Friday, 31 May 2013



Whatever I wrote are are my thoughts without me in it ! LOL. So that is the property of those who find it useful. It is for them that such thoughts happen in the first place. I am not generating the thoughts for my personal use. LOL ! What use these thoughts have for myself ? 

If the sun claims all the brightness of sun light is for itself, then ? Sunlight belongs to those who need that. Not for the sun itself. Sun does not need the sunlight to see. LOL ! Please do use the thoughts if useful. You will not find such pure fundamental thoughts anywhere except from selfless souls where ego is no more.

Conversely that is my message too.. Drop the bloody ego. You will reach Godliness instantly. Ego makes one limited as human. Just drop ego and one will start rising to divinity where there are no differences. No two entities in the universe. Just one Chaitanya manifested in many forms... Ego makes one think one is separate and even superior from the rest.

Humans are so dependent on the sun for heat and light, the earth to stand upon, the trees for food and oxygen, the females for pleasure and company.. The children for innocent fun...the animals for natural behavior etc. Still humans think they are the owners ! Bull shit ! They are just dependent suckers. The earlier these egos die, the better for them and the world.

So I do not bless the world. I have no powers. But I can unbless the egos ! Those are my powers.. LOL !

The ego hides on's real self. God is pure love. Egoists think God thinks like them ! And God is so kind that it may even play with them to some extent.. That is until they start hurting others to drive in their self interests. God absconds then. That is hatred. Absence of the presence of Love is what we call as hatred. It is like darkness is actually absence of light. Or cold is simply absence of heat.

Fanatic males are in that state. No God in their heart. Their hearts are filled with ego, arrogance, ridicule, sex, possessiveness. That they can hurt someone is the proof that there is no God in them. God cannot hurt anyone. Because anywhere it looks, it sees itself only.. LOL ! Then whom can God hurt ?

That is the limitation of God ! Whew ! Finally e found a limitation of God . That is God cannot hate anyone or anything. Because God is love, How can 'pure love'. hate ? It would be like the light hiding in darkness ! Or the heat hiding in ice. LOL !

God can be kind, as Nabi observed.. and patient about human weaknesses. But human weaknesses are not God's weaknesses as the egoist ignorant fanatics like to think. Sorry about that. That they think God itself is a male chauvinist is the evidence of their own misconceptions and trying to impose their own wishlist and aspirations on the otherwise impartial God. The sun cannot afford not to shed sunlight on those it does not approve. That would be a giveaway ! The sun would be exposed for biases. and can be charged with dereliction of entrusted duties. LOL ! Sun sheds sunlight to all irrespective of whether a being is kind or cruel. Killer or saint. That is no consideration at all. All are equal to the sun. That includes ALL. From an ant to an elephant. From an amoeba to a pig to humans.. From fungus to Banyan trees. None is pared by the sun. the same is true with God.

Males think God is a male. God is as much a male as a female, rather neither. Sex is in the body level. God is sexless or beyond that. The consciousness of the tree is God ! The heat and light of the sun is God. The beauty of the rain bow is God. The tranquil peace and absorbing stillness of a full moon night is God. The food is God. The air is God. The water is another form of God. Too Hinduish ? Just factual. No religion in facts.

Why belittle God by saying these are all creations and only the creator is supreme ? The creator is there in the creation. Both are supreme. Whatever the supreme creates has to be supreme too. Right ? Both the the creator as well as the creation are supreme. Unmatched. Unique. Mind boggling. Why ridicule the creation and praise the creator alone as if to please him and get a booking for heaven after death ? That itself is ego !

God may suggest if you love me and appreciate my creation, try to enhance the beauty and quality of what is created. By hating someone whom I created makes me hurt ! Is it not ? God communicates with us 24x7. We do not hear it. Instead we try to see things from our ego centric perspectives and even judge God... LOL ! What can God do ? Be angry and destroy the Earth with one of the Trillion meteor missiles stocked in the 'Oort Cloud', one light year away from Earth ? The same meteor that eliminated the Dinosaurs when the evolution took a wrong turn ?

God is no push over. God does not even care how women dress or how people copulate. Apart from close blood relatives, copulation is the same for God between any male and female. Sexual relation between close relatives are banned by all religions and by nature. That has a purpose, This life is not for pursuing sex in all varieties. Disciplined sex is allowed duly respecting others rights too. There has to be some relations that the males should keep above sex. They are mothers, sisters and daughters. By keeping them above sex, the male becomes respectable. That is exactly why the males have to keep a few close close blood relatives as above sex. That makes him rise above sex.

How interesting ! family values thus have a purpose. To make the male disciplined and respectable, enabling one to go beyond sex. That is the whole purpose of a family. Those who have no families or loose families end up as individuals.

Without having some female above sex, the male is just an animal. Animals do not discriminate among partners. The strongest copulates. That is the law of nature. Humans can rise above or fall below the animal level.

Most live at par.


The males think that only he is authorized for legal copulation. Any other relation is adultery and sin before God. Bull shit ! God has no interest in how people copulate ! Do God interfere when a strange powerful new dog 'rapes' the neighbor's dog when the partner dog is left wailing watching the heart breaking scene? These things happen in nature. no need to bring in morality and ethics to find fault with others. It is the male's wish list that all females obey him. Just to keep his pride, women may adjust too. But that does not mean he is the 'owner' of the females. Sorry. God is the owner. The males have just rented out the female from God for safe keeping. No ownership rights are transferred. The women remains God's children whether under the custody of males or not.

In fact animals and birds also copulate not worrying about relations and adultery. God must be upset about their adultery and sin too ? LOL ! Sex is just another faculty of the beings. The prostitutes who are forced to accept many customers a day are sinning ? The promiscuous 'nymphomaniac' female who likes to have many males together or in queue are sinning ? Females are not alone in these variety entertainments and acrobatic exercises. LOL ! There is always a willing male partner or partners, who are equally responsible. In fact only the male is responsible in the whole thing. She is just playing out his wishes and trying to enjoy herself in the process. But he tries to shift the blame to the women and think he is above that, immediately after the act. Mind you, after the act. Not before. LOL ! So he wanted that to happen. Now why blame the female ?

Bull shit, again !

The males may pretend a lot while alive. The truth is he is going to die sooner or later with all his ego centric feelings. Then he can be exhumed. Good riddance. Get lost ! Never come back again ! LOL !

The world is stuck with sex. As if sex is sin. Only what the male allows are not sin. And there are very little that he can allow ! LOL ! This is male ego and jealousy. The other man is actually as good as any other. The egoists cannot digest this. He wants to see himself as superior. His copulation as divine. Anyone else is a crime. These are simply his own views.

To God there is nothing called adultery or sin.

It is all imagine by jealous males trying to control women.

Because what God, as a palm sees some finger touching some other finger at all times. Humans term this touching of fingers as sex ! LOL ! For God, even to keep a record of the fingers touching one another is impossible ! There is no need either. Fingers are supposed to touch. They are made to touch one another and all other fingers if that is possible and practical. No harm whatsoever. Only hygiene and personal likes are in the details. Otherwise it is free for all.

Osho commune was a demonstration of this future world. All free souls. Everyone belongs to everyone else. Everything belongs to every one. Priests and Politicians would go jobless in such communes. So they connived and destroyed Osho Commune. But can anyone destroy the future where people think above sex and treat all as siblings in a mammoth world family ?

The jealous possessive males disagree.

Because they are possessive and jealous.


To God, fingers are supposed to touch ! Possibly all finger touch all other fingers ! Because all fingers are created with the same urge to touch other fingers ! LOL ! Only the jealous males try to draw lines in water, based on his interests. Those males who he hates are potential adulterers. Those whom he approves (grudgingly) may better behave exactly like him.

This is Ego ! Plain ubiquitous ego, the nemesis of man.

Man mocks God by projecting himself above the others. God 'unbless' him with ego ! 'Unbless' is absence of bless. Not curse. There is nothing called a curse. There is no Satan. Satan is the absence of God. There are no curses as the wise guys think. Either a bless or unbless. No curses what so ever, LOL !

That is why God is considered majestic. No knee jerks. Most activities are taken care of all by itself like auto pilot and reversal of roles. No punishments required. Just reversal of roles. Someone harasses someone else, the roles will b reversed sooner or later may be after death. May be after several births. The Karma (deed) will follow where ever one is. After a thousand births of righteous life, one may remember that I had wronged. There is no escape whatsoever from what one did.

God has records of one's deeds. Not about how one dressed or copulated. These are immaterial to God. Even invisible to God. God does not see what happens in the body level, rather God does not bother much except that the bodies are safe and healthy and the surroundings are conducive to healthy life. That is God' responsibility. After all it is his creation. But God does not keep records of how the body position is find fault with how the body was positioned in various circumstances. That is the individuals freedom. One may sit alone, sleep, eat, exercise, copulate, hug a few, kick some. Nothing is recorded.

What God sees is the mind. What happens in it. What decisions are taken. What activities are done. If there is sex. in mind, no need to feel ashamed of. Please ! Leave God alone. That is part of your personality. God blessed you with that. Enjoy it. There are no restrictions except what the world decides. If you are weak, succumb to the world. If you are powerful, challenge the world. Entirely up to you.

But do not tell God that one had a chaste disciplined sex life with only the legal partner and hence one is superior to the prostitute or someone who committed adultery. These are no n issues for God. God will only see the bottom line.. Is the soul still in sex ? That is all. In sex whether they do chaste sex or group sex or sex for money or sex for charity (LOL !) ... these are immaterial. Those who do sex are simply experiencing sex. That is all God reads.

It is the male wish that God follow them where ever he goes and ratify his feelings and wishlist. As if God is his partner in sex. God is not.

There will be jealousy and hatred etc in sex. Chaste sex (?) and adultery (?) or romance or spiritual love. Humans are free to do this the way they like. Just one condition.. Keep some above board, beyond sex. This is one's home. No sex emanates from a family. just smiles. . These are not even worth keeping tracks off ! All are under the brackets (Sex) for God. Bracketed, mind you. Inside a shroud. Not even worth peeping into. It is chaos inside. Jealous males roam like mad dogs to see who mates who.

Anyone other than themselves is adultery. If themselves it is a blessing from God ! How interesting !

Who decides if a certain copulation between a certain male and female was blessed by God or adultery, a sin to be punished by God ? The jealous males themselves. God has no business in this muck.These are activities in the lower plain of sex. Jealousy, possessiveness and hatred. As long as together, partner feel heaven. When they separate, the sky falls on their heads.

