Whatever I wrote are are my thoughts without me in it ! LOL. So that is the property of those who find it useful. It is for them that such thoughts happen in the first place. I am not generating the thoughts for my personal use. LOL ! What use these thoughts have for myself ?
If the sun claims all the brightness of sun light is for itself, then ? Sunlight belongs to those who need that. Not for the sun itself. Sun does not need the sunlight to see. LOL ! Please do use the thoughts if useful. You will not find such pure fundamental thoughts anywhere except from selfless souls where ego is no more.
Conversely that is my message too.. Drop the bloody ego. You will reach Godliness instantly. Ego makes one limited as human. Just drop ego and one will start rising to divinity where there are no differences. No two entities in the universe. Just one Chaitanya manifested in many forms... Ego makes one think one is separate and even superior from the rest.
Humans are so dependent on the sun for heat and light, the earth to stand upon, the trees for food and oxygen, the females for pleasure and company.. The children for innocent fun...the animals for natural behavior etc. Still humans think they are the owners ! Bull shit ! They are just dependent suckers. The earlier these egos die, the better for them and the world.
So I do not bless the world. I have no powers. But I can unbless the egos ! Those are my powers.. LOL !
The ego hides on's real self. God is pure love. Egoists think God thinks like them ! And God is so kind that it may even play with them to some extent.. That is until they start hurting others to drive in their self interests. God absconds then. That is hatred. Absence of the presence of Love is what we call as hatred. It is like darkness is actually absence of light. Or cold is simply absence of heat.
Fanatic males are in that state. No God in their heart. Their hearts are filled with ego, arrogance, ridicule, sex, possessiveness. That they can hurt someone is the proof that there is no God in them. God cannot hurt anyone. Because anywhere it looks, it sees itself only.. LOL ! Then whom can God hurt ?
That is the limitation of God ! Whew ! Finally e found a limitation of God . That is God cannot hate anyone or anything. Because God is love, How can 'pure love'. hate ? It would be like the light hiding in darkness ! Or the heat hiding in ice. LOL !
God can be kind, as Nabi observed.. and patient about human weaknesses. But human weaknesses are not God's weaknesses as the egoist ignorant fanatics like to think. Sorry about that. That they think God itself is a male chauvinist is the evidence of their own misconceptions and trying to impose their own wishlist and aspirations on the otherwise impartial God. The sun cannot afford not to shed sunlight on those it does not approve. That would be a giveaway ! The sun would be exposed for biases. and can be charged with dereliction of entrusted duties. LOL ! Sun sheds sunlight to all irrespective of whether a being is kind or cruel. Killer or saint. That is no consideration at all. All are equal to the sun. That includes ALL. From an ant to an elephant. From an amoeba to a pig to humans.. From fungus to Banyan trees. None is pared by the sun. the same is true with God.
Males think God is a male. God is as much a male as a female, rather neither. Sex is in the body level. God is sexless or beyond that. The consciousness of the tree is God ! The heat and light of the sun is God. The beauty of the rain bow is God. The tranquil peace and absorbing stillness of a full moon night is God. The food is God. The air is God. The water is another form of God. Too Hinduish ? Just factual. No religion in facts.
Why belittle God by saying these are all creations and only the creator is supreme ? The creator is there in the creation. Both are supreme. Whatever the supreme creates has to be supreme too. Right ? Both the the creator as well as the creation are supreme. Unmatched. Unique. Mind boggling. Why ridicule the creation and praise the creator alone as if to please him and get a booking for heaven after death ? That itself is ego !
God may suggest if you love me and appreciate my creation, try to enhance the beauty and quality of what is created. By hating someone whom I created makes me hurt ! Is it not ? God communicates with us 24x7. We do not hear it. Instead we try to see things from our ego centric perspectives and even judge God... LOL ! What can God do ? Be angry and destroy the Earth with one of the Trillion meteor missiles stocked in the 'Oort Cloud', one light year away from Earth ? The same meteor that eliminated the Dinosaurs when the evolution took a wrong turn ?
