Monday, 24 December 2012


21st December 2012 has come, stayed as usual and passed. It was just another day.

     NASA had predicted that the Earth would start rotating the other way on this day. Christian fanatics gave scary warnings that unless one believes in Jesus and pray while staying indoors for three days, we are as good as dead.

    These ideas come from none other than the Pope and Company. When the number of church goers dwindle and the coffers are inadequate to pay for the five star luxurious lives of the church administrators, they come up with such ideas. This happens periodically as evidenced from history.

    But the church plays it very cleverly. Like the Political parties. The think-tanks will decide what is to be spoken in public. The spokes persons deliver just that. Some spokespersons will deliberately deliver their version too in addition. If that works, the party will endorse it. If it backfires, then it is his personal view and party has nothing to do with it  !  This is the routine exercise to tide over sticky situations.

    Similarly the church. The Pope and Company desires to increase the number of church goers and believers. Because people are educated, none really believes the way the church want them to believe. So the routine exercise is to be used that the church is used to. Namely miracle stories. None really believes in the older versions like 'Jesus was specially created by God through an invisible holy ghost' or 'His mother Mary remained a virgin even after delivery' or 'Jesus walked on water' or ' Jesus converted water into wine' or ' Jesus converted stone into bread' etc. Initially some opportunists  became suckers to such cock and bull stories expecting Jesus to convert their stones into gold. Or save them from the guilt of cheating and murdering.  Nothing worked and the beliefs turned into suspicion.

    So the church needs periodical shock treatments to keep at least the hopelessly believing ones with them. So promises of five star life in heaven after death for those who listen to these wise guys is routinely made. Hindus also had heaven depending on what their deeds are. Nothing else would count. In christian heaven, Jesus can make relaxations on those who believed in him and recommend to God for better facilities. Hindus had no such loopholes. So Hindus also converted to Christianity. For better facilities in heaven as well as forgiving any crime committed on earth, Jesus was there according to the church.

    But this trick of the church backfired when Islam introduced their own heaven with 7 star facilities, with rivers of wine to swim, mountains of gold and jewels to throw around and even 72 virgins for the female addicts and plump boys for the homosexuals. The 'believers' scooted from Christianity and joined Islam ! Any way they were prepared to believe. So why not believe in someone who can give better facilities?

    Now Pope and Company has something to think about ! How to win back the flagging morale of the die hard (no pun or fun intended) believers and change the attention of the hopelessly trapped established and committed loyal believers from the Islamic heaven ! The answer is such news periodically  propagated by the church.

    In 1990s, the news was that Jesus will come in the year 2000AD following a gesture by Jesus in cross, with two fingers raised. This two fingers were deciphered by the wisest of the wise guys as 2 thousand years ! Now the church released the news through its paid preachers who are so noisy and talkative if money is offered. If the amount is right, these paid preachers and miracle healers will prove that a mosquito is actually bigger than an elephant. An over ambitious preacher said recently in a public stage "Do you know who created Water? Oxygen?" He thumped his chest and smiled "Our own Jesus !" (This is a real incident happened in Kerala in 2012)

    So the miracle mongers and faith propagating machinery of the church were active. The number of church goers multiplied. The coffers of the Pope and company became full. 2000AD came and went without any trace of Jesus. The church behaved as if who propagated these nonsenses. It was planned engineered and executed by the church. But they do it behind the curtain. If it backfires, the paid preachers are hanged.

    Similarly in 2012. The church goers have dwindled like never before. Islam with its exotic heaven is drawing more from other religions with lesser heavens. And money is needed for cushy life of the Christian monasteries. Thus the latest fire without bullet. "The Earth will stop rotating in 2012 December 21. Those who believe in Jesus will survive. the rest will fall off the earth when it stops"!

    As usual the church did not say this officially. But they created the gossip and created fear and panic. The way to escape the fear is simple. Just believe in Jesus. All Christians can easily do that. So they are not scared. the others may get scared and go to hell. The preachers and fanatics spread this rumor.

   One Mr. Joseph Richard Fonseca sent me the scary message and laughed at me for my lack of faith. I promised him that if what he said did not happen, then he has to apologize. hence this mail.

    He and his likes who propagated the scary message ! Are you listening? Since you were wrong, please apologize like a gentleman and pledge that you will not scare people again like this.

Monday, 26 November 2012


Just happened to see an unbelievable ritual in a Hindu temple at Tamil Nadu. In a Subramniaswamy temple, the lower caste devotees are fed on the bare floor. Then they are made to roll on the banana leaves in which the Brahmins just had food. The food wastes stick to the bodies of devotees including women. This will cure skin diseases according

to the Brahmin priests ! Not to mention the upcoming blessings from God.

Obviously the disease is in the minds of the Brahmins. Only the mentally sick can propagate and justify this ritual. The problem with the Brahmins is that they imagine themselves to be better than the others. Even the stories of Krishna, the complete incarnation, having been born in a lower caste or Adi Shankara prostrating to the the lower caste or Sri Narayana Guru having born in a lower caste or Vivekananda calling Kerala where the upper castes practiced 'Ayitham' (untouchability) as a lunatic Asylum or Mahatma Gandhi calling the lower castes 'Harijan' (God's people) has not cured the disease and attitude of the upper castes. That Islam and Christianity took root in this holy land of Sanathan Dharma and the lower castes converted en masse to escape the torture and ridicule of the sick upper castes has not made any change in the upper caste attitude.

The basic reason for such demeaning rituals and social systems among the Hindus is the upper castes' insecurity due to their own lack of understanding of the Hindu shastras where it is categorically stated that all beings are from the same life source called Bhagawan and all human beings have the same body, senses, mind, intellect and ego. The egoists and rich want something more than this. They want to see themselves 'above' the others. This attitude gives rise to such despicable rituals. The problem with the upper castes is that they feel belittled before the better races like the Caucasians. When the upper castes realise that they do not stand a chance before the caucasians in life styles or social systems, the upper castes feel embarrassed and try to prop up their ego by looking down upon the lesser privileged ones and trampling them.