Why not approach it in a different way ? Be a single huge family all over the world. All free people. No marriage required. Sex is a personal issue. Not to be imposed on individuals. So leave the people alone. Anyone can have sex with anyone with mutual consent. But all cannot make babies. LOL ! The DNA lab will decide which two partners can have the best off springs like Albert Einstein, Shakespeare, Winston Churchill, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha... The DNA lab will organize artificial insemination, if the partner refuse to copulate due to some reason ! No personal relations are entertained except those of blood relations. Free responsible commune.

That is a family. Those who are above sex is called a family. Can you visualize ? You can't. Why ? Because you are possessive and jealous. Not prepared to share your property. LOL ! Grow up ! Don't be childish. There are many possibilities to live like grown up mature people than neurotics giggling if the female body is exposed in public due to wind.

There is no personal property. Everything belongs to everyone in a commune. All people all resources, all wealth.. all belongs to all. No personal owner ships. Can you imagine ? You can't. Why ? You know why ... LOL !

The females in such communes will live like queens. Because the entire commune is for the rest. Not just the legally wedded neurotic in normal marriages. The real heroes will be available to all. The real heroines will be available to all. the only issue is the decision is o be taken by the female and others just accept that. No issues whatsoever ! Only the jealous possessive males cannot stand such free communes. Do we have to respect the jealous possessive males (who are in majority) or the minority mature males, who are the ones who treat women at par ?

To humans sex may appear as a huge thing, a measure of respectability. Man's pride is in the chastity of his woman. But female's pride is not honored by men. Men may adulterate. That is their birth right ! LOL ! Not women ! Women may better hold her horses and bear with it. Adultery by women is sin ! Who says ? The jealous possessive males.

God will peel her off the skin in hell, apply a paste of ginger, salt and chilly all over insert an iron rod of prickly thorns and barbecue her. Who says ? The jealous male.

God has no barbecue business. LOL ! That is the insecure male's wish to control women. He is unable to satisfy her. So he ropes in God as an assistant ! LOL ! That is what the jealous possessive male thinks as God ! Someone who will assist him to control women ! ROFLOL !

The thoughts of the jealous male may be as follows;

"Mr.God" The jealous possessive male may croak.."What a mess you have created ? These woman are good. Appreciated at your talents. But women are also uncontrollable, thus spoiling all fun ! If I were you, I would create women who do not think or speak. There is no need, you know. Women just have to do what the males say to be comfortable. is it not ? Then why they have to think or peak / Those faculties are to be removed from women. Just the bodies are required. It is so fun to have submissive women""

The jealous possessive males may continue to talk to God as follows;

"Mr. God. I do not like your smile or the indifferent disinterested look. Look here... here... yes.. that is better... Listen.. This is a very serious issue. the honor of man is in the chastity of women. If the male is not skillful, she may better grin and bear it than making it an issue and letting the whole world know and shame him. Get the point ? See the women giggle again. Giggling by women is to be banned for the males to live in peace. Damn it ! Never hurt a male's feelings even if you hurt a thousand feelings of women. Got that right, dude ?"

"Mr. God.. I will tell you what to do. Do not just sit there smiling at all and doing nothing. Here is what you should do. Listen.. the disobedient females are to fried in hell... engage Satan if God is unwilling or has reservations. Women may just submit to men and bear the children. And for God's sake do not let her eye the neighbor even if he is a star. I may be a handicapped with squint and a hunch on my back with a damp Squib. . But my female has to treat me as the most desirable man in the world. Who is giggling again ? These women ! their giggles make me mad... Do you understand my feelings, God ? You are after all a male too.. Or is it ?"

"Mr. God. You have made me a great toy to enjoy. But some modifications are required too. Instead of accepting this simple wish of the male, she laughs at it, making me nervous ! You just shut up and do what I say. Do you under stand ? Listen .. You never understand and look away. I know. But because you are God, I pardon you. Now listen. This woman is very beautiful. I wanted to copulate her. She refused. God may use his powers to make her submit to me. That is the deal ! Do you get my point Mr.God ?"

The jealous possessive males sums up as follows:

"Mr. God ! By the way, are you not interested in sex ? It is very interesting... Just come down from heaven and think like me ! Also there are some women whom I know accepts some other males except me. That makes me embarrassed and jealous. I am going to scare her that God will barbecue her in hell for not accepting my list. OK ? That is a deal. Mr. God. How is my intelligence ? You can also become like me if you really try, Mr. God. Why waste all time sitting up there salivating on the females ? I will arrange a few, if you just listen to me, OK"


This is the male's way of thinking. God has no role in this muck of sex, jealousy and hatred. What is the life some get because of their ego and lust in mind. Enjoy without cribbing.

What does God do in return to the wishes of the jealous possessive males ?

God is simply making more and more fresh beautiful women to add agony of the jealous males,. Rubbing salt in his wounds... That is what God is. You offend it, it will give you what you deserve.

Women are not cattle or properties of males. they are also free humans like the males. The males may please do not try to own females. Women are God's children. God owns them. The well behaved gentlemen may hire out the females from God for safe keeping. Still the males do not own them.

Mind it .. The barbecue may be on the male for acting smart and harassing women. God is not as stupid as these wise guys imagine..

MOHAMMED, BUDDHA, JESUS; The destination of Evolution

MOHAMMED, BUDDHA, JESUS; The destination of Evolution

Evolution has not stopped with humans. It keeps on evolving.

The features of humans are getting more refined. Every generation is getting taller and better looking having more knowledge and skills. A child can operate an I pad or internet where as the older generation may struggle to use the same. People are looking better in every new generation.

The best looking today, a million years down the line, would be just an ordinary one. The filmy heroes of today are lucky to have born now. After a thousand years, the current heroes might only get roles of a joker... No offence meant 

Evolution is a conscious choice and refinement happening within. Starting with a single stem cell reaching to the current mind boggling versions to beyond it is always on the move. This also indicates another thing. There is consciousness which can survive any state of the universe. Whether the world is there or not, the consciousness remains at all times. This consciousness is not affected by time or space and is formless, all knowing, possibly having all powers to create the world and manifest in it as life.

Like we have some air in our lungs from the abundant atmosphere, all beings have some limited consciousness within, in light of which they live and act. On meditating on this consciousness, one can reach the super consciousness also called pure consciousness, soul or God. This is the correct way to reach God called Brahma vidya. To reach this state, one needs to remove attachments from mind. purify the mind and then drop the mind itself. Those who cannot do this, remain attached with the body and world and can not escape death. This is the only 'sin' that we do. That is to identify ourselves as the body or mind and not as the pure consciousness, which is our true nature.

All Gurus have pointed to this ever lasting truth about ourselves in one way or the other. Be it Jesus, Nabi or Buddha. Jesus saw his true self as "Holy father in heaven". Nabi saw his own true self as "Kind master". Buddha saw his own self as "Peace, Silence and Godliness. Rishis were the smartest of the lot who said "Aham Brahmaasmi" or I am that Brahman. God is not separate from any being. This is the folly of the Semitic religions. Instead anyone can reach one' own core state of 'pure consciousness" and become another Buddha.

Osho famously said that all people have the potential t become Jesuses, Nabis and Buddhas. If someone is not becoming a Buddha, it is his own fault.

Thus, please... Stop quarreling It is simply a waste of time and trying not to evolve further. LOL ! Lets evolve into Buddhas or at least as close to that. ... That is the last phase of evolution. From Amoeba to animals to monkeys to humans to Buddhas... Then the evolution will end. At the Buddha stage, one will realise one's true self and rest blissfully. All the noises and struggles will end.

One caveat though.

Muslims may evolve into what they like most, Nabis..

Christians may evolve into Jesuses.

Hindus may evolve into Buddhas..


So I am not advocating any communal rift.


But remember... IF Buddha, Jesus and Nabi come together, they will hug one another. Can the followers of these spiritual giants do the same ? If they can't... Shame on them



The idol is not God. It is a medium to focus the mind. the mind needs something gross to attach itself to. The idols just serves this purpose, which is the weakness of the mind. The idol is like a pole in pole vault While the vaulter takes off, the pole is required. Other wise the vaulter cant reach the bar high above. So the vaulter uses a pole to cross over the highly placed hurdle. Similarly an idol user, I don't say worshipper (:P), uses the idol to break the bondages with the world , make the mind free and transcend backwards back to the origin, to the core within. But now watch the fun !

The pole vaulter has reached the hurdle with the use of the pole. To cross over the hurdle, he has to do what ? ... yes... let go off the pole ! If he holds on to the pole than crossing over, he will slip back to where he took off. Sometimes with a heavy thud crash landing on the bottom ..LOL ! Most end up holding on to the poles and never even try to cross. If the pole vaulter

The idol user is in the same status. If one can use the idol to transcend the world, it is useful. While transcending one has to let go off the idol. If one ends up holding on to the idol, he loses the crossing over. good example Huh ? And as it invariably happens, the idol user becomes a worshipper all life. Because of the strong attachments to teh world. They cannot even break the bondages. such minds cannot transcend the world. Plain fact.

This is the lock that the almighty puts on the common man's mind. It is like asking him to prove what is more dear to him. The world and relations or the creator. Most say the world is more attractive while bowing to the creator for namesake. One cannot fool God that way.Very sorry ! LOL ! God is far cleverer than one can imagine. To God, the question to humans is straight forward. 'Do you find the world attractive or the one who created it is actually more desirable ? Dont think one can bluff and sneak in. LOL

Because those who bluff perish here. They never even get a glimpse of what almighty's majesty is. You pray for more wealth and pleasures... it will be given.. Insha Allah ! But until one is mature to ask for at least a place at his feet, he will not even look at you.Whether you wear clothes or not... LOL ! There are 7 billion like you... lurking out cattle, like worms.. like what they really are. Addicted to life. unable to break off from the possessions. All of them invariably die. God will bother only those who reach the hurdle and prepared to make a try to cross it with the pole. The idol for Hindus. Quran for Muslims and whatever for the rest.

Those who cross the God given hurdle, land in the safe hands of the almighty. Almighty waits for such brave hearts,..Those who attempt are noted by the almighty. the rest , the entire noisy lot are sheer waste. Among a million stars only one sun gets an earth. That is the game played by almighty. He is not as stupid as these religious leaders think. Religious leaders are just super imposing their own wish list on a God concept of theirs. Such as dress codes and behaviour codes and worshipping ways.