God is no push over. God does not even care how women dress or how people copulate. Apart from close blood relatives, copulation is the same for God between any male and female. Sexual relation between close relatives are banned by all religions and by nature. That has a purpose, This life is not for pursuing sex in all varieties. Disciplined sex is allowed duly respecting others rights too. There has to be some relations that the males should keep above sex. They are mothers, sisters and daughters. By keeping them above sex, the male becomes respectable. That is exactly why the males have to keep a few close close blood relatives as above sex. That makes him rise above sex.
How interesting ! family values thus have a purpose. To make the male disciplined and respectable, enabling one to go beyond sex. That is the whole purpose of a family. Those who have no families or loose families end up as individuals.
Without having some female above sex, the male is just an animal. Animals do not discriminate among partners. The strongest copulates. That is the law of nature. Humans can rise above or fall below the animal level.
Most live at par.
The males think that only he is authorized for legal copulation. Any other relation is adultery and sin before God. Bull shit ! God has no interest in how people copulate ! Do God interfere when a strange powerful new dog 'rapes' the neighbor's dog when the partner dog is left wailing watching the heart breaking scene? These things happen in nature. no need to bring in morality and ethics to find fault with others. It is the male's wish list that all females obey him. Just to keep his pride, women may adjust too. But that does not mean he is the 'owner' of the females. Sorry. God is the owner. The males have just rented out the female from God for safe keeping. No ownership rights are transferred. The women remains God's children whether under the custody of males or not.
In fact animals and birds also copulate not worrying about relations and adultery. God must be upset about their adultery and sin too ? LOL ! Sex is just another faculty of the beings. The prostitutes who are forced to accept many customers a day are sinning ? The promiscuous 'nymphomaniac' female who likes to have many males together or in queue are sinning ? Females are not alone in these variety entertainments and acrobatic exercises. LOL ! There is always a willing male partner or partners, who are equally responsible. In fact only the male is responsible in the whole thing. She is just playing out his wishes and trying to enjoy herself in the process. But he tries to shift the blame to the women and think he is above that, immediately after the act. Mind you, after the act. Not before. LOL ! So he wanted that to happen. Now why blame the female ?
Bull shit, again !
The males may pretend a lot while alive. The truth is he is going to die sooner or later with all his ego centric feelings. Then he can be exhumed. Good riddance. Get lost ! Never come back again ! LOL !
The world is stuck with sex. As if sex is sin. Only what the male allows are not sin. And there are very little that he can allow ! LOL ! This is male ego and jealousy. The other man is actually as good as any other. The egoists cannot digest this. He wants to see himself as superior. His copulation as divine. Anyone else is a crime. These are simply his own views.
To God there is nothing called adultery or sin.
It is all imagine by jealous males trying to control women.
Because what God, as a palm sees some finger touching some other finger at all times. Humans term this touching of fingers as sex ! LOL ! For God, even to keep a record of the fingers touching one another is impossible ! There is no need either. Fingers are supposed to touch. They are made to touch one another and all other fingers if that is possible and practical. No harm whatsoever. Only hygiene and personal likes are in the details. Otherwise it is free for all.
Osho commune was a demonstration of this future world. All free souls. Everyone belongs to everyone else. Everything belongs to every one. Priests and Politicians would go jobless in such communes. So they connived and destroyed Osho Commune. But can anyone destroy the future where people think above sex and treat all as siblings in a mammoth world family ?
The jealous possessive males disagree.
Because they are possessive and jealous.
To God, fingers are supposed to touch ! Possibly all finger touch all other fingers ! Because all fingers are created with the same urge to touch other fingers ! LOL ! Only the jealous males try to draw lines in water, based on his interests. Those males who he hates are potential adulterers. Those whom he approves (grudgingly) may better behave exactly like him.
This is Ego ! Plain ubiquitous ego, the nemesis of man.