This mindset gets reflected in the politicians and bureaucrats who travel with beacon lights and commandos to escort. Because without such status symbols not even a street dog is going to bother them. The tendency to make more money even through corruption is another fall out of this attitude. Trying to look better than the others. This is their out look towards life. That every one has the same right to the resources and keeping more than one needs is actually a crime against the society are yet to be absorbed by the Hindus. The lower castes follow what the upper castes do thinking they cannot be wrong as inculcated over centuries.

Thus the Hindus find fault with everyone else than themselves. They find the Caucasians usage of toilet paper as shameful compared to their routine of washing the bottoms. But defecating in the open and even besides the public roads is in order ! Only thing is that one has to wash the bottom after the exercise. Then they feel better than the Caucasians who use toilet paper !

Similarly Hindus find both Bikini and Burqa laughable ! Chinese are finny people with flat noses. Blacks are ugly. In short everything else is laughable except themselves. This is how the Hindus redeem themselves. That their scriptures hold the key to the world is something that they do not know. Had they known, they would have started projecting themselves on that over the others.

When the Caucasian Christians resorted to enjoying sex without making babies, the Pope got alarmed and took a stand against abortions. Now this message to save babies is not required. When the whites refused to make babies, the population became stagnant or even negative. The governments offered incentives to bring up babies. Muslims smelt the opportunity, migrated en-ma

ss to the rich developed countries of the whites and made babies left right and centre who had to be taken care of by the christian governments. The christian governments realised the mistake too late like the Indians. Now England, France, US, India etc have sizable Muslim population which is going to further increase to an extent of capturing power through peaceful democratic means. The pope and Co has butterflies in stomach and try to increase the christian numbers. Slamming abortion and creating soft feelings about babies was the new strategy. But this game of church is already lost before it ever began.

Except a few die hard (no pun intended) beleivers, no one really believes in Jesus and his 'only son of God' theory upheld by the church when it suited them. The Islamic prophet's far humbler claim of 'messenger from God' is more widely accepted by normal people. The church is going to lose credibility, if any left, propped up by conscious propaganda and hammering in belief like miracle stories and all that rubbish. If something good happens, it is the miracle of Jesus. Bad happenings are sidestepped or left unclaimed like orphans or slammed on inadequate belief !

Jesus is more famous than the real God now thanks to the publicity unleashed by the church to promote its faith business. I feel sorry for those innocent people who are taught by the church that belief in Jesus would save them irrespective of whatever they do. No belief in any superhuman is going to save any. All are responsible individually for what they do. No sharing of responsibility is possible in this system designed by the supreme intelligence ! To the extent that even the designer does not interfere in the individual activities of its own creation ! The creation is free what it feels right to do. That is the simple truth. The church pulls fast ones over the eyes of the people and want them to believe that Jesus will save, provided one believes all the stories that the church want them to believe ! So what about Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists who may not have heard of Jesus? According to the church all else are finished until they come to know about Jesus ! That Jesus could not save himself was the unfortunate truth which the church covers up with make believe theories of resurrection.

The question is do the Pope and his priests really believe these stories about Jesus even now? If they are propagating false propaganda to rope in gullible illiterate believers and thus spoil their further growth, then those responsible will sweat on the Judgement day according to their own theory. Half truths and whole lies are the stamp of the church. Islam with its dogmatic doctrines is still simpler than the false belief systems of the church.

Sorry to hurt beliefs. But that is the unfortunate truth as clearly evident to any sensible person. The church actually corrupts innocent minds with 'fear' of God and 'guilt' of sins. God is the last thing to be feared of in the first place. And there is no sin and therefore guilt is not warranted in any incident. At worst some mistakes can happen while living and interacting with others which can be corrected by the indulged person himself. Scaring him about God's wrath and hellfire for sin etc for an inadvertent or conscious error might have worked in the dark ages. In this era of modern science, such false beliefs have no locus standii. The humanity has to move forward absorbing what is good (true) and rejecting what is . unreasonable. The church has outlived its use of making barbarian people (who crucified a lovable man like Jesus) civilized. But that is the end of the useful purpose of the church. Anything extra like hammering in faith that "Jesus is the only son of God and by believing in Jesus, all will be saved irrespective of the crimes committed; else go to hell" is all old hat. These scary weapons will not work with educated people.

The way forward for the church may be to limit its routines like croaking about Jesus and silencing the critics like intolerant religions; accept modern science as the way forward to better living and accept that all religions may have some underlying truth (than slamming them outright to project Jesus and own agendas of the church). This open stance would draw the real followers and those interested in spirituality. Bragging about Jesus (that he would save humanity) may be making Jesus squirm in his grave. Jesus or any other person has no such power is the hard truth. The earlier the Pope and Co. accepts this simple glaring truth, the better for them and others whom they make go round in circles.

Else behind the apparent grand standings of the church, Islam will grow cleverly and choke the Christians by its sheer numbers. It is actually easier to believe in Islam than in Christianity. This is because the church along with its fancy dressed priests inadvertently make people doubt whether what they exhort is true. When the church declares that sex is sin and its own priests are caught pants down in private, its own theory is laughed at by the onlookers. Christians follow what the Pope and Co do. But if the Pope and Co themselves do not know where to go than harping about Jesus and his miraculous healing powers, then sooner or later, the followers may get disillusioned. Because miracles are not the monopoly of Jesus. With or without Jesus or any other self proclaimed biggies, miracles would keep happening. When the followers realise this Jesus and church would find no place to project themselves. And that is how it should be. All falsitudes will crumble when the light of truth comes.