The really wise guys think God will love them if they laugh at the others, abuse them and even kill them by uttering God's name !

Laugh or cry ?

I am not used to the latter.

Excuse me..



Regions sell faith, whole sale and retail, to eager or unsuspecting customers. Priests manage these malls. The more stupid the taker is, the deeper the priests will drive in his own understandings. 

To the doubting Thomases and skeptic rationalists (who watch like crows), the priests behave very well and stick to the basics. Such as God (up in the sky) is great (otherwise the priest would have had to work to earn a living), the need to live a righteous life, the importance of the prophet or founder (most important) and the need to stand together as a unit (poaching by other religions) and need to increase population or the number of believers (the more the numbers, the per capita donation requirement is less) etc.. . 

Unbelievable stories are cooked up and pushed down the throats of gullible believers. Miracle stories when properly pushed down the throat most often comes out of the other end of the alimentary canal, undigested that is. 

However, the same miracle story can be made to digest by some another more stupid beleivers if sprinkled with some make believe pills like testimony from an experienced souls, who are usually accomplices of the priests trained to talk the way the listeners like and paid for the services thereof. 

What are the interests of these religions and priests who manage them ? Why don't they talk in a language that every one can understand.? 

For example population beyond a comfortable number is simply gong to make people starve and live like cattle. The world has 7 Billion people. If this is reduced to say just One billion, all will live like kings. No need to talk about heaven after death. This indeed IS heaven man.. damn it ! 

Look around.. what is not there on Earth that you need ? Food, beaches, mountains, flowers, trees, plains, clothes, entertainments, music, dance, sports, vehicles, adventure, peace, meditation, prayers, happiness, name it. It is there. Then what is the problem ? ...Everything is here. What more do you need ? Do not be greedy. Just be yourself. 

The truth is this world has more than you can consume. But you don't get a chance to consume most. That is your real problem. You want to enjoy more and more. But stiff competition makes you tired. Son better ones take over and enjoy the same thing that you desired. That is the real worry. Is it not ? Otherwise one would love to live here for ever. The Earth is so beautiful and enchanting. 

You don't really want to die. Is that not the real reason, dude ? 

Then why do the priests talk about a heaven after death ? If sensible, make this earth itself heavenly first. Reduce population. Let all live like kings. Any problem ? There are. Quite interestingly. 

There are problems if all are kings. Who will polish the shoes ? Who will work ? 

But at least reducing the population will make the world more hygienic and livable. Is it not ? Surprise ! Many still do not agree. Particularly the priests and politicians, the twins.

Instead of reducing the population, the priests and politicians may actually try to increase the same. LOL ! But why wise priests and politicians? Because it suits them. More people means more chaos, more numbers to manage and milk. Admonish the crowd at times and drive in the faith again so that they behave the way priests would like them to behave. A herd of sheep who ask no inconveniencing questions. There would be more poverty and restlessness. There would be more competition. Diseases. Lack of decent living standards. Filth. Pollution. People living like cattle, pigs, rats, cockroaches and maggots. Still with a smile on their lips. 

Priests know this. But still their greed drive them drawing them away from the truth. 
Because it suits their fiction to fool people, keep them as stupid believers. The more the number of followers, the less the per capita donation required to keep the priests live a sweat free life. Plain and simple. Nothing t do with any Prophet or God. It is all a facade. The priests want to live a cushy life. That is the whole agenda. The rest is all a show. 

The church itself is a sham.

Based on fictions, living in the air with no ground to support its absurd claims. Jesus as carpenter Joseph's son was not stylish enough for the practical wise guys. They created the theory of a holy impregnation by none other than God himself (!) through an invisible ghost without Joseph knowing about it. 

Thus God did adultery in the first place. Fry God in hell first ! LOL !

This circus, the church did for two reasons. One is to present Jesus as a different guy than the rest. Ordinary carpenter's parentage would be slammed by the elite in no time. The second is that Jesus had to be presented as someone who has connections with God so that he could be projected as a savior, someone who can pardon the 'sins' of the world. And what is that sin ? Sex ! What else ? 

Remember the cock and bull story of Adam and Eve eating the 'forbidden fruit' ? The church is based on this stupidity that sex is a sin ! God impregnating the mother of Jesus was, however perfectly in order ! What logic is this ? 

Further, Mary after delivering Jesus remained a virgin through a special blessing by God. The question is why did God choose a carpenter's wife for this shameful act ? Obviously the church was trying to reverse engineer the whole story, placing Jesus at the centre, after Jesus was crucified, not before... Hmmm. Clever guys.
The church was formed after 300 years of the terrible death of Jesus, carefully drafted by some really wise guys to ride the sentiments of people which lingered long after the good soul was brutally tortured and crucified by a mad crowd of jealous males and fanatics, an incident that shocked the world since then. Hopefully the pain of Jesus for no fault of his would remain with the cruel world until the diabolic attitude is completely wiped out. The church has no intention of loving selfless people like Jesus. Their only interest is to make people listen to them so that the people can be manipulated for the cushy life of the priests. The priests manage the show. Not Jesus. This is to be carefully understood. Else the priests will pull a fast one over your ready to submit eyes.

After Jesus was crucified, his body was kept in a cave that day itself even though it takes three days for a young healthy man to die on a cross. 

Osho, in his book "From unconsciousness to consciousness" says that the body of Jesus, still alive after crucifixion, was smuggled out by some loyal friends and transported to Kashmir where he lived until 118 years old. His tomb besides the tomb of Moss is reportedly still there in Pahalgam district where a Muslim family takes care. The Hebrew name of Jesus "Joshua" is carved on the tomb. Osho challenged the church to verify these facts to prove that Jesus did not die on the cross. But the church did not oblige. That is strange indeed. Is it not ? It was the chance to prove or disprove its own theories and stand corrected. 

But there was a reason why the church dug in their feet. A very interesting reason which made the church wobble at its knees and refused to accept Osho's version. Instead of verifying the allegation, the church slammed Osho, and banned his books (like the church had slammed Galileo and Copernicus) saying Osho was trying to mislead people. 

The church shivered to the challenge of Osho to verify if the remains in the tomb are indeed that of Jesus. Because if the verification proves that it indeed is Jesus, then the resurrection theory of the church goes for a toss. The resurrection theory was carefully crafted into the story of Jesus to prove that he was actually a Messiah, one who cannot be killed. The believers are taught this as evidence f the tall claim that Jesus was indeed God's son. 'Why God did not save him from the cross' would then be the question. To answer that, the resurrection theory was cooked up. The verification of Joshua's tomb in Kashmir was not in the interests of the church. It would in fact lead to the collapse of the whole faith business and livelihood of Pope and company, among other things like lifestyles, protecting the rich etc. 

Further, Jesus will crash to the earth as an ordinary mortal from the projected image as God's own son capable of saving the world. Jesus may be yearning in his grave to declare to people that what the church spreads about him are baseless lies and not to get misguided by the pretended protectors. 

But the church will not allow precisely this overlooking the real Jesus and his feelings. How interesting ! This pretension of the church is unbelievable if not mind boggling. This proves that they will go to any extent to defend their own false stories and even refuse to verify the facts on the ground. How unfortunate. 

This was totally avoidable. If Jesus was actually the son of carpenter Joseph, what is the big deal in not accepting the same ? Does that make any difference in what he thought and did ?

Absolutely not. In fact the church can start off from a cleaner slate updating itself by dropping the unnecessary snobbery, pretensions and high handedness and become a world leader religion based on truth and scientific search. Emphasize values on humanity, equality, compassion, decent living, human and other animal rights, protection of nature, responsible living, hygiene and education. Humanity no longer needs scary stories of prophets who would recommend us to heaven by simply believing in someone or doing some funny rituals or dressing in a particular way. 

Nonsense ! 

Be a human first. There is no heaven after death. But this earth itself is more heavenly than the fictitious heaven which the wise guys imagine. A simple truth that the religions (read priests) cannot understand. 

What a shame Mr. Pope and Company ? Why mislead the common people ?

Instead of teaching people to believe in Jesus or Mohammed or Buddha or whoever, the religions may instead teach the world how these spiritual giants reached that high level of thinking which normal people cannot. The common thread in all these great souls is fairly clear. That they were all honest, humble, detached, compassionate and above all, self less. Thus these are the basic requirements that makes spiritual giants. The religions may please teach this to the world than trying to project someone they have a vested interest in and slam the rest ! 

Grow up men ! Don't be silly by saying Jesus is better than Buddha or Mohammad is better than Jesus. They are all great in their own way. That is the truth which everyone knows, except the priests who finger the religions to divide people and keep their ignorance and vested interests in tact. This is living in fool's paradise.

Do these priests really think the Almighty would not know who were all truly great among Buddha, Jesus or Nabi or whoever ? Instead of competing to slam the other great soul and their priests and followers, teach all that there is a possibility of humans evolving into higher levels like Jesus, Nabi or Buddha etc. reached. That is the final stage of evolution. From Amoeba to Animals to Monkeys to Humans to Buddhas... Or Jesuses or Nabis... Take your favorite pick as allowed by your grumpy high sounding priests. But they are all the same... 

The path ? Fee the mind from the world of attachments, relations, likes and possessions, as much as possible. Purify the mind by allowing it time to get mature and rational and balanced. Neither ridiculing any nor blindly believing any. This needs balancing and dynamic positioning ! Try it.. You will realize. Just let the mind float like a free wheel. Then ? Then you will become a Buddha or Nabi or Jesus without you even knowing about it. Try this at home.

One casualty of this are the priests. The priests may crib about the sagging donations and irregular visits to where they have positioned to milk people. Some really wise guys may threaten about the impending loss of heaven after death if he is not listened to. LOL ! But that does not matter. We know these jokers for a long time. Priests are just harmless blood sucking parasites of the masses who hate to work for earning a living. LOL ! They are just confused and ignorant as everyone else is ! 

If the priests scare you, just scare them back ! How ? 

Just remind them of the impending Judgement day where he would sweat to find answers for dividing people and ridiculing other spiritual giants whom the God regards with high esteem. That would be like making the priests swallow their own medicine. They thoroughly deserve it too. ROFLOL ! But let me assure you that the almighty will smile on you all the way. That is the only thing that matters. is it not ? All the best dear priests ! 

Happy journey to hell, good old priests. You managed to damage the humanity as much as you could. Good effort ! Now enjoy the earned fruits in hell. Good riddance... So long priests... Get deep fried there. LOL ! After all you invented the deep fry in hell theory.