Man mocks God by projecting himself above the others. God 'unbless' him with ego ! 'Unbless' is absence of bless. Not curse. There is nothing called a curse. There is no Satan. Satan is the absence of God. There are no curses as the wise guys think. Either a bless or unbless. No curses what so ever, LOL !
That is why God is considered majestic. No knee jerks. Most activities are taken care of all by itself like auto pilot and reversal of roles. No punishments required. Just reversal of roles. Someone harasses someone else, the roles will b reversed sooner or later may be after death. May be after several births. The Karma (deed) will follow where ever one is. After a thousand births of righteous life, one may remember that I had wronged. There is no escape whatsoever from what one did.
God has records of one's deeds. Not about how one dressed or copulated. These are immaterial to God. Even invisible to God. God does not see what happens in the body level, rather God does not bother much except that the bodies are safe and healthy and the surroundings are conducive to healthy life. That is God' responsibility. After all it is his creation. But God does not keep records of how the body position is find fault with how the body was positioned in various circumstances. That is the individuals freedom. One may sit alone, sleep, eat, exercise, copulate, hug a few, kick some. Nothing is recorded.
What God sees is the mind. What happens in it. What decisions are taken. What activities are done. If there is sex. in mind, no need to feel ashamed of. Please ! Leave God alone. That is part of your personality. God blessed you with that. Enjoy it. There are no restrictions except what the world decides. If you are weak, succumb to the world. If you are powerful, challenge the world. Entirely up to you.
But do not tell God that one had a chaste disciplined sex life with only the legal partner and hence one is superior to the prostitute or someone who committed adultery. These are no n issues for God. God will only see the bottom line.. Is the soul still in sex ? That is all. In sex whether they do chaste sex or group sex or sex for money or sex for charity (LOL !) ... these are immaterial. Those who do sex are simply experiencing sex. That is all God reads.
It is the male wish that God follow them where ever he goes and ratify his feelings and wishlist. As if God is his partner in sex. God is not.
There will be jealousy and hatred etc in sex. Chaste sex (?) and adultery (?) or romance or spiritual love. Humans are free to do this the way they like. Just one condition.. Keep some above board, beyond sex. This is one's home. No sex emanates from a family. just smiles. . These are not even worth keeping tracks off ! All are under the brackets (Sex) for God. Bracketed, mind you. Inside a shroud. Not even worth peeping into. It is chaos inside. Jealous males roam like mad dogs to see who mates who.
Anyone other than themselves is adultery. If themselves it is a blessing from God ! How interesting !
Who decides if a certain copulation between a certain male and female was blessed by God or adultery, a sin to be punished by God ? The jealous males themselves. God has no business in this muck.These are activities in the lower plain of sex. Jealousy, possessiveness and hatred. As long as together, partner feel heaven. When they separate, the sky falls on their heads.
Why not approach it in a different way ? Be a single huge family all over the world. All free people. No marriage required. Sex is a personal issue. Not to be imposed on individuals. So leave the people alone. Anyone can have sex with anyone with mutual consent. But all cannot make babies. LOL ! The DNA lab will decide which two partners can have the best off springs like Albert Einstein, Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha... The DNA lab will organize artificial insemination, if the partner refuse to copulate due to some reason ! No personal relations are entertained except those of blood relations. Free responsible commune.
That is a family. Those who are above sex is called a family. Can you visualize ? You can't. Why ? Because you are possessive and jealous. Not prepared to share your property. LOL ! Grow up ! Don't be childish. There are many possibilities to live like grown up mature people than neurotics giggling if the female body is exposed in public due to wind.
There is no personal property. Everything belongs to everyone in a commune. All people all resources, all wealth.. all belongs to all. No personal owner ships. Can you imagine ? You can't. Why ? You know why ... LOL !
The females in such communes will live like queens. Because the entire commune is for the rest. Not just the legally wedded neurotic in normal marriages. The real heroes will be available to all. The real heroines will be available to all. the only issue is the decision is o be taken by the female and others just accept that. No issues whatsoever ! Only the jealous possessive males cannot stand such free communes. Do we have to respect the jealous possessive males (who are in majority) or the minority mature males, who are the ones who treat women at par ?