This can be a quite painful phase for the adamant church and its faith propagating machinery. The way out is to seek the truth than boasting that what they believe is the truth. This anyone can claim. What is the irrefutable authority with which the church claims that what it says is the truth? All stories about Jesus starting from his very birth through holy ghost and virgin mother, son of God claim, miracles, resurrection etc are all outdated stories to impress the educated people of today. These stories may have helped to attract the illiterate people of the dark ages. Even then a very few number of intelligent ones (including some brave women) in those times who questioned such un-beleivable stories were branded as Devil's advocates or witches and the church burnt them alive when the church failed to answer their legitimate queries..

Those were the real children of God ! Who asked questions and refused to believe in false tall egoistic baseless unbeleivable claims of the church. The inquisitiveness is the stamp of God's own innocent children. They will ask questions. Burdening them with false stories and bad faith and burning them alive, if the persisted with doubts was what the church did. Now you can decide. Who stands for God? The church which stamps out all rational queries or those who innocently ask a few doubts which the church has no make believe answers? When the church goes out to stamp out the innocent inquisitor with rational doubts, what the church fail to understand is that they are killing a child of God.

In short, the church does not know what God is how the God acts. All that the church knows is to hammer in faith about Jesus in maximum number of people and then sleep over it. The God continues to challenge the idiotic slumber of the church by asking simple questions about their belief systems through intelligent people. And invariably the church stamps them out or make faces at them ! Isn't this interesting that those who claim to stand for God actually blocks God through their own belief systems?

Sleeping under the cover of faith is easy. That Jesus or someone else would save is a comfortable thought. But the truth is that no one is going to save anyone else. One has to save oneself. The best the so called priests can do is to read and understand all religions (sparing none), know all great people and how they became great (than slamming outright those not in favor, or who asked inconvenient questions, which is very convenient !) and encouraging people to be self confident than become dependent like a slave and pray like idiots to save them than making efforts with available resources.

God is not as stupid as any wise guy like to imagine. God is the creativity of this mammoth universe, the engineering and technology of which is still being learned by the wisest people and yet has not reached a conclusion. So that is the infinite wisdom and powers of Godliness. Anyone is free to imagine and make theories about this infinity. But those will remain finite ideas in their minds limited by their own self imposed frameworks. Or what little they understood about the world with their intelligence. Boasting that 'I know all the truth, you better follow me or else...' is the sure sign of half wits.

Interestingly no half wit would ever agree that he is a half wit. Where angels fear, devil tramples. Albert Einstein folded his hands in wonder at the enormity and majesty of the creation. Wise guys tell us that they know better ! This is the unfortunate but funny irony of existence. Those who know become silent and start wondering. Prayer happens within them without any religion or priests to prompt them to. Those who do not know start croaking about something that he himself may not know clearly, but if it pays to croak ! They would make people pray. But that prayer has no meaning.

Welcome to the madhouse of existence where wise people keep quiet and wise guys brag!

Thursday, 22 November 2012



The fingers in palm are worth a look. The short but stout thumb. The cute little finger. The even sized ring finger and index finger. Of the five, the middle finger is the longest and probably the best looking. Being a finger and a part of the palm like other fingers, the middle finger may not be able to think about itself and compare with the rest. So there is no hearsay of the fingers ever quarrelled with one another. They work as a team to carry out the jobs.

But the case with humans is different, simply because they can think.

Humans compare. Each other. One another. And make adjustments on the spot to even with the competition. First of all there was no competition. People exist like the fingers and work together. Suddenly one wise guy gets a brain wave. Where am I among others in comparison?

Hell breaks loose ! None is really worse than any in all respects anyway.
Human beings are clever. They know there can be someone even better than them in some  comparable aspect. So they target the lesser ones to live with to feel better, dominate and grow to outshine the bigger competitors later.  So what if Usain Bolt can run faster. I can run faster than that guy with one leg ! The philosophy of the also-rans.

This is actually cheating. Not cheating others but oneself. Te result will not be any different. When with the lesser ones, one feels better. And to keep that good feeling, one avoids the real challenges or sweep them under the carpet ! How interesting….

These self cheaters (mostly males) live a life trying to trample others as much as possible and practical as permitted by the civilised society. Someone lesser out there makes these people feel good. The better ones make them feel bad. The boundaries of his life are thus demarcated. Any attempt to break this boundary will be noticed and invariably resisted by the others. This is simply called life by most.

This is simply the middle finger complex.

The feeling that I am better than the few around. Recognising only those who are lesser and avoiding those who are better. In fact efforts to make the better ones also less is a part of the agenda of life for such people. If I cannot run with Usain bolt, lets break his leg ! Or when he runs fast inspiring the rest, find out something of his personality which is looked down upon by the fans. Tarnish his image if his leg is out of reach to break !

The middle finger complex is a global phenomenon. Everyone practices it. Races, nations and religions. None spared. The whites may like to think that they are the best (with good reasons too) among the rest. The blacks may take pride in their size and strength as comparing in looks may not be very wise. Indians may find themselves in a tight corner in this global psychological game because of their size, colour and looks. So they look for smaller fries than themselves and find the flat nose of the Chinese quite funny ! The Chinese respond by hard work, development of infrastructure and winning Olympic medals. Everyone wants to be the middle finger. If that is difficult, try not to be the little finger !

The Muslims, having failed to compete with the Christians and Jews in science and technology, invent their own ways to feel better in some other respect. Like wearing burqa and slamming exposing bikinis of the ‘shameless’ whites. Or laughing at the Hindu ways of idol worship. The recipients pay it back with interest. The vicious cycle continues. Is there any end to this?

The way out may be to sit together and agree on the acceptable ways of co-existence like the fingers of a palm without harming others and more importantly learning co-operation in at least a few commonly agreed areas. Keep the differences by all means. We can use them to make ourselves warm when cold ! But while living, identify the areas where the differing ones can work together. Working shoulder to shoulder on agreeable fields with mutual understanding will make people come closer and understand each other better.