Abrahamic Religions Christianity, Islam and Jewism are Semitic ones. These religions have founders or prophets. The God concept of these religions are of a creator separate from the creation. The philosophy s God created males to enjoy the world. For enjoying the world thank the God. For believing in God and praying to him like a slave, God will reward one with heaven where the same enjoyments on earth can be continued in a far better way for ever. This is Semitic religion. It is a closed loop. No other great soul however great is not accepted at all. Similarly the prophets are accepted whole heartedly, warts and all.

Non Semitic religions except Hinduism have founders, not prophets. Eg. Budhism, jainism, Sikhism. These are all offshoots of Hinduism. These have a different God concept than Semitic religions. The God concept of Non Semitic religions is of a formless state of existence. alawys arae, always existing, all knowing, chaithanya that resides in every living and non living beings.Hence everything to the Hindu is God or part of God. Even a Muslim ! To reach this core consciousness, the path is also specified. Te mind is the path. Drop all attachments from the mind. No relation with any individual or object. Now purify the mind from emotions. Slowly the mind will become free and detached. Now get into meditation in solitude. One can realise the true identity of oneself. that is called the soul, pure consciousness, bodha swaroopam or bodha sattha. That real identity one will realise as the truth behind this universe. there is no difference. One merges with God and becomes God itself. Aham Brahmaasmi. I am that truth.That is the end of evolution. When man becomes Buddha,enlightened or awakened, the evolution completes the circle.

However this ' I a m God'' theory is not acceptable to Semitic religions. LOL ! They have reasons too. To them God is separate from us. So how can we become God ? We are born from God. So how can the son become the father ? Sounds logical. The problem is the way of understanding God. Semitic religions had prophets who were not as qualified as the Indian rishis in meditation. The Prophets did have some premonitions and experiences. But they thought those wee from a higher consciousness separate from themselves. Can't blame the prophets. They were not born in India ! Indian Rishis had gone the full distance and had no doubt in realising that the so called God or higher consciousness is not separate from them at all. Instead, while being in human body, we think we are the body. Through detachment of mind, purification and meditation, the rishis reached the higher consciousness by dropping the world and body first and then dropping the mind itself. Thus they became that higher consciousness and reached beyond death.

Non Semitic religions laugh at this idea and ridicule these saints as Godmen. Their intelligent question is "God is what created you. then how can you become God itself ? Absurd". Sounds logical again ! This is the confusion... LOL ! A very interesting one indeed. Both the Semitic and Non Semitic Rligions are talking about Gid. The same God. But they never agree on their concepts. There are some fake saints too out there trying to make a fast buck. However this trick of Rishis to become God istelf is not known to semitic religions. LOL ! The Semitic religions hold on to their prophets for helping them to face God. This is actually an ignorant or childish view. God is what your real identity is. You thought falsely that you were not, while living in the body. This ignorance will soon vapourise too and you again become the pure consciousness. There is none to pray unto. Because all prayers reach your own self. Now this self is not the ego, mind you. But the state when the ego is annihilated completely. What remains is a self lit light of knowledge within which always existed. We never knew. That was our fault. That is all.

The unfortunate part is; faith in someone is not enough to reach this core consciousness. Prayers would help to calm the mind. But to reach the core, one has to necessarily take the plunge. Most try to keep the relations as long as they live and trying to find meanings from that. They would surely get meanings. Every life will get meanings. But the ultimate meaning will be got only when one's mind is ready to accept the same. Holding on to the relations and world will not enable the mind to reach The core and stay therefor ever. If some Rishi reached there, believing in him will not give much progress, except some higher values in mind and life. So far so good. Ultimately one has to make the jump oneself, all alone. Dropping everything. Those who cannot drop the attachments in mind die out. They face death. That is the 'punishment' for not knowing God. Know God the right way and go beyond death, reach eternal life in heaven, which is our true self. Heaven only means a state of absolute peace silence and bliss.

Most interestingly, this path of self realization can be practiced by any one anywhere at home. The only requirement is a will to drop the attachments from mind. Those who are living need not try this in a hurry. Go through life. Enjoy the world with discipline and giving the other the right of way. Once the duties towards dependents and the obligations to the nature for absorbing air water and food for survival are responsibly retired, one can get into detachments and purification of minds. Planting trees and taking care of them is the best way to retire such debts that one has taken from the nature. Once the obligations are fulfilled, one can start detaching the world from mind. Then purify the mind. Make the mind fearless guilt free and balanced capable of accepting any view and discriminate what is good and bad and truth and false. Then the mind is free, uncorrupt, as clear as crystal. Now one can get into meditation. No one has come back from there the same way they started ! They go straight to the almighty and become one with that. End of evolution.

It has been a long journey. Full of twists and turns. Drama and tears. happiness and love. Love and separation. Bravery and cowardice. A world wide scale of live movie, free show running 24x7. All beings are actors in this epic drama. Most actors do not know the other is none other than oneself in another form. they compete with one another, play with one another cheat another, help another, love some hate some... All dramas. the consciousness that created this drama is the same. All are different forms of this consciousness. Those who realise this get relieved from the roles. Brahma Kumaris call this Nataka Shaala. Stage of drama. Very true. Instead of looking at your body image at the mirror and feel good or bad by comparing the same with the others, start looking within yourself is the message from Hindus and India. You are going to get awe struck at your own true identity within. Believe the Rishis ! So get ready for the roller coaster ride... Drop everything on the way except your life. That is the only thing that is worth keeping.

Remember what Prophet Mohammed said ? Only Allah is worshippable.

Allah is life. Only that is worshippable.

The world, the body, the mind, riches, beauty, health, status, fame... Nothing is worshippable. Only the life is worshippable. Semitic religions misinterpreted this verse of Nabi. They used it to needle other religions and their God concepts. Islam would say the prophet was talking about Indian idols and multiple Gods. He was actually referring to the inner voice within which considered that inner voice only is worshippable.

What Nabi referred to is the inner consciousness, also called life. The life in every being is to be respected. Nothing else is respectable.

Is that clear now ? It is actually quite simple. Don't complicate that subtle message..
Agreed ? Here we go hand in hand. All the best..

เด“เดทോ (OSHO)


Chodyam : เด“เดทോ เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാം เดคിเด•เดž്เดž เด†เดณോ .? เด“เดทോ เดฎเดฑ്เดฑുเดณ്เดณเดตเตผเด•്เด•് เดชเดฑเดž്เดžു เด•ൊเดŸുเดค്เดคเดฆ് เด…เดฆേเดนเดค്เดคിเดจ്เดŸെ เดธ്เดตเดจ്เดคം เดœീเดตിเดฆเดค്เดคിเตฝ เดชเด•เตผเดค്เดคാเตป เด•เดดിเดž്เดžോ .? เด“เดทോ เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดฆ് เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാം เดถെเดฐിเดฏാเดฃോ .?

Osho ennalla ivide oororutharum 'unique' aanu. pakaram illaatthathu. Oororutthar oororutthare pokki pidikkaan nokkumpol aanu prasnam. Oororutthareyum avaraayi thanne kandaal ivide oru prasnavum illa. Oshoykku kuravuundenkil enthaa kuzhappam

เด“เดทോ เดช്เดฐเดœเดฐിเดช്เดชിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดฆ് เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดฆ് เดจാം เด‰เตพเด•്เด•ൊเดณ്เดณുเดจ്เดจ เดธเดฎുเดนเดค്เดคിเดจു เดค്เดคเดจ്เดจെ เดฆോเดทം เดšെเดฏ്เดฏുเดจ്เดจ เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏเด™്เด™เตพ เด…เดฒ്เดฒെ เดชിเดจെ เด“เดทോเดฏെ เดŽเดจ്เดฆിเดจു เดชൊเด•്เด•ി เดชിเดŸിเด•്เด•เดฃം

Nabiye pattitum ithe abhipraayam undallo ?

Osho enthu paranju ennu paranjaal athu engane pokkipidikkal aavum ?

Bhoomiyil anekam chinthakar undaayittundu. Ororuttharum oro deepasthambhangal aanu. Ellavareyum vaayikkuka. Sweekarikkan pattiyathu swekarikkuka. Oraale nindikkenda aavashyam illa.

You know nothing about Osho. He did not advice free sex.. but responsible sex. In Osho's times, there was confusion all over. Hippy ism had gripped America. Existentialism in Europe. Islam was dormant and more or less crude and fanatical. Hinduism was stuck with idol worship and casteism. Osho found Christianity as the biggest culprit because their doctrine treated sex a sin. It is in this perspective that one has to see the relevance of Osho. Osho freed people from the guilt imparted by the church on sex.

What Osho taught was not how to enjoy sex, as commonly slandered. But how to go 'beyond' sex and reach the divinity which is the core state of all beings. Osho guided those stuck with sex to go beyond sex not by fighting it but by accepting and befriending sex as a natural faculty.

Osho had a commune of 3000 disciples who were all free beings. None was dependent on the other. All lived like free people. No relation was barred. It was left to the people to have or break relations as they liked. They were not children. All educated and mostly rich Caucasians. Osho commune is a sample of the future of the world. When people realise that all beings belong to everyone, then the personal relations will cease to exist. Like the fingers in a palm feel one at the palm. For humanity to reach that level, it may take thousands of years.

.. pls malayalathil ezuduu .. English atrakku ...

naale aavaam

เด“เดทോ เดจിเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เด•เดฐുเดคുเดจ്เดจ เดชോเดฒเดค്เดคെ เด’เดฐാเดณ്‍ เด…เดฒ്เดฒ. เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด—ുเดฐു เดŽเดจ്เดจാเดฃ് เดฎเดคเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เด…เดฆ്เดฆേเดนเดค്เดคെ เดตിเดณിเดš്เดšเดค്. เดšുเดตเดจ്เดจ เดคെเดฐുเดตിเดฒ്‍ AIDS เดจു เดŽเดคിเดฐെ เดช്เดฐเดšാเดฐเดฃം เดจเดŸเดค്เดคുเดจ്เดจ เดกോเด•്เดŸเดฑെ AIDS เดฐോเด—ി เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดตിเดณിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดค്‌ เดชോเดฒെ เดฌാเดฒിเดถം เด†เดฃ് เด…เดค്.