To humans sex may appear as a huge thing, a measure of respectability. Man's pride is in the chastity of his woman. But female's pride is not honored by men. Men may adulterate. That is their birth right ! LOL ! Not women ! Women may better hold her horses and bear with it. Adultery by women is sin ! Who says ? The jealous possessive males.
God will peel her off the skin in hell, apply a paste of ginger, salt and chilly all over insert an iron rod of prickly thorns and barbecue her. Who says ? The jealous male.
God has no barbecue business. LOL ! That is the insecure male's wish to control women. He is unable to satisfy her. So he ropes in God as an assistant ! LOL ! That is what the jealous possessive male thinks as God ! Someone who will assist him to control women ! ROFLOL !
The thoughts of the jealous male may be as follows;
"Mr.God" The jealous possessive male may croak.."What a mess you have created ? These woman are good. Appreciated at your talents. But women are also uncontrollable, thus spoiling all fun ! If I were you, I would create women who do not think or speak. There is no need, you know. Women just have to do what the males say to be comfortable. is it not ? Then why they have to think or peak / Those faculties are to be removed from women. Just the bodies are required. It is so fun to have submissive women""
The jealous possessive males may continue to talk to God as follows;
"Mr. God. I do not like your smile or the indifferent disinterested look. Look here... here... yes.. that is better... Listen.. This is a very serious issue. the honor of man is in the chastity of women. If the male is not skillful, she may better grin and bear it than making it an issue and letting the whole world know and shame him. Get the point ? See the women giggle again. Giggling by women is to be banned for the males to live in peace. Damn it ! Never hurt a male's feelings even if you hurt a thousand feelings of women. Got that right, dude ?"
"Mr. God.. I will tell you what to do. Do not just sit there smiling at all and doing nothing. Here is what you should do. Listen.. the disobedient females are to fried in hell... engage Satan if God is unwilling or has reservations. Women may just submit to men and bear the children. And for God's sake do not let her eye the neighbor even if he is a star. I may be a handicapped with squint and a hunch on my back with a damp Squib. . But my female has to treat me as the most desirable man in the world. Who is giggling again ? These women ! their giggles make me mad... Do you understand my feelings, God ? You are after all a male too.. Or is it ?"
"Mr. God. You have made me a great toy to enjoy. But some modifications are required too. Instead of accepting this simple wish of the male, she laughs at it, making me nervous ! You just shut up and do what I say. Do you under stand ? Listen .. You never understand and look away. I know. But because you are God, I pardon you. Now listen. This woman is very beautiful. I wanted to copulate her. She refused. God may use his powers to make her submit to me. That is the deal ! Do you get my point Mr.God ?"
The jealous possessive males sums up as follows:
"Mr. God ! By the way, are you not interested in sex ? It is very interesting... Just come down from heaven and think like me ! Also there are some women whom I know accepts some other males except me. That makes me embarrassed and jealous. I am going to scare her that God will barbecue her in hell for not accepting my list. OK ? That is a deal. Mr. God. How is my intelligence ? You can also become like me if you really try, Mr. God. Why waste all time sitting up there salivating on the females ? I will arrange a few, if you just listen to me, OK"
This is the male's way of thinking. God has no role in this muck of sex, jealousy and hatred. What is the life some get because of their ego and lust in mind. Enjoy without cribbing.
What does God do in return to the wishes of the jealous possessive males ?
God is simply making more and more fresh beautiful women to add agony of the jealous males,. Rubbing salt in his wounds... That is what God is. You offend it, it will give you what you deserve.
Women are not cattle or properties of males. they are also free humans like the males. The males may please do not try to own females. Women are God's children. God owns them. The well behaved gentlemen may hire out the females from God for safe keeping. Still the males do not own them.
Mind it .. The barbecue may be on the male for acting smart and harassing women. God is not as stupid as these wise guys imagine..
