gone in the future.

No permanent relations possible. Only timed contracts, even which will turn sour sooner than later. Most grin and bear it. They continue the relations to placate the others having no love or concern. Most end up in egoistic competitions too

Now the parents (or soon the grand parents) are able to look at the world and relations with a smile. The life is going to end any way. So most are able to detach the minds, purify it, try to see all with love and compassion. Bingo ! This is what they could not do when they decided to get married when adults. They had abandoned studies and decided to taste the world than detaching the mind and letting it go like a stupid.

Practical wisdom!

Now what happened ? The same adults are now aging parents and grand parents. Thy have tasted the world. There was some satisfaction. But the reality of death is catching up faster than they like. They would like to continue for ever with all the friends and relatives staying as such without aging. But that is not possible either. Now wisdom enters their minds.

They knowingly decide to detach the mind and move on to eternal life. The path ? The same old path they did not take in adulthood. Detachment of mind, purification and then meditation. Now after one or two generation, the same adults, now grand parents, realize the folly of trying to own the timed existence. Had they known it earlier, they would not have even entered into an attachment in the first place.

So over all, Sanathana Dharma is a life style, a cyclic or circular one, aimed at making the humans aware of two major lessons.

One is that the world looks so attractive to those in early stages of life. They look forward for gratification from the world. Wise ones realise the emptiness of such lives. Attachments invariably leads to mistrust, competition, separation and death. So they searched for another way, if any. Where on could be happy for ever.

And they found it too as "Sat Chit Aanandam" (Truth,Knowledge , Bliss) or Aham Brahmasmi (I am that Brahman beyond death). So that was the path. Everyone knew this too. But to take that path is the problem. Because it needs detachment from the world. Then a tug of war happens in mind. The Inner and outer attracting test one another. Whatever wins becomes the future way of life.

Some take hard decisions early on detach the world and relations and reach the core and remain eternally happy because the core consciousness, also called the soul or God, is beyond death, ever present, all knowledge and above all absolute bliss. Once this core state is reached, one can take lives anytime anywhere as they choose. May be as a billionnaire's child or as an American ... or as Rahul Gandhi... One can choose the body for a relatively desirable life...

Sexual orgasm is a brief exposing of this soul, when the mind is free from time and space. Next time one has an orgasm, by self stimulation or through partners, keep your intelligence on. Try to understand what happens at that time of orgasm. The time is forgotten. Where we are is also forgotten. In that state of mind, the soul gets exposed. That is felt as an indescribable out of the world feeling as extreme divine happiness. This is simply a flashing revealing of the soul.

This pleasure can be had 24x7 which is called Ecstasy. Ecstasy is orgasm itself but unlimited, never ending. Imagine Ecstasy as heaven. No worry or fear or desire or obligation... A state of absolute freedom. No religion or worshiping or rituals can make one reach that state. The only way is to make the mind free from time and space.

And that is what was done by the Rishis in Sanathana Dharma.

When the mates got married and enjoy orgasm once in a while, the Rishi, who never had sex may reach unlimited orgasm without any partners by experimenting with own mind. Not simply ecstasy, or absolute bliss, but also, complete knowledge about the universe and the truth that ones' true identity is a mind boggling infinite presence named pure consciousness, which humans call as God

Women and children can understand this fast.

Males being jealous and egoistic and interested in the world become skeptical and venture the opposite path like brave. But they are actually cowards, afraid to leave the world or detach the mind.

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