Continuing this, the warring fractions will soon realise that it is actually better and worthwhile to work together as a team like the fingers of a palm than claiming superiority of the middle finger.

Meanwhile, those who are still suffering from the middle finger complex may be shown the middle finger so that they realise their problem and correct themselves ! But do it from a safe distance without the civil society watching.   All the best !



Obama Sin Laden is Billed. 
Long Live Everyone else !

I had seen a video clipping of Osama trying out an AK 47 as if a child caressing a toy with utmost attention and love. Believe it or not, the same glow of love that is usually seen in the eyes of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was visible in Osama's eyes also. His face while trying out the machine gun was calm and peaceful, again similar to Sri Sri ! The smile after firing a few rounds was simply divine ! I am not at all joking. The most dreaded terrorist in the world has such divine love inside?

Surprisingly, on the other hand, President Obama, or Bush even when at their best presentable faces, never had that glow of love in their eyes !

This is confusing and somewhat scary, I agree. What does this mean? A divine terrorist vs ordinary humans?

The answer lies in the quality of mind. The presidents have practical minds which are more intellect oriented. Osama's mind was full of love and devotion to his God and to people whom he thought was his own. The love is visible in his eyes.

The moment Osama or his followers think of another faith or rituals which their mind is not allowed to accept, hatred replaces love in his mind. ‘Eliminate the disturbance’ is the idea that rings in such minds when hatred replaces love. A gun aimed at the disturbing enemy is the result. The mind is satisfied at that option. A divine smile flashes across that face.

Remember. Osama had no other interests in mind. Such focussed minds feel divinity once in a while even while carrying explosives that kill!

Actually Osama had a better way to deal with the conflict in his mind than resorting to guns aimed at others. Had he been a mallu we could have told him ‘Gun eduthavan Gunnal’ ! The better way was to open up his mind and understand different types of faiths and rituals practised by people to placate the God concept of their faith and understanding.

This way Osama could have accommodated other faiths and rituals as at least as Himalayan blunders compared to his own and not necessarily brand them as unbelievers. That way he could leave other faiths alone may be with some scorn and pity. Like Obelix he could have said “These people are crazy. God may show them the right way”. Or show them the right way himself than trying to teach a lesson by eliminating them altogether. Even the worst coward will not obey if threatened.

President Bush apparently had no respect for other religions. He might not even have thought about them much. He being a Christian might have the same attitude towards other faiths as fellow Christians. That is hidden scorn. But that scorn in mind never surfaced in Bush’s face in public.

This can be achieved in two ways. One is by conditioning the mind and erasing the ill feeling towards other faiths and rituals by realising that all the fingers in a palm don’t look the same. The other is by hiding the feeling under a garb of diplomacy. Bush hid his feelings towards other religions in public. He might have laughed until his kidneys leaked while in company with his friends and relatives talking about other religions and their ways. Especially at Hinduism with Rat-God, Snake- God, Elephant-God and Monkey-God.

But he was able to talk as an understanding wise guy and not as a fanatic Christian in public. This is the result of education and not because of conditioning of mind. A diplomatic posturing is his livelihood! Politicians need support from all faiths for their own well being. So prudent ones may pamper all faiths in public and chuckle when alone.

But Osama's mind was not diplomatic and could not adapt to such a state. He might have learned and taught his mind that certain things are forbidden such as the religious practices of other faiths like idol worship by the Hindus and white women exposing their body in public by the Christians. (In private before the master, it is mandatory, by the way). The faithful slave called mind would not move otherwise. Thus those who are not acceptable to Osama’s mind are deemed worthless and hence disposable according to him.

Others are not dummies to accept such views and live by what Osamas think. Because others are also Osamas without guns who either think likewise or otherwise.

Teaching the mind not to accept different people and their ways is the sure fire way to trap one’s own mind. Such minds get closed to others and get filled with hatred and make the person go round in circles all by himself until the life time ends the normal way or hastened by the recipients of his hatred. Who created the enemies? His own mind. Where are the enemies? In his mind itself! In short he unwisely conditioned his own mind to kill himself.

It is not just Osama's fault. No fanatic can condition the mind to accept another faith ! Do you know why?  Don’t worry. I know.

Mind is a peculiar phenomenon. It is interalia, like a computer. Whatever programme is fed into it, it would work accordingly. Anything foreign is a virus to it. It will not accept even a better programme and would keep on boasting that the existing programme is just fine. It can not even understand another programme if not allowed to learn anything else. Plain and simple.

The fanatics may sit up and think whether the ideology that they inculcated in their minds is actually helping them to grow or trapping them to trudge in circles. One can make the mind as open as the sky in a playground or as closed as the view though a pin hole in a rat hole. It is entirely up to the individuals to make the mind think in a particular way. Other wise, mind moves on its own ways like water flow without directions to low lying / accessible areas.

Fanatics are basically sex addicts. They simply cannot live without women. While normal males also like to live with women, what makes the fanatic different from normal males is his fierce possessive attitude towards women as his personal property. Agreed. Normal males also have possessiveness to females of his liking. But the degree of ownership would be compatible in a civilised society which sees people as people related, separate or individuals. Thus a related female talking to a stranger may not upset a civilised male. Because he has taught his mind that such transactions are possible.

After all, all living things are siblings being children of the same parent God. All should talk to one another and identify the sibling in all living things. Absence of talk due to lack of understanding leads to accommodating a few in mind to love and kicking out the rest from mind for target practice.

Thus the mind gets divided into two air tight compartments. One filled with love and all noble feelings and the other with just the opposite. Who made these compartments in Osama’s mind? Americans? Hindus? Jews? Nope. He himself because of certain likes which he pampered and dislikes he repulsed rather than balancing both like many others are able to do. This imbalance in his own mind created all by himself led to a horrible abrupt end.