Whatever I wrote are are my thoughts without me in it ! LOL. So that is the property of those who find it useful. It is for them that such thoughts happen in the first place. I am not generating the thoughts for my personal use. LOL ! What use these thoughts have for myself ?
If the sun claims all the brightness of sun light is for itself, then ? Sunlight belongs to those who need that. Not for the sun itself. Sun does not need the sunlight to see. LOL ! Please do use the thoughts if useful. You will not find such pure fundamental thoughts anywhere except from selfless souls where ego is no more.
Conversely that is my message too.. Drop the bloody ego. You will reach Godliness instantly. Ego makes one limited as human. Just drop ego and one will start rising to divinity where there are no differences. No two entities in the universe. Just one Chaitanya manifested in many forms... Ego makes one think one is separate and even superior from the rest.
Humans are so dependent on the sun for heat and light, the earth to stand upon, the trees for food and oxygen, the females for pleasure and company.. The children for innocent fun...the animals for natural behavior etc. Still humans think they are the owners ! Bull shit ! They are just dependent suckers. The earlier these egos die, the better for them and the world.
So I do not bless the world. I have no powers. But I can unbless the egos ! Those are my powers.. LOL !
The ego hides on's real self. God is pure love. Egoists think God thinks like them ! And God is so kind that it may even play with them to some extent.. That is until they start hurting others to drive in their self interests. God absconds then. That is hatred. Absence of the presence of Love is what we call as hatred. It is like darkness is actually absence of light. Or cold is simply absence of heat.
Fanatic males are in that state. No God in their heart. Their hearts are filled with ego, arrogance, ridicule, sex, possessiveness. That they can hurt someone is the proof that there is no God in them. God cannot hurt anyone. Because anywhere it looks, it sees itself only.. LOL ! Then whom can God hurt ?
That is the limitation of God ! Whew ! Finally e found a limitation of God . That is God cannot hate anyone or anything. Because God is love, How can 'pure love'. hate ? It would be like the light hiding in darkness ! Or the heat hiding in ice. LOL !
God can be kind, as Nabi observed.. and patient about human weaknesses. But human weaknesses are not God's weaknesses as the egoist ignorant fanatics like to think. Sorry about that. That they think God itself is a male chauvinist is the evidence of their own misconceptions and trying to impose their own wishlist and aspirations on the otherwise impartial God. The sun cannot afford not to shed sunlight on those it does not approve. That would be a giveaway ! The sun would be exposed for biases. and can be charged with dereliction of entrusted duties. LOL ! Sun sheds sunlight to all irrespective of whether a being is kind or cruel. Killer or saint. That is no consideration at all. All are equal to the sun. That includes ALL. From an ant to an elephant. From an amoeba to a pig to humans.. From fungus to Banyan trees. None is pared by the sun. the same is true with God.
Males think God is a male. God is as much a male as a female, rather neither. Sex is in the body level. God is sexless or beyond that. The consciousness of the tree is God ! The heat and light of the sun is God. The beauty of the rain bow is God. The tranquil peace and absorbing stillness of a full moon night is God. The food is God. The air is God. The water is another form of God. Too Hinduish ? Just factual. No religion in facts.
Why belittle God by saying these are all creations and only the creator is supreme ? The creator is there in the creation. Both are supreme. Whatever the supreme creates has to be supreme too. Right ? Both the the creator as well as the creation are supreme. Unmatched. Unique. Mind boggling. Why ridicule the creation and praise the creator alone as if to please him and get a booking for heaven after death ? That itself is ego !
God may suggest if you love me and appreciate my creation, try to enhance the beauty and quality of what is created. By hating someone whom I created makes me hurt ! Is it not ? God communicates with us 24x7. We do not hear it. Instead we try to see things from our ego centric perspectives and even judge God... LOL ! What can God do ? Be angry and destroy the Earth with one of the Trillion meteor missiles stocked in the 'Oort Cloud', one light year away from Earth ? The same meteor that eliminated the Dinosaurs when the evolution took a wrong turn ?