เด“เดทോ เดœീเดตിเดš്เดšിเดฐുเดจ്เดจ เดธเดฎเดฏเดค്เดค് เดฒോเด•ം เด’เดฐു เดฒเด•്เดท്เดฏเดฎിเดฒ്เดฒാเดค്เดค เด…เดตเดธ്เดฅเดฏിเดฒ്‍ เด†เดฏിเดฐുเดจ്เดจു. เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฏിเดฒ്‍ เดนിเดช്เดชിเดฏിเดธം เดฏുเดฑോเดช്เดชിเดฒ്‍ เดธാเดฐ്‍เดค്เดฐിเดจ്เดฑെ เด…เดธ്เดคിเดค്เดตเดตാเดฆം... เดฎുเดคเดฒാเดณിเดค്เดค เดฐാเดœ്เดฏเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เดธൊเดท്เดฏเดฒിเดธ്เดฑ്เดฑ്เดฑเดท്เดฏเดฏെ เดšെเดฑുเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจു. .. เด‡เดธ്เดฒാം เดฏാเดฅാเดธ്เดฅിเดคിเด•เดฐുเดŸെ เด•เดฏ്เดฏിเดฒ്‍... เดนിเดจ്เดฆു เดฎเดคเดค്เดคിเดฒ്‍ เดตിเด—്เดฐเดนാเดฐാเดงเดจเดฏും เดœാเดคി เดต്เดฏเดตเดธ്เดฅเดฏും... เด‡เดคിเดฒ്‍ เด“เดทോ เดคെเดฑ്เดฑ് เด•เดฃ്เดŸു เดชിเดŸിเดš്เดšเดค് เดช്เดฐเดงാเดจเดฎാเดฏും เด•ൃเดธ്เดคുเดฎเดคเดค്เดคിเดฒ്‍ เด†เดฃ്.

เด•ൃเดธ്เดคുเดฎเดคเดค്เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เดช്เดฐเดถ്เดจം เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดค เด†เดฃ്. เด…เดคാเดฃ്‌ เดฏേเดถു เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดคเดฏിเดฒൂเดŸെ เด…เดฒ്เดฒ เดœเดจിเดš്เดšเดค്‌ เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดตเดฐുเดค്เดคിเดค്เดคീเดฐ്‍เด•്เด•ാเดจ്‍ เดชോเดช്เดช് เดฆൈเดตเดค്เดคിเดจെ เด•ൊเดฃ്เดŸ് เด’เดณിเดธേเดต เดจเดŸเดค്เดคി เดฆിเดต്เดฏเด—เดฐ്‍เดญം เด‰เดฃ്เดŸാเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดค്‌. เดช്เดฐเดธเดตเดถേเดถเดตും เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจ്เดฑെ เด…เดฎ്เดฎ เด•เดจ്เดฏเด• เด†เดฏി เดคുเดŸเดฐ്‍เดจ്เดจു เด…เดค്เดฐേ. เดˆ เดตിเดก്เดขിเดค്เดคเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เด’เด•്เด•െ เดตിเดดുเด™്เด™ിเดฏാเดฒ്‍ เด•ൃเดธ്เดค്เดฏാเดจി เด†เด•ാം.

เดถเดฐി เด•ൃเดธ്เดค്เดฏാเดจി เด†เดฏി เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดตเดฏ്เด•്เด•ുเด•. เดชിเดจ്เดจെ เดฎൊเดค്เดคം เดตിเดณเด•്เด•ുเด•เดณ്‍ เด†เดฃ്. เดธെเด•്เดธ് เดชാเดชം เด†เดฃ് เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด†เดฆ്เดฏ เดชാเด ം. เด†เดฆเดตും เด…เดต്เดตเดฏും เดตിเดฒเด•്เด•เดช്เดชെเดŸ്เดŸ เด•เดจി เดคിเดจ്เดจു.. เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด†เดฃ് เดตിเดฒเด•്เด•เดช്เดชെเดŸ്เดŸ เด•เดจി. เด‡เดคെเดจ്เดคു เดจ്เดฏാเดฏം เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เด†เดฃിเดจേเดฏും เดชെเดฃ്เดฃിเดจേเดฏും เดธൃเดท്เดŸിเดš്เดšിเดฐിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดค് เดคเดจ്เดจെ เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดคเดฏുเดŸെ เดชൂเดฐเดจเดค്เดคിเดจു เด†เดฃ്. เด…เดค് เดŽเด™്เด™เดจെ เด†เดฃ് เดชാเดชം เด†เดตുเดจ്เดจเดค് เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เดชോเดช്เดชിเดจ് เดฎเดฑുเดชเดŸി เด‡เดฒ്เดฒ เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด…เดฑിเดฏാเดฎเดฒ്เดฒോ. เดชเดŸ്เดŸിเด•เดณോเดŸ് เด•ുเดฐเดฏ്เด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดค് เดชാเดชം เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดชเดฑเดž്เดž เดชോเดฒെ เด†เดฏി. เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด“เดฐ്‍ เดธാเดงാเดฐเดฃ เดœൈเดต เดช്เดฐเดตൃเดค്เดคി เด†เดจെเดจൂเดฎ് เด…เดคിเดฒ്‍ เดฒเดœ്เดœിเด•്เด•เดฃോ เด•ുเดฑ്เดฑเดฌോเดงം เดคോเดจ്เดจാเดจോ เด’เดฐു เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏเดตും เด‡เดฒ്เดฒ เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เดธเดญ เดฏുเดŸെ เดฎുเดŸ്เดŸ് เดตിเดฑเดš്เดšเดค് เด…เดตിเดŸെ เด†เดฃ്. เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด…เดŸിเดš്เดšเดฎเดฐ്‍เดค്เดคിเดฏാเดฒ്‍ เด…เดค് เดฎเดฑ്เดฑു เดชเดฒเดตเดดിเด•เดณിเดฒൂเดŸെ เดชുเดฑเดค്เดคു เดšാเดŸും เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เดฌുเดฆ്เดงเดตിเดนാเดฐเด™്เด™เดณിเดฒും เด•്เดฐൈเดธ്เดคเดต เดธെเดฎിเดจാเดฐിเด•เดณിเดฒും เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดตേเดฃ്เดŸ เดŽเดตിเดŸെ เด’เด•്เด•െ เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด…เดŸിเดš്เดšเดฎാเดฐ്‍เดค്เดคเดช്เดชെเดŸുเดจ്เดจോ เด…เดตിเดŸെ เดŽเดฒ്เดฒാം เดธ്เดตเดตเดฐ്‍เด— เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดคเดฏും เดช്เดฐเด•ൃเดคി เดตിเดฐുเดฆ്เดง เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดคเดฏും เด’เด•്เด•െ เดคുเดŸเด™്เด™ും. เด‡เดค് เดตെเดฑുเดคെ เด…เด™്เด™് เด…เดฎ്เด—ീเด•เดฐിเด•്เด•െเดฃ്เดŸ เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏเดฎേ เดธเดญเดฏ്เด•്เด•് เด‰เดฃ്เดŸാเดฏിเดฐുเดจ്เดจുเดณ്เดณൂ. เด…เดตเดฐ്‍ เด…เดค് เดšെเดฏ്เดคിเดฒ്เดฒ. เด•ാเดฐเดฃം เดตേเดฑെ เด†เดฃ്.

เด•ാเดฐเดฃം เดŽเดจ്เดคാเดฃെเดจ്เดจ് เดตเดš്เดšാเดฒ്‍ เดฏേเดถു เดฆൈเดตเดชുเดค്เดฐเดจും เดฎเดฃ്เดฃാเด™്เด•เดŸ്เดŸเดฏും เด’เดจ്เดจും เด…เดฒ്เดฒെเดจ്เดจും เด“เดทോ เดคുเดฑเดจ്เดจเดŸിเดš്เดšു. เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจ്เดฑെ เดฎเดฐเดฃเดถേเดทം เด‰เดณ്เดณ เด‰เดฏเดฐ്‍เดจ്เดจെเดดുเดจ്เดจെเด•്เด•เดณ്‍ เดธเดญเดฏുเดŸെ เด‰เดŸാเดฏിเดช്เดช് เด†เดฃെเดจ്เดจ് เดชเดฑเดž്เดžു. เด•ുเดฐിเดถിเดฒ്‍ เด•െเดŸ്เดŸിเดฏ เดฏേเดถു เดถเดฐിเด•്เด•ും เดฎเดฐിเดš്เดšിเดฐുเดจ്เดจിเดฒ്เดฒ เดŽเดจ്เดจും เดถเดฐീเดฐം เด…เดจുเดฏാเดฏിเด•เดณ്‍ เดฐാเดค്เดฐി เด•เดŸเดค്เดคി เด•ാเดถ്เดฎീเดฐിเดฒ്‍ เดŽเดค്เดคിเดš്เดšു เดŽเดจ്เดจും เด“เดทോ. เด•ാเดถ്เดฎീเดฐിเดฒ്‍ เดฏേเดถു118 เดตเดฏเดธ്เดธ് เดตเดฐെ เดœീเดตിเดš്เดšാเดฃ് เดฎเดฐിเดš്เดšเดค്. เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจ്เดฑെเดฏും เดฎോเดถ เดฏുเดŸെเดฏും เดถเดตเด•്เด•เดฒ്เดฒเดฑเด•เดณ്‍ เด‡เดจ്เดจും เดชเดนเดฒ്เด—ം เด—്เดฐാเดฎเดค്เดคിเดฒ്‍ เด’เดฐു เดฎുเดธ്เดฒിം เด•ുเดŸുംเดฌം เดธൂเด•്เดทിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจു เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เด•เดฒ്เดฒเดฑเดฏിเดฒ്‍ เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจ്เดฑെ เดนീเดฌ്เดฐു เดจാเดฎം เด†เดฏ เดœോเดท്เดต เดŽเดจ്เดจാเดฃ് เดŽเดดുเดคിเดฏിเดฐിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดค്. เด‡เดค് เดถเดฐിเดฏเดฒ്เดฒ เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดคെเดณിเดฏിเด•്เด•ാเดจ്‍ เด“เดทോ เดชോเดช്เดชിเดจെ เดตെเดฒ്เดฒു เดตിเดณിเดš്เดšു..

เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดคเดฏെ เดญเดฏเดช്เดชെเดŸേเดฃ്เดŸ เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด…เดค് เดฎเดจുเดท്เดฏเดจ്เดฑെ เด’เดฐു เดธ്เดตാเดญാเดตിเด• เดœൈเดตിเด• เดช്เดฐเดตൃเดค്เดคി เด†เดฃെเดจ്เดจും เด…เดคിเดจോเดŸ് เดฌ്เดฐเดน്เดฎเดšാเดฐിเด•เดณെ เดชോเดฒെ เดฎเดฒ്เดฒിเดŸാเดคെ เดธเดฎเดฐเดธเดช്เดชെเดŸാเดจും เด•ുเดฑ്เดฑเดฌോเดงം เดชാเดชเดฌോเดงം เดŽเดจ്เดจിเดต เด…เดฐ്‍เดค്เดฅเดถൂเดจ്เดฏം เด†เดฃെเดจ്เดจും เด“เดทോ เดชเด ിเดช്เดชിเดš്เดšു. เดชോเดช്เดชിเดจ്เดฑെเดฏും เดชുเดฐോเดนിเดคเดฐുเดŸെเดฏും เดตിเดฐเดŸ്เดŸเดฒ്‍ เด•േเดŸ്เดŸ് เดคเดณเดฐ്‍เดจ്เดจ เด•ൃเดธ്เดค്เดฏാเดจിเด•เดณ്‍ เดˆ เดชുเดคിเดฏ เดจ്เดฏാเดฏเดค്เดคെ เด•เดฏ്เดฏเดŸിเดš്เดšു เดธ്เดตീเด•เดฐിเดš്เดšു.. เดชോเดช്เดชും เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฏും เด•ിเดŸുเด™്เด™ിเดช്เดชോเดฏി..

เด“เดทോ เดฒൈംเด—ിเด•เดค เด•ൂเดŸുเดคเดฒാเดฏി เด†เดธ്เดตเดฆിเด•്เด•เดฃം เดŽเดจ്เดจเดฒ്เดฒ เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดค്.

เด‡เดคാเดฃ് เดฎเดจ്เดฆเดฌുเดฆ്เดงിเด•เดณ്‍เด•്เด•് เดชเดฑ്เดฑുเดจ്เดจ เด…เดฌเดฆ്เดงം.

เด“เดทോ เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดค് เดธെเด•്เดธിเดจ് เด…เดช്เดชുเดฑം เดชോเด•ാเดจ്‍ เด†เดฃ്. เด…เดตിเดŸെ เด†เดฃ് เดฆൈเดตീเด•เดค เดŽเดจ്เดจാ เด…เดตเดธ്เดฅ. เด…เดคിเดจുเดณ്เดณ เดตเดดിเดฏോ ? เดธെเด•്เดทിเดจെ เดจിเดฐാเด•เดฐിเด•്เด•ുเด• เด…เดฒ്เดฒ. เดชเด•เดฐം เด…เดคിเดจെ เด•ൂเดŸെ เด•ൊเดฃ്เดŸ് เดชോเดตുเด•. เดคുเดฑเดจ്เดจ เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด…เดฒ്เดฒ. เด‰เดค്เดคเดฐเดตാเดฆിเดค്เดตം เด‰เดณ്เดณ เดธെเด•്เดธ് เด†เดฃ് เด“เดทോ เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดค്. เดธെเด•്เดธിเดฒ്‍ เดชെเดŸ്เดŸเดตเดฐ്‍ เดตിเดทเดฎിเด•്เด•േเดฃ്เดŸ. เด…เดค് เดคเด™്เด™เดณുเดŸെ เด’เดฐു เดถเด•്เดคി เด†เดฃെเดจ്เดจ് เดฎാเดค്เดฐം เด•เดฐുเดคുเด•. เด…เดŸുเดค്เดค เดฌเดจ്เดงുเด•്เด•เดณ്‍ เด’เดดിเด•െ เด†เดฐ് เด†เดฐോเดŸ് เดฒൈംเด—ിเด• เดฌเดจ്เดงം เดชുเดฒเดฐ്‍เดค്เดคിเดฏാเดฒും เดชാเดชം เด‡เดฒ്เดฒ. เดต്เดฏเดญിเดšാเดฐം เดŽเดจ്เดจൊเดจ്เดจ് เดฆൈเดตเดค്เดคിเดจു เดฎുเดจ്เดจിเดฒ്‍ เด‡เดฒ്เดฒ. เด…เดค് เด†เดฃുเด™്เด™เดณുเดŸെ เด…เดธൂเดฏ เด•ൊเดฃ്เดŸ് เด‰เดฃ്เดŸാเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เด‰เดŸാเดฏിเดช്เดช് เด†เดฃ്. เดชเดฐเดธ്เดชเดฐം เด‡เดท്เดŸเดช്เดชെเดŸുเดจ്เดจ เดเดคു เด†เดฃിเดจും เดเดคു เดชെเดฃ്เดฃിเดจും เดคเดฎ്เดฎിเดฒ്‍ เดฌเดจ്เดงเดช്เดชെเดŸാം. เด…เดค് เดชാเดชเดฎോ เดคെเดฑ്เดฑോ เด…เดฒ്เดฒ. เดธ്เดตാเดญാเดตിเด•เดฎാเดฏ เด’เดฐു เด•ാเดฐ്เดฏം เดฎാเดค്เดฐം. เดตിเดธเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดตเดจ്‍ เดญเด•്เดทเดฃം เด•เดดിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดชോเดฒെ

เด‡เดคൊเด•്เด•െ เด‡เดจ്เดจ് เดชോเดฒും เดฆเดนിเด•്เด•ാเดค്เดค เดตീเด–เดจเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เด†เดฃ്. เด‡เดคൊเด•്เด•െ เดฆเดนിเด•്เด•ാเดจ്‍ เด†เดฏിเดฐเด•്เด•เดฃเด•്เด•ിเดจ് เด•ൊเดฒ്เดฒเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เดตേเดฃ്เดŸി เดตเดฐും. เด‡เดจി เด†เดฒോเดšിเดš്เดšു เดจോเด•്เด•് เด†เดฐാเดฃ് เดคെเดฑ്เดฑുเด•ാเดฐเดจ്‍ เดŽเดจ്เดจ്. เด“เดทോเดฏെ เด•ുเดฐിเดถിเดฒ്‍ เด•เดฏเดฑ്เดฑിเดฏเดค് เดฎเดฑ്เดฑാเดฐും เด…เดฒ്เดฒ. เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจ്เดฑെ เดถเดตം เดตിเดฑ്เดฑു เดœീเดตിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดฎเดค เดชുเดฐോเดนിเดคเดจ്เดฎാเดฐ്‍ เด†เดฃ്. เดธ്เดตเดฏം เด•ുเดฐിเดถിเดฒ്‍ เดจിเดจ്เดจും เดฐเดทിเด•്เด•ാเดจ്‍ เดชเดฑ്เดฑാเดคിเดฐുเดจ്เดจ เดฏേเดถു เด†เดฃോ เดฒോเด•เดค്เดคിเดจ്เดฑെ เดชാเดชം เดคീเดฐ്‍เด•്เด•ും เดฐเด•്เดทിเด•്เด•ും เดŽเดจ്เดจൊเด•്เด•െ เดชเดฑเดฏുเดจ്เดจเดค് เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เด“เดทോ. เดชോเดช്เดชിเดจ്เดฑെ เดตാเด•്เด•ുเด•เดณ്‍ เด•േเดŸ്เดŸ് เดฐเดฃ്เดŸു เด•เดณ്เดณเด•്เด•േเดธിเดฒ്‍ เด•ുเดŸുเด•്เด•ി เด“เดทോเดฏെ เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด• เดจാเดŸ് เด•เดŸเดค്เดคി. .

เด•േเดธുเด•เดณ്‍ เดŽเดจ്เดคാเดฃെเดจ്เดจോ ? เดšിเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฐുเดค്..

เด’เดจ്เดจ് เด…เดฎേเดฐിเด•്เด•เดฏിเดฒ്‍ เดšെเดจ്เดจเดช്เดชോเดณ്‍ เดŽเดค്เดฐเด•ാเดฒം เด…เดตിเดŸെ เด•ാเดฃും เดŽเดจ്เดจเดคിเดจ് เด•เดณ്เดณം เดชเดฑเดž്เดžു. เดฐเดฃ്เดŸു.. เด•്เดฐൈเดธ്เดคเดต เดตിเดงി เดช്เดฐเด•ാเดฐം เด…เดฒ്เดฒാเดคെ เด“เดทോ เด…เดจുเดฏാเดฏിเด•เดณുเดŸെ เด•เดฒ്เดฏാเดฃം เดจเดŸเดค്เดคി.. เดšിเดฐി เดตเดฐുเดจ്เดจോ ? เดฎเดคเด™്เด™เดณുเดŸെ เด‡เดณിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจ เดฎുเด–เดฎേ เดจเดฎ്เดฎเดณ്‍ เด•ാเดฃുเดจ്เดจുเดณ്เดณൂ. เด‡เดจ്เดจ് เดฏേเดถു เดตเดจ്เดจാเดฒ്‍ เดชോเดฒും เดชോเดช്เดช് เดคเดฒ്เดฒി เด•ൊเดฒ്เดฒും.. เด•ാเดฐเดฃം เด…เดตเดฐുเดŸെ เด’เด•്เด•െ เดคാเดฒ്เดชเดฐ്เดฏเด™്เด™เดณ്‍ เดตേเดฑെ เด†เดฃ്. เด…เดค് เดฎเดจเดธ്เดธിเดฒാเด•്เด•ിเดฏാเดฒ്‍ เด“เดทോ เด…เดฐാเดฏിเดฐുเดจ്เดจു เดŽเดจ്เดจും เดฏേเดถുเดตിเดจെ เด•്เดฐുเดถിเดš്เดšเดตเดฐ്‍ เดคเดจ്เดจെ เด†เดฃ് เด“เดทോเดฏെเดฏുംเด’เดคുเด•്เด•ിเดฏเดค് เดŽเดจ്เดจും เด…เดฑിเดฏാเดจ്‍ เด•เดดിเดฏും. เด‡เดค് เด‡เดจി เดตเดฐുเดจ്เดจ เด—ുเดฐുเด•്เด•เดณ്‍เด•്เด•ും เดธംเดญเดตിเด•്เด•ും. เด•ാเดฐเดฃം เดญൂเดฐിเดชเด•്เดทം เด†เดฃുเด™്เด™เดฒും เด…เดธൂเดฏാเดฒുเด•്เด•เดณും เด…เดนเดฎ്เด•ാเดฐിเด•เดณും เด‰เดŸเดฎเดธ്เดฅเดค เดชാเดฒിเด•്เด•ുเดจ്เดจเดตเดฐും เด†เดฃ്. เด…เดค്เดญുเดค เดฆ്เดตീเดชിเดฒെ เด•ുเดณ്เดณเดจ്เดฎാเดฐ്‍..