He could have removed the wall in his own mind between love and hatred by teaching the mind that people may behave in different ways but all have the same senses, body, mind and intellect and they do things such as waking up, walking, eating, playing, copulating and sleeping. If Muslims preferred to do it in a particular way, it is up to them. If Muslims went to heaven faster because of the rituals, they are lucky and blessed. But why not leave other people alone. They may take more time to reach heaven. And that may be their punishment for not following the rituals followed by more intelligent ones.

But the fanatic has taught his mind differently something like ‘people who behave the way himself does are good / sane and others are simply mad if not ignorant’. This is plain ego to start with. Thus taught, the mind starts discriminating people as own and the others. Such conditioned minds cannot accommodate others as normal people who simply behave in different ways and thus can be left alone. Such minds may even consider females as own dumb possession and not as another person having own senses, feelings and intellect.

A fanatic mind can never think of allowing freedom to 'his own' females. To him, other males are outside his tolerance limit. Even a look from other males at 'his' own females would make him upset with envy and anger. What wonderful state of mind all created by himself ! And unwittingly he has trapped himself into this state. No one else is responsible. No one else actually knows that this guy is designing his mind in such a way.

The fanatic thinks that the other people who behave differently than him are responsible for his anger. Actually, it is his own confused / trapped mind that makes others appear as bad that makes him angry. Just tell the mind that others might behave differently and that is perfectly normal, even if not as wise as himself, the anger would not occur in his mind at all and he would get peace of mind instead of pieces of body! This is simple psychology.  

These fanatic males spend their entire life wondering about the other males especially the better ones than himself and keeping sleepless watch on all females around... what they do... what they say... what they think.... Do they look at other males? Do they talk to other males? Do they touch other males even by accident? Now the mind starts boiling and the fanatic reaches for the gun.

What miserable lives the fanatics lead. They blow the fuse and get angry at the drop of a hat. Their minds are made narrow all by themselves with the help of some doctrines which cannot accept things alien to their own cultivated belief. If 'his' female makes a sound bite which he does not like, he thinks she is not obedient. Procedures to make her obedient follow! The females curse inwardly and try to cope up with the weird ways of their available male companions as they are not allowed to make own choices or live with the males whom they like or at least tolerate !

The basic problem with fanatic males is the lack of self confidence, even though they try to behave as if they indeed are confident. You ask a fanatic if he is confident, the reply would be a perplexed grin or threat. This is the evidence that they are not self confident. To tide over this handicap, they try to scare others by words and deeds. Finally they evolve into full blown terrorists.

Self confidence can be attained only through education and by cooperating / interacting with others. Fanatics generally avoid others especially the ones they think are better than him and can open their minds only with other fanatics. Some sort of she males, these fanatics are, even though they try to imagine and posture themselves as superior to even the best males around. The reason for all these behaviour is to attract and keep the females to him. Nothing else whatsoever! They try to belittle other males by inflating the minor ignorable weaknesses or by projecting them in bad light.

To repeat, most fanatics are female addicts. If you happen to see a non womanising fanatic all alone, just run for your lives covering your ass ! He can be a homosexual ! Worse, he can be one who specialises in bestiality (one who uses birds and animals to release libido)! As per available information, those animals and birds which fit into the predator’s acceptable size are zeroed in by such researchers. Those birds and animals which can talk – eg parrots- are spared. But Dogs, Goats and sheep, donkey and even pigs (may be after a thorough washing, I have no hands on experience) are reportedly at the receiving end.

Women, being simple and straight forward, become suckers to such males (no pun intended) attributing divine powers on these males as there is no sex in the eyes of such males on seeing females!  She does not see the animals and turkey farms he keeps behind the house.

Fanatics belong to all religions. The common thread in their habits is the uncontrolled sex drive. They hunt in packs. They may not hesitate to kill. An old Hindu fanatic might have proposed to a bereaving young widow for free sex. On refusal, he might have invented the 'Sati' (widow in husband's pyre) procedure. If I cant have it none else should ! This is the universal theory of fanatics!

I wonder why mosquitoes, bed bugs and fanatics were created in this world ! With out them it is far more comfortable to sleep !

Having somewhat understood the fanatics, lets proceed to how to deal with them.

The solution is actually quite simple. In fact all major problems have amazingly simple solutions. (However, if you are / have a problem, just consult the nearby fanatic. I am not busy but prefer peace). The solution lies with the females whom the fanatics cannot avoid to relieve themselves (either under cover of darkness with a kerchief covering the head or the legal daylight rape of the wedded or bought female).

Other females may standby for further instructions for now.

The said females whom the fanatics keep, have to realise that there is no escape from this bondage and what is best for the occasion is to try to enjoy to the hilt than crying about the spilt milk. As long as the females resist or show displeasure, the fanatics get aroused, as 'conquering' a resisting female adds to feathers in the scalp of fanatics.  

In civil societies these heroes get to count the bars in no time. But we have criminal societies too where those acts shunned by the civil society are lauded by the latter. People are different you know.

So females destined to service these fanatics should condition their minds by removing all hatred towards them. Instead the females should cultivate acceptance and pretend love. The captured woman eagerly awaiting the fanatic tormentor is unbelievable story to everyone concerned. But females may have to just do precisely that to get out of this vicious circle.

A female asking for more sex is the pin prick prescribed to puncture and deflate the fanatic’s beliefs. After the routine sex (which was bearable / unbearable / barely bearable / bearing / unbearing as the case may be as deemed fit), the females may wake up and remember this message.  JUST ASK FOR ANOTHER ROUND OF LOVE MAKING ! (There is a more effective way of putting it in slang. But this is decent language).

The fanatics would raise to the occasion (no pun intended) as the situation demands it. In his mind several rounds of the AK 47 might flash (again no pun intended). The females on the other hand should just take it lying down (no pun intended) and should not feel bad about his one-upmanship attitude (no pun intended). Just enjoy round after round until the ammunition runs out (no pun intended). The fanatic lover should be allowed to get up only after he is thoroughly run out exhausted or unable to stand up without her help or when the sun rises and before others wake up and find them in compromising positions.