God is no push over. God does not even care how women dress or how people copulate. Apart from close blood relatives, copulation is the same for God between any male and female. Sexual relation between close relatives are banned by all religions and by nature. That has a purpose, This life is not for pursuing sex in all varieties. Disciplined sex is allowed duly respecting others rights too. There has to be some relations that the males should keep above sex. They are mothers, sisters and daughters. By keeping them above sex, the male becomes respectable. That is exactly why the males have to keep a few close close blood relatives as above sex. That makes him rise above sex.
How interesting ! family values thus have a purpose. To make the male disciplined and respectable, enabling one to go beyond sex. That is the whole purpose of a family. Those who have no families or loose families end up as individuals.
Without having some female above sex, the male is just an animal. Animals do not discriminate among partners. The strongest copulates. That is the law of nature. Humans can rise above or fall below the animal level.
Most live at par.
The males think that only he is authorized for legal copulation. Any other relation is adultery and sin before God. Bull shit ! God has no interest in how people copulate ! Do God interfere when a strange powerful new dog 'rapes' the neighbor's dog when the partner dog is left wailing watching the heart breaking scene? These things happen in nature. no need to bring in morality and ethics to find fault with others. It is the male's wish list that all females obey him. Just to keep his pride, women may adjust too. But that does not mean he is the 'owner' of the females. Sorry. God is the owner. The males have just rented out the female from God for safe keeping. No ownership rights are transferred. The women remains God's children whether under the custody of males or not.
In fact animals and birds also copulate not worrying about relations and adultery. God must be upset about their adultery and sin too ? LOL ! Sex is just another faculty of the beings. The prostitutes who are forced to accept many customers a day are sinning ? The promiscuous 'nymphomaniac' female who likes to have many males together or in queue are sinning ? Females are not alone in these variety entertainments and acrobatic exercises. LOL ! There is always a willing male partner or partners, who are equally responsible. In fact only the male is responsible in the whole thing. She is just playing out his wishes and trying to enjoy herself in the process. But he tries to shift the blame to the women and think he is above that, immediately after the act. Mind you, after the act. Not before. LOL ! So he wanted that to happen. Now why blame the female ?
Bull shit, again !
The males may pretend a lot while alive. The truth is he is going to die sooner or later with all his ego centric feelings. Then he can be exhumed. Good riddance. Get lost ! Never come back again ! LOL !
The world is stuck with sex. As if sex is sin. Only what the male allows are not sin. And there are very little that he can allow ! LOL ! This is male ego and jealousy. The other man is actually as good as any other. The egoists cannot digest this. He wants to see himself as superior. His copulation as divine. Anyone else is a crime. These are simply his own views.
To God there is nothing called adultery or sin.
It is all imagine by jealous males trying to control women.
Because what God, as a palm sees some finger touching some other finger at all times. Humans term this touching of fingers as sex ! LOL ! For God, even to keep a record of the fingers touching one another is impossible ! There is no need either. Fingers are supposed to touch. They are made to touch one another and all other fingers if that is possible and practical. No harm whatsoever. Only hygiene and personal likes are in the details. Otherwise it is free for all.
Osho commune was a demonstration of this future world. All free souls. Everyone belongs to everyone else. Everything belongs to every one. Priests and Politicians would go jobless in such communes. So they connived and destroyed Osho Commune. But can anyone destroy the future where people think above sex and treat all as siblings in a mammoth world family ?
The jealous possessive males disagree.
Because they are possessive and jealous.
To God, fingers are supposed to touch ! Possibly all finger touch all other fingers ! Because all fingers are created with the same urge to touch other fingers ! LOL ! Only the jealous males try to draw lines in water, based on his interests. Those males who he hates are potential adulterers. Those whom he approves (grudgingly) may better behave exactly like him.
This is Ego ! Plain ubiquitous ego, the nemesis of man.
