Friday 31 May 2013



The idol is not God. It is a medium to focus the mind. the mind needs something gross to attach itself to. The idols just serves this purpose, which is the weakness of the mind. The idol is like a pole in pole vault While the vaulter takes off, the pole is required. Other wise the vaulter cant reach the bar high above. So the vaulter uses a pole to cross over the highly placed hurdle. Similarly an idol user, I don't say worshipper (:P), uses the idol to break the bondages with the world , make the mind free and transcend backwards back to the origin, to the core within. But now watch the fun !

The pole vaulter has reached the hurdle with the use of the pole. To cross over the hurdle, he has to do what ? ... yes... let go off the pole ! If he holds on to the pole than crossing over, he will slip back to where he took off. Sometimes with a heavy thud crash landing on the bottom ..LOL ! Most end up holding on to the poles and never even try to cross. If the pole vaulter

The idol user is in the same status. If one can use the idol to transcend the world, it is useful. While transcending one has to let go off the idol. If one ends up holding on to the idol, he loses the crossing over. good example Huh ? And as it invariably happens, the idol user becomes a worshipper all life. Because of the strong attachments to teh world. They cannot even break the bondages. such minds cannot transcend the world. Plain fact.

This is the lock that the almighty puts on the common man's mind. It is like asking him to prove what is more dear to him. The world and relations or the creator. Most say the world is more attractive while bowing to the creator for namesake. One cannot fool God that way.Very sorry ! LOL ! God is far cleverer than one can imagine. To God, the question to humans is straight forward. 'Do you find the world attractive or the one who created it is actually more desirable ? Dont think one can bluff and sneak in. LOL

Because those who bluff perish here. They never even get a glimpse of what almighty's majesty is. You pray for more wealth and pleasures... it will be given.. Insha Allah ! But until one is mature to ask for at least a place at his feet, he will not even look at you.Whether you wear clothes or not... LOL ! There are 7 billion like you... lurking out cattle, like worms.. like what they really are. Addicted to life. unable to break off from the possessions. All of them invariably die. God will bother only those who reach the hurdle and prepared to make a try to cross it with the pole. The idol for Hindus. Quran for Muslims and whatever for the rest.

Those who cross the God given hurdle, land in the safe hands of the almighty. Almighty waits for such brave hearts,..Those who attempt are noted by the almighty. the rest , the entire noisy lot are sheer waste. Among a million stars only one sun gets an earth. That is the game played by almighty. He is not as stupid as these religious leaders think. Religious leaders are just super imposing their own wish list on a God concept of theirs. Such as dress codes and behaviour codes and worshipping ways.

The really wise guys think God will love them if they laugh at the others, abuse them and even kill them by uttering God's name !

Laugh or cry ?

I am not used to the latter.

Excuse me..

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