เด•เดŸുเดค്เดค เด“เดทോ เดช്เดฐേเดฎിเดฏാเดฃ് เด…เดฒ്เดฒേ .?:D

Alla. Njaan areyum premikkunnilla. Pakshe ee lokatthu athbhutha vykthitwangal undaayittundu. Onnum randum alla. Asamkhyam. Avaril oororutharum nammude bahumaanam arhikkunnundu. Mathangal aanu ithine thadassa ppedutthunnathu. Mattullavare koodi arinjaal anuyaayikal kooru maarumo ennu pedichu. Enikku Oshoyekkal Ishtam Socratesine aanu. Enthu paavam manushayn ! Adehatthe visham kodutthu konnu.

เด“เดทോ yikku sex เดจെ เด•ുเดฑിเดš്เดšുเดณ്เดณ เด•ാเดด്เดšเดช്เดชാเดŸ് เด†เดฃ്‍ เดคെเดฑ്เดฑ് เดŽเดจ്เดจ് เดžാเตป เดชเดฑเดž്เดžเดฆ് ,,.. เดฎเดจുเดท്เดฏเตป เด’เดฐു เดธเดฎൂเดน เดœീเดตിเดฏാเดฃ്‍ .. เดจเดฎുเด•്เด•് เดจാം เด‰เตพเดชെเดŸുเดจ്เดจ เดธเดฎൂเดนเดค്เดคോเดŸ് เดš്เดšിเดฒ เด•เดŸเดช്เดชാเดŸ് เด‰เดฃ്เดŸ് ..!! เดฒเดฏിเตปเด•ിเด•เดฆ เด“เดฐോ เดฎเดจുเดท്เดฏเดฐുเดŸെเดฏും เดธ്เดตเด•ാเดฐ്เดฏเดฆเดฏാเตป .. เด†เตผเด•്เด•ു เด†เดฐെ เดตേเดฃเดฎെเด™്เด•ിเดฒും ..... เด•്เด•ാം เดŽเดจ്เดจുเดณ്เดณ เดธเดฎീเดชเดจം เดถെเดฐിเดฏാเดฃോ .? เดชിเดจ്เดจെ เดฎเดจുเดท്เดฏเดจും เดฎ്เดฐ്เด—เด™്เด™เดณും เดคเดฎ്เดฎിเตฝ เดŽเดจ്เดฆാเตป เดตെเดค്เดฏാเดธം .? เด…เด™เดจെ เดšുเดฐുเด•്เด•ം เดš്เดšിเดฒ เด…เดญിเดช്เดฐാเดฏ เดตിเดค്เดฏാเดธเด™്เด™เตพ เด…เดค്เดฐ เดฎാเดค്เดฐം

Athu nammude idungiya kaazhcha ppadu kondu aanu. Athaayathu njaanum ente kettyolum nammude kuttyolum. Ippozhatthe saamoohika vyavastha ingane aanu. Athe pattullu. Ennittum manushyar mattu inakale thedi pokunnathu enthu ? Athu manushyante swabhaavam aayathu kondu. Sthreeye ithil ninnu vilakkukayum bheeshani pedutthukayum shikshikkukayum cheyyunnu. Aaninu enthum aavaam thaanum. Osho ithinu oru parihaaram aayittanu Commune enna aashayam kondu vannathu. Avide vyakthi bandhangal illa. Ellavarum swathanthrar aaya manushyar. Sex oru mahaa kaaryam enna mattil kaanunnathu vykthikal aanu. Sthreeyude chaarithryatthil aaninte anthassu !

Pakshe penninte anthass aaninye chaarithryatthil alla thaanum. Athu aval thanne sookshichu kollanam ! Osho paranjathu ee kochu kochu kaaryangal okke vidu. Ningal laimgikathaykku appuram ulla daiveekatha aanu. Athu thirich ariyu ennanu. Athinu laimgikathaye thiraskaricha Buddhan, Brahmacharyam polulla reethikal enniva aavashyam illa ennu paranjathaanu yadhaa sthithikare chodippichathu. Osho yude bhaavi thalamurayil vykthi bandhangal undaavilla. Ellavarum ellavarkkum swantham. Athu oru uyarnna kaazhcha ppaadu aanu. Vykthi thalatthil ninnal onnum manassilaavilla. Thetti dharikkukayumcheyyum. Karanam sexine kurichu nammude dhaarana angane aanu.. Athinappuram chinthikkan pattilla.

Bhaaryaye mattoraal nokkiyaal mathi namukku deshyam varaan. Pinne engane swathanthram aavum ?

Ellatthil ninnum ulla mochanam aanu swaathanthryam. Athaanu oshoyude darshanam.



Question : please forgive me for my lack of knowledge ..this concept of I am God and God is me, as would be correct to same im of God and he is of me..or i am in God and God is in me..just using other words that have been used in time to give The Merge a description..I ve understood the merging I have no issues with that question I raise is to only understand my own souls questioning that is this...does this concept also mean we have the same authority that God has ..because isn't that that separates us as the creation? There is a merge and a separation we need to understand where the merge holds true and when separation takes place..?

Answer : I am a truth seeker just like you Umm salma. Who am I to forgive you. You are as good as anyone else. Just that some indoctrination might have gone into your head. That is not your fault anyway.

Your doubt is because of your indoctrination that God is some entity separate from you. What do toy think you are ? Are you the female body that you see on the mirror or the world tell you by seeing your form ? Or is it more appropriate to say you are a conscious being having a female body ? You know you are capable of understanding things through the mind including your body. Right ? Now ask yourself. Who am I ? Is it the body ? No. Is it the mind ? No. Because you use the mind. You are not the mind. Then what are you ? You will have to accept that you are a conscious entity having body and mind. Right ? Everyone is that.

Question : Yes thats ok..I get that..that is the same description as the merging ..using different words..its the next part im trying to grasp ..

Fair enough. But you will still have doubts if your intelligence is on. You are a very intelligent person. Person,,, I wont call you a woman, because that would be referring to your body. For argument sake you may accept that you are a conscious being having no form capable of seeing and understanding things all by yourself or may be with some help from learned ones. But you also know you have a mind and body, not t mention an intellect and also an ego. Ego is your understanding about yourself. Not arrogance. Ego is your worldly identity. What one thinks himself is. This identity is temporary and will end with life. So that cannot be held on to for ever anyway.

You know all these elements of yourself separately. That is the core conscious being (about which you have not much clear ideas at present), the mind, the intellect, the ego, the body and the five senses, the eyes, the nose the ears the tongue and the skin. You feel you are all this. You indeed are ! But you can see each of these elements separately distinguished, clearly. That needs training of mind and intellect. The mind is to be detached from the world and relations to enable it to remain free and at your command at all times. This can be done by practice.

Coming to your doubt whether you are in God or God is in me is actually because of your wrong ideas about what God is. To you God is a separate entity which created you and everything else. So the mind is already conditioned that way. This is not exactly your view. This is Prophet Mohammed's view ! Whew !! LOL ! Remember how you started telling yourself this way ? The religion wanted you to condition the mind that way. You obliged. Now you think that is true. It is not. Unfortunately. But there is nothing to worry. The mind is to be freed first. No need to disrespect the prophet or the religion. They knew only that much. Forgive them.

There is no God separate from the creation.God is pure consciousness residing within and without filling everywhere all over the universe and beyond. The consciousness that we have is like the air in our lungs, We think it is ours. Once exhaled the air goes back to the atmosphere and becomes one with that. Can you locate the air that was in your lungs just a moment before ? Impossible. Similarly the consciousnesses after death merges with the ever present all pervading consciousness. This super consciousness is not felt by those who are busy with their own consciousnesses. They see their own noses during life, a fatal blunder that robs them off their eternal blissful nature and powers. All these wise guys invariably face death. That is the price they pay for their mistake.

This is the game played by the super consciousness. Hindus call it Krishna leela. Krishna (means the one that attracts) is the name given to the super consciousness. An always smiling prince. That is the picture of God. if one can make a picture, that is Imagination to the dot. That is God. An all knowing always happy warm presence that loves life. No bloody punishments to the beings, poor things which simply exist for a brief period. Death is the punishment for not knowing God. The rest is all automatic reactions and instincts or even manipulations and reversing of roles.

Someone tortured someone else. The divine punishment is that the roles will be reversed to give a chance fr the victim to get even. A woman harassed by the male probably would get reborn as a male and get even. Approximately that way ! There is no hatred in such punishments, have you noticed ? Someone did an atrocity. Good. Ge would be given the same situation to face and realize the gravity, the pain he inflicted on the victim. That is simply dome by reversing the roles. No hatred anywhere is used. Because God is just that. Love. Who said ? Jesus. Because he experienced that love. All activities of this divinity is so majestic and unbelievable for human standards. Prophet Mohammed saw this too. And stated so in Qur'an.

The consciousness that you experience is the direct light of this super consciousness which some call as God. The consciousness that you have, and you know, enables you to see and decide things in light of that. This is like sunlight. We can see and do things in sun light. Fair enough, But we ignore the sun that gives us sunlight. This is the blunder that most commit, unwittingly. Similarly we do things before the inner light called consciousness. But this consciousness is limited like the air in our lungs, So our lives go around where the consciousness guides us according to our likes.

We think that is all is life. And resort to other games to remain active during the lifetime, looking out at the others and objects and what not. Very few cares to look within themselves and research themselves. What a pity ! Most think they very well know what they are. The mirror image is what they think they are. The search ends there. Religions will teach him to better believe in a powerful prophet or founder so that his after death routines are taken care of. Nonsense !

These are immature baseless thoughts. Because someone said, never believe. Seek a confirmation from another learned one. The best is ask all learned ones together. Each of these masters is so great and enlightened with crystal clear vision, all complementing one another, the truth is the same everywhere. A Muslim does nor see a different truth than a Hindu. No way. Absolutely. Thus on controversial issues, it is required to read all learned ones, particularly those whom the religions banned. The truth may be most revealed there.. LOL !