Man mocks God by projecting himself above the others. God 'unbless' him with ego ! 'Unbless' is absence of bless. Not curse. There is nothing called a curse. There is no Satan. Satan is the absence of God. There are no curses as the wise guys think. Either a bless or unbless. No curses what so ever, LOL !
That is why God is considered majestic. No knee jerks. Most activities are taken care of all by itself like auto pilot and reversal of roles. No punishments required. Just reversal of roles. Someone harasses someone else, the roles will b reversed sooner or later may be after death. May be after several births. The Karma (deed) will follow where ever one is. After a thousand births of righteous life, one may remember that I had wronged. There is no escape whatsoever from what one did.
God has records of one's deeds. Not about how one dressed or copulated. These are immaterial to God. Even invisible to God. God does not see what happens in the body level, rather God does not bother much except that the bodies are safe and healthy and the surroundings are conducive to healthy life. That is God' responsibility. After all it is his creation. But God does not keep records of how the body position is find fault with how the body was positioned in various circumstances. That is the individuals freedom. One may sit alone, sleep, eat, exercise, copulate, hug a few, kick some. Nothing is recorded.
What God sees is the mind. What happens in it. What decisions are taken. What activities are done. If there is sex. in mind, no need to feel ashamed of. Please ! Leave God alone. That is part of your personality. God blessed you with that. Enjoy it. There are no restrictions except what the world decides. If you are weak, succumb to the world. If you are powerful, challenge the world. Entirely up to you.
But do not tell God that one had a chaste disciplined sex life with only the legal partner and hence one is superior to the prostitute or someone who committed adultery. These are no n issues for God. God will only see the bottom line.. Is the soul still in sex ? That is all. In sex whether they do chaste sex or group sex or sex for money or sex for charity (LOL !) ... these are immaterial. Those who do sex are simply experiencing sex. That is all God reads.
It is the male wish that God follow them where ever he goes and ratify his feelings and wishlist. As if God is his partner in sex. God is not.
There will be jealousy and hatred etc in sex. Chaste sex (?) and adultery (?) or romance or spiritual love. Humans are free to do this the way they like. Just one condition.. Keep some above board, beyond sex. This is one's home. No sex emanates from a family. just smiles. . These are not even worth keeping tracks off ! All are under the brackets (Sex) for God. Bracketed, mind you. Inside a shroud. Not even worth peeping into. It is chaos inside. Jealous males roam like mad dogs to see who mates who.
Anyone other than themselves is adultery. If themselves it is a blessing from God ! How interesting !
Who decides if a certain copulation between a certain male and female was blessed by God or adultery, a sin to be punished by God ? The jealous males themselves. God has no business in this muck.These are activities in the lower plain of sex. Jealousy, possessiveness and hatred. As long as together, partner feel heaven. When they separate, the sky falls on their heads.
Why not approach it in a different way ? Be a single huge family all over the world. All free people. No marriage required. Sex is a personal issue. Not to be imposed on individuals. So leave the people alone. Anyone can have sex with anyone with mutual consent. But all cannot make babies. LOL ! The DNA lab will decide which two partners can have the best off springs like Albert Einstein, Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha... The DNA lab will organize artificial insemination, if the partner refuse to copulate due to some reason ! No personal relations are entertained except those of blood relations. Free responsible commune.
That is a family. Those who are above sex is called a family. Can you visualize ? You can't. Why ? Because you are possessive and jealous. Not prepared to share your property. LOL ! Grow up ! Don't be childish. There are many possibilities to live like grown up mature people than neurotics giggling if the female body is exposed in public due to wind.
There is no personal property. Everything belongs to everyone in a commune. All people all resources, all wealth.. all belongs to all. No personal owner ships. Can you imagine ? You can't. Why ? You know why ... LOL !
The females in such communes will live like queens. Because the entire commune is for the rest. Not just the legally wedded neurotic in normal marriages. The real heroes will be available to all. The real heroines will be available to all. the only issue is the decision is o be taken by the female and others just accept that. No issues whatsoever ! Only the jealous possessive males cannot stand such free communes. Do we have to respect the jealous possessive males (who are in majority) or the minority mature males, who are the ones who treat women at par ?
