Friday 31 May 2013

MOHAMMED, BUDDHA, JESUS; The destination of Evolution

MOHAMMED, BUDDHA, JESUS; The destination of Evolution

Evolution has not stopped with humans. It keeps on evolving.

The features of humans are getting more refined. Every generation is getting taller and better looking having more knowledge and skills. A child can operate an I pad or internet where as the older generation may struggle to use the same. People are looking better in every new generation.

The best looking today, a million years down the line, would be just an ordinary one. The filmy heroes of today are lucky to have born now. After a thousand years, the current heroes might only get roles of a joker... No offence meant 

Evolution is a conscious choice and refinement happening within. Starting with a single stem cell reaching to the current mind boggling versions to beyond it is always on the move. This also indicates another thing. There is consciousness which can survive any state of the universe. Whether the world is there or not, the consciousness remains at all times. This consciousness is not affected by time or space and is formless, all knowing, possibly having all powers to create the world and manifest in it as life.

Like we have some air in our lungs from the abundant atmosphere, all beings have some limited consciousness within, in light of which they live and act. On meditating on this consciousness, one can reach the super consciousness also called pure consciousness, soul or God. This is the correct way to reach God called Brahma vidya. To reach this state, one needs to remove attachments from mind. purify the mind and then drop the mind itself. Those who cannot do this, remain attached with the body and world and can not escape death. This is the only 'sin' that we do. That is to identify ourselves as the body or mind and not as the pure consciousness, which is our true nature.

All Gurus have pointed to this ever lasting truth about ourselves in one way or the other. Be it Jesus, Nabi or Buddha. Jesus saw his true self as "Holy father in heaven". Nabi saw his own true self as "Kind master". Buddha saw his own self as "Peace, Silence and Godliness. Rishis were the smartest of the lot who said "Aham Brahmaasmi" or I am that Brahman. God is not separate from any being. This is the folly of the Semitic religions. Instead anyone can reach one' own core state of 'pure consciousness" and become another Buddha.

Osho famously said that all people have the potential t become Jesuses, Nabis and Buddhas. If someone is not becoming a Buddha, it is his own fault.

Thus, please... Stop quarreling It is simply a waste of time and trying not to evolve further. LOL ! Lets evolve into Buddhas or at least as close to that. ... That is the last phase of evolution. From Amoeba to animals to monkeys to humans to Buddhas... Then the evolution will end. At the Buddha stage, one will realise one's true self and rest blissfully. All the noises and struggles will end.

One caveat though.

Muslims may evolve into what they like most, Nabis..

Christians may evolve into Jesuses.

Hindus may evolve into Buddhas..


So I am not advocating any communal rift.


But remember... IF Buddha, Jesus and Nabi come together, they will hug one another. Can the followers of these spiritual giants do the same ? If they can't... Shame on them

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