This amended procedure can continue for a few days. In case the fanatic develops some doubt on the sudden interest by his female on him, the female may convince him about his powers especially compared to his major enemy (he would have many).

After a few days of this sexercise, the fanatic's intellect, which was practically defunct until then, would suddenly come alive and start working ! The very thought of female would make him squirm and think of recharging or reloading the Guns rather than the usual polishing procedures (No pun intended).

The bruised females can further aggravate the bruised male ego by comparing himself with Film stars or cricketers or six pack ab neighbour and urge him to out do all other males that the female can imagine. Let the firing continue dedicated for each desirable male that the female can remember and mention to the fanatic ! Let him pump (iron) or eat (mutton) to outsmart the better males ! The female should be ready at all times to milk the fanatic to the last drop (no pun intended) and LO ! The job is finally done. You can rest now dear female. The world is saved by your sacrifice. You have just mentally decapitated a fanatic who could have become a potential terrorist if you had shown dislike or unwillingness to accommodate him ! This is simple psychology. Do make good use of it.  

Those who pass the test are not die hard (no pun intended) fanatics. They are good men who just happened to be in the company of confused fanatics. Original die hard fanatics may find no time for other nefarious activities as satisfying his new found loving female becomes far more interesting than hiding in the stinking sewage canal and spending mosquito bitten sleepless vigil on the police. Thus the fanatics would melt away and become loving husbands and fathers than exploding themselves in the markets anticipating willing females in the next birth. Problem solved !

All females can try this at home. Looking forward to the results.


‘Elephant God’ - Vinayak Chathurthi

Any idea why Vinayak Chathurthi is celebrated by Hindus? Most Hindus would shake their heads. It is a story to drive in a lesson that “pride goes before a fall”.

Hindu mythology adopts the way of story telling to clarify a point or convey a message. Thus the moon is characterised as a handsome prince obviously because it is good looking. Similarly water (Varun - a king who can probably take many shapes for example), Air (Vayu – which can move very fast), the earth (as a mother), the sun (as a ferocious king wearing glittering ornaments or so) etc are so characterised if they are part of a story or a message to be conveyed. Now that is the way the Hindu mythological stories are explained. These are no dead entities but alive in their own way. This is the limitation of language and not actually the problem of Hindu mythology itself. So understand them that way only. Understand the message or moral of the story and leave the characters. Not the other way round as sceptics do.

One day Vinayak alias Ganapathi (Elephant God of Hindu mythology) was sitting with his two wives under a tree in a moon lit night.

Distraction. Yes. Hindu Gods do have multiple wives. Even the Hindu lord Rama’s father had three wives. Shiva has two. Krishna had 16008. How many?! Relax. It does not matter. These are not real wives, but just euphemisms to convey some message. Those who do not get the message can giggle at their risk and lose the meaning for life.

Hindus blaming Muslims for multiple wives can only be hypocrisy of the jealous Hindus ! Given a chance, Hindus may marry one extra than the Muslims. Even five star foods every day may be boring in the long run. Thattukada is cheap, I mean affordable, fresh and served hot. Chinna veedu is a safety valve.
To continue the story, while Ganapati was sitting with his wives, the handsome moon prince with all glory and charm passed by with his thousands of admiring beauties (stars). In those days the moon was always full. Now do not ask questions. Read the story first. Questions later.

Now Vinayak is not exactly a handsome figure (even though many feel amused and some females even feel divine motherhood thinking of him as an elephant headed baby !) and Moon was one indeed. The elephant head, the fat body and the round stomach (how did he take square meals ?) etc are not exactly in the lines of a Hritvik Roshan or a Sharukh Khan or a Sylvester Stallone (names just to cover major religions to avoid claims) with six pack abs.

When the handsome moon, with the fan stars dancing around, spotted Ganapati with two wives, the moon just could not help not laughing. This laugh probably meant two things.

1). Hey funny looking fat guy. Just look at my beauty!

2). If your wives accidentally see me then they might also become my admirers leaving you high and dry!

Or something similar. Not very polite I guess. Indecent for sure.

Ganapati got angry and cursed the moon.

"You are proud of your beauty. Let that vanish !"

The moon immediately lost the brightness and suddenly became a black disk ! His admirers left him and found the next brightest star (may be planet Venus) as the brightest instead of the moon who has now become invisible !

The moon was totally devastated. He became jealous of the Venus, who was nowhere near his own brightness in hey days. Everyone despised the moon. None bothered about him or could even see him let alone admire his beauty.

The moon realised the mistake and prayed to Ganapati for forgiveness. Ganapati modified the curse (Just like the Babus modify the circulars !) and said. "You caused pain to others and deserved the punishment. Now as per your prayer, you can have your full glory on one day (full moon) where you would feel proud which would lead to your gradual downfall to a total black out on another day. There you would repent and gradually regain the glory. This cycle would repeat until the vision is balanced".

So we have the moon of our times with ups and downs! Full on one day. Null on another. Part in between !

Now the moral of the story:

Do not ridicule someone by considering him as lower than oneself. If we do then we have to go through ups and downs in own life. Have a balanced vision and treat all as equal then one would be able to treat happiness and misery with equal weight. Those who do not have balanced vision try to enhance the happiness and avoid misery. Discrimination or condemnation of another individual can be on various criteria in real life. For example...

1). Better looking ones looking down upon those lacking finish.

2). Strong ones bullying weak ones.

3). Rich ones pitying poor ones.

4). Intelligent one laughing at lesser ones.

5). Middle finger laughing at the little finger.

6). Elephant which creates garbage looking down at a pig which clears garbage.

Any such extrapolation can be done based on the physical appearances and qualities.  So this happens in this world even now with most people. This story was written 5000 years back but is still valid! This story is timeless. It would be valid until the last ego bows out from the planet.