To humans sex may appear as a huge thing, a measure of respectability. Man's pride is in the chastity of his woman. But female's pride is not honored by men. Men may adulterate. That is their birth right ! LOL ! Not women ! Women may better hold her horses and bear with it. Adultery by women is sin ! Who says ? The jealous possessive males.
God will peel her off the skin in hell, apply a paste of ginger, salt and chilly all over insert an iron rod of prickly thorns and barbecue her. Who says ? The jealous male.
God has no barbecue business. LOL ! That is the insecure male's wish to control women. He is unable to satisfy her. So he ropes in God as an assistant ! LOL ! That is what the jealous possessive male thinks as God ! Someone who will assist him to control women ! ROFLOL !
The thoughts of the jealous male may be as follows;
"Mr.God" The jealous possessive male may croak.."What a mess you have created ? These woman are good. Appreciated at your talents. But women are also uncontrollable, thus spoiling all fun ! If I were you, I would create women who do not think or speak. There is no need, you know. Women just have to do what the males say to be comfortable. is it not ? Then why they have to think or peak / Those faculties are to be removed from women. Just the bodies are required. It is so fun to have submissive women""
The jealous possessive males may continue to talk to God as follows;
"Mr. God. I do not like your smile or the indifferent disinterested look. Look here... here... yes.. that is better... Listen.. This is a very serious issue. the honor of man is in the chastity of women. If the male is not skillful, she may better grin and bear it than making it an issue and letting the whole world know and shame him. Get the point ? See the women giggle again. Giggling by women is to be banned for the males to live in peace. Damn it ! Never hurt a male's feelings even if you hurt a thousand feelings of women. Got that right, dude ?"
"Mr. God.. I will tell you what to do. Do not just sit there smiling at all and doing nothing. Here is what you should do. Listen.. the disobedient females are to fried in hell... engage Satan if God is unwilling or has reservations. Women may just submit to men and bear the children. And for God's sake do not let her eye the neighbor even if he is a star. I may be a handicapped with squint and a hunch on my back with a damp Squib. . But my female has to treat me as the most desirable man in the world. Who is giggling again ? These women ! their giggles make me mad... Do you understand my feelings, God ? You are after all a male too.. Or is it ?"
"Mr. God. You have made me a great toy to enjoy. But some modifications are required too. Instead of accepting this simple wish of the male, she laughs at it, making me nervous ! You just shut up and do what I say. Do you under stand ? Listen .. You never understand and look away. I know. But because you are God, I pardon you. Now listen. This woman is very beautiful. I wanted to copulate her. She refused. God may use his powers to make her submit to me. That is the deal ! Do you get my point Mr.God ?"
The jealous possessive males sums up as follows:
"Mr. God ! By the way, are you not interested in sex ? It is very interesting... Just come down from heaven and think like me ! Also there are some women whom I know accepts some other males except me. That makes me embarrassed and jealous. I am going to scare her that God will barbecue her in hell for not accepting my list. OK ? That is a deal. Mr. God. How is my intelligence ? You can also become like me if you really try, Mr. God. Why waste all time sitting up there salivating on the females ? I will arrange a few, if you just listen to me, OK"
This is the male's way of thinking. God has no role in this muck of sex, jealousy and hatred. What is the life some get because of their ego and lust in mind. Enjoy without cribbing.
What does God do in return to the wishes of the jealous possessive males ?
God is simply making more and more fresh beautiful women to add agony of the jealous males,. Rubbing salt in his wounds... That is what God is. You offend it, it will give you what you deserve.
Women are not cattle or properties of males. they are also free humans like the males. The males may please do not try to own females. Women are God's children. God owns them. The well behaved gentlemen may hire out the females from God for safe keeping. Still the males do not own them.
Mind it .. The barbecue may be on the male for acting smart and harassing women. God is not as stupid as these wise guys imagine..