Shame on these funny priests who hate work and try to short change even God. These priests simply do not know what God is. God knows this rather too well too and is smiling. The priests are going to get it sooner or later Read all learned ones, Do not spare even a small fry, if one can afford it. Then one can understand. The truth is clearly stated by many learned ones. But the religions, because they need to project some particular prophet may even ban reading the other learned ones who have different vision. This is deceit played by the priests who manage the faith business to keep the followers and safeguard their interests. As usual they will get special treatment from Almighty simply for not allowing people to read, learn and understand all great souls whom the almighty sent to clear the doubts to all in all corners of the world. There is no dearth of learned ones. Then some do not allow the others to be even studied ? Funny indeed.

Like we see things in sunlight, we do things before the consciousness. Like the sunlight is from the sun, the conciseness is from the super consciousnesses. Many things happen in our body without we even knowing about them. Such as the blood cells being formed, the liver making digestive juices. the heart pumps, we breath even while asleep etc. These are beyond our conscious control. We know that. These are still happening too. Not only in me but in where ever life is anywhere in the world....sorry universe ! Stars form, earths happen, evolution happens all by this conscious power. There is no other explanation for all this. So the powers that make the whole thing vibrate with life is a conscious all pervading presence. I know that presence as my consciousness. But knowing sunlight is different from knowing the sun itself. It needs a learned one to guide. Because we haven't traveled that path before. Right ?

There is a way to reach this super consciousness ! That is through the mind. There is no other way. The path is dropping the attachment from mind, purify the mind and then meditate in solitude. This is not possible for most. Because the mind will not be in a position to mediate for most. Lets follow a free clear mind having no attachments and desires engaged in meditation. What could happen ? The body consciousness is done away with. The mind is free from distraction. In this state if he continues, the individual will be able to drop the mind also because there are no attachments or desires. Mind becomes a useless baggage which also can be dropped without any side effects

Thus the body was dropped from mind first. Now the mind is also dropped. What remains ? the outsider can see the body stiff and unmoved and steady. But the consciousness within the body is now clearly separate from the body and mind to the seeker. Where si the seeker ? The seeker becomes the consciousness itself. Because the seeker need not go back to the body or mind, both of which he had willingly dropped in the first place. Now the ego, intellect and consciousness only will be existing. The rest are taken care of

Continuing the meditation, the seeker will realize that the ego, the self identity that one has given to himself can also be dropped because there is no use keeping the same. The ego is thus finally retired for ever. What remains is the consciousness and the intellect. The intellect is nothing but a reflection of the soul in mind. As the mind is almost absent, the intellect also will subside. What remains is consciousness. Pure consciousness. Pure because the impurities like mind, ego, body etc are now understood and laid to rest. Amen ! But the consciousness, is the only worshippable one. Who said ? Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). It is true.

Thus finally one reaches the subtle, formless pure consciousness starting from the gross body consciousness. This is one's true identity. A formless ever present always aware existence un affected by the universe. If the universe exists or not is of no interest for that existence. because it's not attached to the universe. The universe forms by its mere wish just for some serious clean fun ! That is the majesty of that conscious existence. That is God. Is that God me ? Not when you are in the body consciousness buddy. You have to lift yourself into that level by shearing off all attachments and ignorance. Then you become that.Until then. you are the same consciousness trapped in mind and body thinking it is the body, Unless the body conscious beings don't graduate into the super consciousness, the bodies will experience death.

Death is just anther false experience. Actually no one dies. But those who are attached to the body really really thinks he is dying. LOL ! Death is only a change of dress as stated by Shankara Acharya. True again. Depending on the pending desires fresh bodies happen on earth. The goats and chicken that are being produce on mass scale for consumption may be those humans who ate them the precious birth. Reversal of roles. The favorite auto pilot pass time of the almighty. A Gun trotting bearded Taliban may be reborn as a sexy female and wear burqa the next time. Clean fun. Never ending smiles. That is almighty for you. No other punishments except reversal of roles. Relax. Hence if one does good, there is no need to fear or suffer. So better lead righteous lives. Otherwise ? Reversal of roles will happen. That is all. If that is acceptable, one can do anything here and pay for the same for ever later. There is no escape from the all knowing ever present omnipotent almighty. But please ! Never fear this Almighty. It deserves a better deal

So when one becomes pure consciousness, o simply becomes only that. There is no more body or mind or ego. Now remember the pre- condition before searching for the truth ? The mind had to be detached. Done. Mind was to be purified. Done ! Meditation.. Done! Now what remains ? Pure consciousness. Can the outsiders see it ? No! They see only a bright figure, lit up face and eyes that look like torch lights. It is the inner light that comes out through the eyes and face uninterrupted by the mind, which is either crystal clear which obstructs no light or nonexistent. The 'enlightened' one. Who realised that his actual nature is a conscious light. Or who becomes as light as light itself. Enlightened ! That is the correct word.

Another word is Buddha the awakened one. Why awakened ? Was he sleeping ? You bet ! Life on earth is actually a sleep. a dream to the super consciousness. While we talk and run and eat and hug and jump we are actually sleeping with respect to the super consciousness. That is we do all this without the need to invoke the super consciousness ! Wow ! We are doing all this as if in sleep. The awakened state is such that you can watch yourselves sleeping. That is the awakened state. That is the state of Buddha. Osho famously said "All humans have the potential to become Jesuses, Mohammeds and Buddhas. Each and every one out there. Still if you do not become enlightened, there is something wrong with you. Your mind s attached to the world. Drop the world and mind and become Buddhas. It s far more enjoyable to be a Buddha. Than say an Casanova or James Bond or a Billionaire youth or an actor or hero or whatever is currently regarded as desirable.

But why ? A Buddha appears not doing anything except eating fruits and vegetables. What is so much fun in becoming like that ? Isn't our present funny ways of life more interesting than that of a Buddha ?

The answer lies in reverse engineering. We feel orgasm in sexual unions. We think it is due to the exercise. What happens at the time of orgasm? An unexplained pleasure runs through us for a flash moment. Out of the world and divine feeling. Very satisfying. Where does it come from ? If one analyses the whole process, it can be seen that the orgasm is felt when the mind lost its orientations about time and space. During orgasm we forget where we are or what time it is. Right ? Now most wise guys try to repeat the exercise to have more pleasure. What ever they do, the pleasure derived is always the same. A flashing moment of extreme pleasure and happiness. What exactly is that ?

Osho says orgasm is the soul, pure consciousness getting exposed when the mind is free from time and space ! The soul is so blissful that its presence or exuberance is felt as tremendous pleasure in the minds. So, Osho continues, that to get orgasm, sex is not required, even though there is no need to abstain fro the same. Instead of engaging in sex, if the mind is freed from time and space, the soul has to surface again causing orgasm. What the Rishis did was just the same. The detached the mind from the world (Time and Space) and looked for an orgasmic experience. What they experienced was just the opposite. Tremendous pain. Unbearable like labour pain ! The Rishis analysed again. What nonsense ! How tremendous pain happens instead of the anticipated orgasmic experience ?

It was traced to the pain of shearing off the mind. It might have been a violent sharing for the young Rishi. Even though detached, the mind is trying again to attach back to the world which is willfully opposed. This causes the pain. Forget orgasm. Until this pain subsides, do not even think about it ! the rishi was in a spot ! On the one hand he has decided to detach the mind from the world. Now there is no fun except pain, shame, fear, loneliness, feeling stupid and no light in sight either. A very precarious position indeed. That is why the Rishis abscond to the deep forests and caves for meditation The world world dance around them, laugh at them double their agony. It is a cruel world indeed.

So the Rishii had to wait until the pain in the mind is subsided and the mind becomes free and balanced with no regrets. This may take years. Finally a state may be reached where the mind is chirpy, with no regrets or pain absolutely. Continuing this status will lead to a state of enlightenment. Not before ! See the beauty of the system ! Automatic door ! Unless the mind is detached, one cannot even dream of taking the plunge into the unknown super consciousness. So some brave heart did exactly that. He detached the mind. Now what ? The enlightenment will not happen until the mind is purified of regret, pain shame fear, loneliness etc ! The Rishi now has his task cut out ! There is no going back either. Trapped for life.

The rishi now has to clean the mind which has now become a butt of constant complaints. "Why did you do that ? Wise Guy ! Now enjoy life inside a cave with no food ! You could have lived like a king with a beautiful wife. Instead of sleeping comfortably with the family, you are keeping awake in a forest full of mosquitoes ? Are you mad ? Etc" So this needs to be settled and may take good time. Some may succumb to the pressures and rejoin life. Only the daredevils will go the whole hog. And that is the test by the almighty to join him ! Only the very best will be accepted.

The mind once reasonably free and calm is fit for meditation. Thus after several years of search, the origin of orgasm is still far away. Poor Rishi. Lost a good life already and he is already aging with out any trace of orgasmic experience without sex. But there is nothing else to do than continuing the meditation. Finally there would be a stage when the mind is absolutely free and then in a flash the mind will vanish. Vanish ? Yes, Literally. There would be no mind any more. No nagging thoughts at all. Continuing this meditation will lead to self realization, the soul, pure consciousness. When the pure consciousness s touched, orgasm returns after years of search, without sex. .

The Rishi has reached his goal. He is accessible to orgasm without any restriction. Orgasm all the time ! That is called Ecstasy, Absolute Bliss. This is what a Buddha gets. Beyond death in Ecstasy, orgasmic state round the clock ! That is the state of a Buddha. Knows all. realises that pure consciousness never dies, has infinite powers at your disposal, feels bliss at all times, peace, silence, divinity, heaven. This is the ultimate stage possible for any being. The final point of evolution. Once the humans become a Buddha, the evolution ends. From Amoeba to humans to Buddhas. The evolution is complete. Then a short commercial break. Then back to the dame again with the remaining morns. LOL

This is similar to the water in the oceans getting heated up by sunlight. The water vapour rises into the atmosphere and becomes dark clouds which cool and become rain. The rain waters become streams and rivers. The rivers irrigate all land and reach the ocean. the circle is then complete ! Then ? The Ocean and Sun takes a break ? No sir ! Water is being constantly heated up by the sun. The water drop cannot complain like "I just had a trip, so leave me alone !" This is a never ending process. It is just a fun game.

No need to tighten the muscles. Whether one lives or dies is immaterial.

Whether one realises his true nature and become immortal, definitely is.

That is the name of this epic game called universe and life.