Hindus fast on that day of Vinayak Chathurthi (Resentment of elephant god to moon) and do not look at the moon. The purpose of such fasting? Most do not know what they are doing! God pls do not forgive them ! No problem for fasting for one day ! Pot bellies may practice fasting on alternate days ! The deity for whom the Hindus fast, likes to eat than fast ! Any contradiction observed?

It is difficult to have a balanced vision. But it pays to practice to have one. Because that is the only way to harmonise with the universal mind and peek into God’s secret abode. And that is the lesson of Vinayak Chathurthi !

Now does some religion claim to have better stories? This is also discrimination...between teachings... unfortunately. All religions have good teachings at the core. Those who follow the core do not argue over it. Those who relish at the frills are actually scared of the core. It is comfortable for them to remain in the dark.

Isn't it plain and simple to understand?

OK. Now what does a normal Hindu do on that day?

Depending on the amount of wealth that they have (doesn't matter black, white or colour), they may arrange for the most lavish Ganapati sculpture and ceremonies. The costliest priest is flown down from Tirupati (or wherever). All these while his neighbour is starving or finding difficult to buy the books for his children or pay hospital bill. Do you think he has got the Ganesh Chathurthi balanced vision message?

He would continue to discriminate between the poor and rich  because it suits his attitude to life. What creates hell? The discriminatory views of human beings. In the nature, human beings, animals, plants, insects, fishes, trees in short all living organisms when living in harmony sees everything else with the same loving eyes. God looks at the universe in that way. It is like the sun light covering all over earth the same way. This is the universal view.

If God can do so can we ! Because we are a part of God. In fact this should be our attitude towards God. As one’s dear loving dad ! Praying to some unknown entity with fear and guilt is out of fashion now. It has played out its use. That ritual was introduced by male chauvinists to scare women and weak males to submission and exploitation. If you are really worthy of a son, one can think of God as own Dad. Else as someone else’s dad. Dad all the same.

When everyone practices this balanced view, then this earth would become paradise. Earth is already a paradise. Only issue is the man creating barriers and treating some as different and looking down upon them.


Adam’s first wife Lilith

Everyone knows Eve was Adam's wife. But this is wrong. Hidden by the church for an indecent purpose. Do you want to know the truth?

The name of Adam's original wife is Lilith. Both were created by God from clay. Now notice carefully. Both were created from clay. Means they were equally created by God. This is the original Bible story. But we are used to Eve as Adam's wife. Never heard of Lilith. Because the church did not want that story to get published.

For both Adam and Lilith only one bed was given. Osho laughs at this stupidity of God as visualised by the church. He says "If you create two people, then create two beds too. That is a fair arrangement. But this God of Church even though capable of creating the universe in 7 days flat, could not provide another cot to the couple". Either ignorance or with purpose.

Both Adam and Lilith were equal in all respects including physical strength. When Adam came back from the Eden gardens, he foud Lilith blissfully asleep. Adam was tired. He also wanted to sleep. There was no space for two. There was a quarrel. As Vodafone comedy stars sometimes demonstrate, the hubby was beaten up black and blue.

Sometimes women behave like that when there is no other option. I had seen one in Kolkata at the fully crowded Kidderpore market. One woman was carrying a fish load on head. A push cart pulled by a man touched her and she lost balance. She became so furious that she elbowed the man on his ribs. What happened next? he was stunned. He was after all a male. He wanted to pretend that it was nothing. He tried to hold his breath. His face started wobbling in pain. He let out a cry and collapsed unconscious. the mental pain would have been more than the physical one.

Adam could not stand this. He went cryng to God and complained about his wife Lilith.

Osho quips here. "Now what would the God do? Making another bed is the easiest solution. But you know what God did according to old bible? God killed his first daughter Lilith in her sleep ! How unbecoming of a God !"

Donot ask questions now. Obviously these stories are made by male chauvinists who imagine and create a God of their own male qualities and like to look down at women and treat her as a sex slave with no personality or identity. A mere female body with a few humps and holes for the males to enjoy.

Now Adam could sleep all alone in the bed. But slowly he felt lonely and afraid. He wanted a female partner. But not an equal and dominating one as Lilith. He requested God of his desire. Then God  created Eve from his rib when he was asleep !

Now watch again. Eve was created from Adam's rib indicating that Eve is nferior or dependent on Adam ! This is the fang that Church hides. It is a male chauvinist socio-political organisation to downgrade women. Treating women equal would make the females sit on the male's head ! After all the women know what this Purushakesari would do once he is back home after talking himself big at the market.

Some intelligent females did not succumb to the hegemony of the church and the male domination in clergy. They were branded as witches who make love with Satan and burned alive by the church and the jealous male clergy fearful of getting exposed.

Times have passed. Women are equal in Christain societies now. When Assange was chargesheeted on sexual offences, the charges were made by the females. One was that " He did not use a condom !". May raise the eyebrows if the do not arise automatically. The other was " The condom  was substandard and was torn during the act !" Drop the jaw if it has not dropped already. What does this mean. It indicates the level of security and rights available to the prostitutes in Europe. This is truly appreciable.

Even the other day a 17 year old girl was raped by 4 self respecting Hindu Purushakeasaris and burned her alive thereafter to destroy evidence. They know very well how to stalk and pounce on hapless females and blame herself for that. AK - 47 with licence to kill.



Why are we born and what are we supposed to do? All might have asked this question at least once in their life time. This is an attempt to clarify as per my knowledge and experiences.
Life is the continuous blessing of God. One takes birth in a particular shape or form depending on the pent up desires and quality of mind at the time of one’s death. As explaining the reason for birth etc is more complicated, let us see what decides births.
The present activities of one decides the next course of action of oneself and the others. That way even the action of the smallest member of this world, lets say an amoeba or a bacteria can change the entire course of the world. How? Lets say a bacteria gets attached to the body of a man and gets multiplied there. As per modern science, the person may get ill which would affect the family. The person is taken to the hospital. Thus others are affected and it creates a small ripple in this apparently huge world. This ripple would propagate and might subside or gather momentum according to the prevailing circumstances thus having the potential to change the entire course of the world.
So each member of this world is very important. Yes. That beggar on the street can change the course of the world.
If a beggar dreams loudly that “God give me the poshest house which I desire so deeply”, do not laugh at him ! His wish is a command in this world and would be honoured in time. Yes in TIME. This time may take its own time which is another issue. Therefore the grant of the wish may be spontaneous (which is very remote if there are several such wishes and posh houses are in short supply !) or may take a life time or beyond. I am right now interested in this ‘beyond’ part. Yes there is a part of life which is beyond this one.
If one is very much interested in food (you can see many such foodies around. Due to their sizes it is not very difficult to spot them !), and if one dies that way with the dream / wish of having tons of food, he / she is likely to be reborn as a …you guessed right …a pig! A pig has no choice. It can feed from fresh vegetables and fruits to garbage and you know what..YUK ! OK. The taste or quality of the food of pigs vis a vis the humans is not the subject of discussion here.
Similarly a beautiful woman lets say miss universe might have been an ugly one in last birth but might have done such good deeds to have the present form today. Again if that same beautiful woman decides to throw her beauty around thus causing split families or marriages or trauma for the lesser endowed ones, then she might be heading to become a not so desirable one next. Or become a man who would suffer etc. Those who ill treat women may kindly note. This is not the end of the story. Life follows after death. You keep several women as sex slaves today with money or power or black mail and you could become a female in the next birth and get ditched by your man or get raped brutally by the same women who might have now changed shapes by then. So be careful in what you do !
Some one too much interested in sex, can thus be reborn as a Donkey, which is said to be only interested in that activity !  (No degrading meant for the donkey here. Only citing an example just to understand. Take it that way only. Animal activists please excuse !)
So the options of rebirth depends on your present actions. You take a gun and kill a few around under some pretext. You could be reborn as an insect or a worm which cannot see and get stamped by the passers by to pulp, without giving you time to wish for a better life !

So what should we do today? We are here because of our past actions. If you correct them here itself , then you can have a better form and life next. You be jealous of a prosperous neighbour and do black magic to trap him, and you are heading for a lesser form next.
Non vegetarians please note. You kill an animal / bird today and eat it for taste, the roles can change vice versa next. So you eat a goat today and the goat would become you and you could become the goat and again eating would take place, this time vice versa ! This eating cycle would continue until the eater and the eaten face each other and ask “ brother why are we eating one another over and over again? And then that cycle would snap and another would begin. That is not the end of the story either. Cycles after cycles that is life. We are following different cycles. One in a particular cycle might think the others are stupid or doing weird things. Shhhh. Keep that observation to yourself. You do not know what he is following. And he / she / it follows its own cycle, that is the unending path of actions and results. Do not judge anyone. Just follow your own cycle and try to come out of that. That is what one should do. For example, bring up a good family, love the family members, take care of them and then you are doing your Dharma, the right action. You can do an Adharma (wrong action) and face the consequences as well. The choice is yours and yours only. You are only responsible for your actions. So better do good things and leave the others alone. Do not even guide them, for if you do that then you are partly responsible for what he does also and you also get entangled in another cycle not of your choice or the one that you actually deserve. So think before you do anything. These are precious decisions, mind you ! All the best !!



It may be interesting if a Christian out there can file a suit against the church for making him to 'believe that Jesus died for our sins' which is creating problems in the psyche. confusion, guilt and fear in mind and the church is liable to pay damages for the sin feeling and insecurity created by treating the natural normal sex drive in living beings in bad light and the natural tendency of human mind to look for the best partner around to create the best off springs as adultery. Because of the teachings of the church the mind keeps hovering around the cross symbol and images of the devil and it is all the fault of the church !

The church would run after the complainant to withdraw the suit which is far easier to do than answering the inconvenient questions. Such shock treatments are periodically required to wake up the priests (who know no useful meaningful job) wasting time to control the naturally innocent people and confusing their minds. Christians accept modern science so they can understand. Once the church falls in line, others would follow suit to match.

Look at the infants. If we just allow them to grow without telling them anything about God and religions, but only a few basic things only such as;

1). We get heat and light from the sun,
2). Plants and trees make food from air water and sunlight and they are to be protected and given food and water in off seasons to keep growing quality food.
3). All living things are siblings and hence treat even the animals with kindness and love,
4), Do not hurt any living thing and if you do by accident take responsibility of that error and not just feeling guilty and doing nothing.
5).Water, air and earth are to be kept pollution free,
6) Study about the human body, cultivation for food, transport vehicles, products required for human consumption , languages to communicate and express and learn the skills to operate the different systems and products.
7); Play games, swim and run a lot so that the bodies become healthy
8). Go all around the world and see the different places, the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the deserts, the islands. It is all yours !
9). Establish a good food chain of production, storage and distribution system/
10). Do not be afraid of anything whatsoever.

Children hearing these and nothing about God and religion or prophets and founders of religions would naturally grow into loving fearless great universal citizens. No super humans. Ask them to believe in something and be fearful, their growth is clipped. Those remain as humans become priests and politicians. Others /become sheep ! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Help !

Have we reached the stage into the next level of human growth namely 'beyond religions' and humanity as the only religion? If we haven't, do not worry. Growth is still further away. Celebrate life. Free humanity by grinding all religious beliefs to pulp which has done enough to divide people.

Once the church agrees to accept some corrections, other religions would follow.

Any takers? This suit against the church would become world famous. The suitor is going to be over night celebrity. Church will not kill. They are better. They may only threaten or bribe to withdraw! Relax. Lets have some fun? Any volunteers to file the suit?